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Last active January 29, 2018 22:28
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Use R to kill tasks on Windows
# install (if applicable)
# install.packages(c("dplyr",
# "processx",
# "purrr",
# "readr"))
# libraries
# list of applications to kill
kill_list <- c(
# the below calls out to the operating system and runs
# the command "tasklist /fo csv" on the Windows command line
# its standard output -- what is printed on the screen --
# is captured and stored as a string within the list element named stdout
# stdout is then separated as a single character vector and piped into
# the read_csv function from readr
# the final result is a dataframe with the output from the tasklist command
# %>% and %$% are from either dplyr or purrr
task_list <- processx::run(commandline = "tasklist /fo csv") %$%
stdout %>%
# filter the dataframe to just those tasks in the list above
# note the need for backquotes (``) for the column name as it contains
# and embedded space
tasks_to_kill <- task_list %>%
dplyr::filter(`Image Name` %in% kill_list)
# function for printing out the commands that will be run
print_task <- function(x) {
paste0("taskkill /f / pid ", x) %>% print()
# print out what is about to be performed
# extract out the PID column from the dataframe
# and pass each value of PID into the print_task function
# walk is used for iteratively applying a function that has
# side effects to each element in a list
tasks_to_kill %$%
PID %>%
# callback = simply echo the line back out
# using a callback is better than using the echo option within
# processx::run as it will not throw R errors but simply
# print out the standard error to the console
cb <- function(line, proc) {
cat(line, "\n")
# function to actually kill a task
kill_task <- function(x) {
processx::run(commandline = paste0("taskkill /f /pid ", x),
error_on_status = FALSE,
stdout_line_callback = cb,
stderr_line_callback = cb)
# iterate over all the tasks to kill, killing each one by one
tasks_to_kill %$%
PID %>%
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