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Colin Fleming cursive-ide

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cursive-ide / translation.txt
Created October 24, 2024 14:11
File translation prompt from my Conj 2024 talk
Follow these steps when translating code to Kotlin:
1. Analyze the source code to understand its structure and functionality.
2. Identify language-specific constructs or idioms in the source language that may need special attention when translating to Kotlin.
3. Translate the code to Kotlin, ensuring that you:
a. Use Kotlin's syntax and language features appropriately.
b. Maintain the original code's functionality and logic.
c. Apply Kotlin best practices and idioms where applicable.
d. Preserve the overall structure and organization of the code when possible.
4. Add comments to explain any significant changes or decisions made during the translation process.
cursive-ide /
Created October 24, 2024 02:42
Transcript of implementing Caveman tutorial using Claude


Let's add an example.main namespace in src, which just has a main function that prints hello world.


I'll create a new Clojure namespace with a main function in the src directory.

(ns example.main)
cursive-ide / nodes.clj
Created September 16, 2024 14:52
Example creating custom seeker nodes for Malli exceptions
(ns nodes
(:refer-clojure :exclude [format])
(:require [malli.core :as m]
[ :as v]
[malli.error :as me]))
(defn node [params & children]
(tagged-literal 'cursive/node
(assoc params :children (remove nil? children))))
(ns cursive.llm.api.malli-repro
(:require [ :as json]
[clojure.string :as str]
[malli.core :as m]
[malli.transform :as mt]))
(defn decode-type
"This is required for decoding :type fields, otherwise they are not
converted and don't dispatch properly."
cursive-ide / output.txt
Created July 27, 2021 06:13
nREPL testing
Loading src/nrepl_tests/src.clj... done
(let [server (start-server :port 7888)]
(test-on 7888)
(stop-server server))))
; These are responses from the CLJ version
cursive-ide / bad.bytecode.txt
Last active January 17, 2019 23:44
Clojure JDI problem bytecode before & after
Classfile /Users/colin/dev/cursive-2099/classes/cursive_2099/core$_main.class
Last modified 18/01/2019; size 1271 bytes
MD5 checksum f74ca1f9fccde176d30524a628eaa1ee
Compiled from "core.clj"
public final class cursive_2099.core$_main extends clojure.lang.RestFn
minor version: 0
major version: 52
Constant pool:
#1 = Utf8 cursive_2099/core$_main
; Before
(defn light-keys [symbol language]
(let [states (light.resolve/resolve-states (psi/containing-file symbol) language)]
(loop [current (psi/parent symbol)] ; <- infinite loop if current is nil
(if-let [state (get states current)] ; because psi/parent nil puns
(light.resolve/resolve-keys symbol state)
(if (psi/file? (psi/parent current))
(recur (first (filter psi/significant? (psi/prev-siblings current)))) ; <- first can return nil
(recur (psi/parent current)))))))
~/d/c/jitpack> lein deps :tree
Retrieving com/github/SquidPony/SquidLib/squidlib/-v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39/squidlib--v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39.pom from jitpack
Retrieving com/github/SquidPony/SquidLib/squidlib-parent/-v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39/squidlib-parent--v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39.pom from jitpack
Retrieving com/github/SquidPony/SquidLib/squidlib-util/-v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39/squidlib-util--v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39.pom from jitpack
Retrieving com/badlogicgames/gdx/gdx/1.9.2/gdx-1.9.2.pom from central
Retrieving com/badlogicgames/gdx/gdx-parent/1.9.2/gdx-parent-1.9.2.pom from central
Retrieving com/github/SquidPony/SquidLib/squidlib/-v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39/squidlib--v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39.jar from jitpack
Retrieving com/github/SquidPony/SquidLib/squidlib-util/-v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39/squidlib-util--v3.0.0-b3-g386143b-39.jar from jitpack
Retrieving com/badlogicgames/gdx/gdx/1.9.2/gdx-1.9.2.jar from central
[clojure-complete "0.2.4" :exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]]
cursive-ide / gist:593ee7421e765d1b0dba
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
Cursive Macroexpander
The other new feature is an interactive macroexpander. It requires a REPL to perform
the actual expansion, with the current namespace loaded into it. Start by executing
Tools->REPL->View Macro Expansion. This will select the nearest surrounding macro
form and display it in a popup window. You can move the cursor anywhere within the
form and either click the right arrow in the toolbar or use Ctrl/Cmd-right - this
will expand the nearest surrounding macro form and all forms above it up to the
top displayed form - the cursor will be left at the start of the innermost form
that was actually expanded. Give it a try, it’s less confusing than it sounds!
There are also various controls in the toolbar for various sorts of prettification -
you can show and hide metadata, tidy up referred vars and imported classes etc. This
cursive-ide / parsing.clj
Created August 29, 2014 23:35
Cursive parsing lib example
; Parsers are defined like this - this this for the core.typed defprotocol
(defn binder []
(vector (alt (symbol :into :bindings)
(vector (symbol :into :bindings)))))
(defn type-decl []
(all (keyword :matching :-)
(any :into :types)
(opt (alt (symbol :matching '*
:into :no-resolve)