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Last active July 23, 2018 17:00
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Increase pagespeed on custom wordpress themes by injecting minified css and js into the html. Then minify the html. Place in functions.php
/* Deregister jQuery and enqueue main scripts
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function scripts() {
wp_deregister_script( 'wp-embed' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'scripts' );
/* Inject minified style.css in the head
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Takes the style.css and injects a minified version of it into the <head>. Increases pagespeed on google's light house audit.
// You will need to create a php file called _css.php and put it in a folder called speed in your theme directory.
// Make sure to remove the link to the style.css in the head, since we dont need it anymore.
add_action( 'wp_head', 'merge_css' );
function merge_css() {
// Get current theme name
$theme = wp_get_theme();
// Initialize variable we will store all of our css in
$mergedCSS = '';
// Do stuff with third party css
// Grab all of the css files in the /css folder
$cssFiles = glob(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/css/*.css');
// Loop through each file and keep appending its contents to the $mergedCSS variable.
// Basically store the content of all css files into the $mergedCSS variable.
foreach($cssFiles as $file) {
$mergedCSS .= file_get_contents($file);
// Do stuff with style.css
// Replace 'url' in the css with the full path, needed when injected into the head
$styles = file_get_contents( get_stylesheet_directory().'/style.css' );
$styles = str_replace( "images", "/wp-content/themes/$theme->template/images", $styles );
// Dont use if linking in google fonts
$styles = str_replace( "fonts", "/wp-content/themes/$theme->template/fonts", $styles );
// Add style.css to $mergedCSS
$mergedCSS .= $styles;
// Minify the css
$mergedCSS = preg_replace('!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $mergedCSS);
$mergedCSS = str_replace(': ', ':', $mergedCSS);
$mergedCSS = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' '), '', $mergedCSS);
// Place the minified css into _css.php and inject into header.
// Using .php just incase we need to put php (acfs) into our stylesheet.
file_put_contents( get_stylesheet_directory().'/speed/_css.php', $mergedCSS );
// Print it -> will end up in the head because of add action wp_head
echo '<style>';
include_once get_stylesheet_directory().'/speed/_css.php';
echo '</style>';
/* Inject minified js files in the footer
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Takes all third party js files and injects them into the footer. Increases pagespeed on google's light house audit.
// You will need to create a js file called _js.js and put it in a folder called speed in your theme directory.
// Make sure to remove the links to these js files and deregister jQuery (see top of this file), since we dont need them anymore.
// If you are getting errors check this out:
// Also be careful of the order of the javascript files, `glob` grabs them in alphabetical order. If the order in which you
// declare your javascript matters, either rename your files to be in alphabetical order or manually declare your array instead of using `glob`
// If you are using gravity forms make sure to include the js files needed. Each functionality adds a new script (ex: datepicker.js)
// I've included the main ones we use alot. If you arent using gravity forms, delete lines 84 to 94.
// Lastly, include JSMin.php into your speed folder, download here:
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'merge_js' );
function merge_js() {
// Include the js minifier
include(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/speed/JSMin.php');
// Initialize variable to store js into with jQuery since some scripts depend on it
$mergedJs = file_get_contents(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/js/jquery/jquery.js');
$gravityFiles = array(
// Loop through each gravity forms file and keep appending its contents to the $mergedJs variable.
foreach ($gravityFiles as $gravityFormJsFile) {
$mergedJs .= file_get_contents($gravityFormJsFile);
// Grab all of the js files in the /js folder
$files = glob(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/js/*.js');
// Loop through each js file and keep appending its contents to the $js variable.
foreach($files as $file) {
$mergedJs .= file_get_contents($file);
// Minify the final js
$mergedJs = JSMin::minify($mergedJs);
// Store the contents of the $mergedJs variable into _js.js
file_put_contents(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/speed/_js.js', $mergedJs);
// Print it -> will end up in the footer because of add action wp_footer
echo '<script>';
include_once get_stylesheet_directory().'/speed/_js.js';
echo '</script>';
// If you want cacheing use this instead of echo/include above. Slower initial load but faster future loads
// $path = get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/speed/_js.js';
// echo '<script src='. $path .'></script>';
/* Minify Html
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Minifies the HTML
// Download 'html-compressor.php' from and include it into the speed folder
require get_stylesheet_directory() . '/speed/html-compressor.php';
function wp_html_compressor()
function wp_html_compressor_main($data)
return html_compress($data);
add_action('get_header', 'wp_html_compressor');
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