Training: A Cloud Guru
41 Lessions & 5 Hours of video
- Introduction 06:25
- Cloud Concepts & Technology 04:46:24
- Billing & Pricing 01:11:28
- Security in the Cloud 26:02
- Mega Quiz
- Summary & Good luck! 02:44
Exam Cost: $100
Exam Guide: here
Exam Domain
- Cloud Concepts 28%
- Define the AWS Cloud and its value proposition
- Identify aspects of AWS Cloud economics
- List the different cloud architecture design principles
- Security 24%
- Define the AWS Shared Responsibility model
- Define AWS Cloud security and compliance concepts
- Identify AWS access management capabilities
- Identify resources for security support
- Technology 36%
- Define methodsof deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud
- Define the AWS global infrastructure
- Identify the core AWS services
- Identify resources for technology support
- Billing & Pricing 12%
- Compare and contrast the various pricing models for AWS
- Recognize the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing
- Identify resources available for billing support
White Papers:
Overview of Amazon Web Services
Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices
How AWS Pricing Works
The total cost of (non) ownership of web applications in the cloud
Compare AWS Support Plans
6 advantages of cloud computing
- trade capital expense (data centers and servers) for varaible expense ( consumption of computing resources )
- Benefit from massive economies of scale ( cant compete with aws purchasing power )
- Stop guessing about capacity
- Increase speed and agility ( ability to easily get Minimum Viable Product up fast and easily )
- Stop spending money running and maintaining data center ( let someone else manage that for you. eg aws )
- Go global in minutes ( deploy in multiple regions around the world )
3 types of cloud computing
- Infrastructire As A Service ( IAAS )
- Platform As A Service ( PAAS )
- Software As A Service ( SAAS )
3 types of cloud computing deployments
- public (eg. aws, azure, google, etc.)
- Hybrid ( mixture of public and private )
- private cloud or on premise ( you manage it in your data center )
Know the difference between a region, availability zone (AZ) and an Edge Location
- Think of availability zone's ( AZ ) as data-centers
- A region is a geographical area. Each region consists of two or more AZ's
- Edge location are endpoints for aws which are used for caching content. ( Think Cloudfront, which is the AWS CDN )
AWS Support packages
- basic (free)
- developer ( $29/mo. )
- business ( $100/mo. )
- enterprise ( $15k/mo. and gets a technical account manager )
Access AWS Platform in 3 ways
aws [...options] help
Identity Access Management ( IAM )
- IAM is global, you do not specify a region. Users and groups created are created globally
- Root account is the email address you used to setup AWS account.
- A group is a place to store users. All users will inherit permissions of the group.
- Set permissions in a group by assigning policies.
- roles are universal. no need to specify region.
Billing Alarm
Simple Storage Service ( S3 )
- object-based storage ( doc, pic, audio, video )
- objects consist of key-value pair { name: data }, versionID, metadata and subresources.
- unlimited Storage
- buckets are S3 folders, files stored can be from 0B - 5TB
- s3 is a universal namespace
- s3 url format https://s3-{REGION}{BUCKET}
- successful uploads will return HTTP 200
- s3 consistency
- new objects are able to read after writing to S3
- updated or deleted objects will take some time to change
- built for 99.99% availability but will only garantee 99.9%. although amazon garantees 99.999999999% (11x9) durability for S3 information.
- s3 storage classes
- s3 standard
- s3 infrequently accessed - accessed less frequently but requires rapid access when needed
- s3 one zone infrequently accessed - IA but do not require multiple availability zones
- s3 Intelligent tiering - automatically moves data to the most cost-effective access tier
- s3 glacier - data archiving
- s3 glacier deep archive - retrieval time of 12 hours is okay
- you can use bucket policies to make entire s3 buckets public
- you can use s3 to host static websites
- s3 scales automatically to meed demand.
aws s3 ls
aws s3 mb s3://{bucket_name}
aws s3 cp {local_file} s3://{path}/{to}/{bucket}
- amazon's content delivery network
- edge locations are where the content will be cached
- edge locations are not just read only, you can write to them too ( s3 transfer accelleration ).
- origin is the orgin of all the files that the cdn will distribute
- distribution is the name we give the cdn which consists of a collection of edge locations
- web distribution is typically used for websites
- rtmp is used for media streaming
- objects are cached for the life of the TTL ( time to live )
- you can clear cached objects but you will be charged
Elastic Compute Cloud ( EC2 )
- virtual server in cloud
- deployed by region
- ec2 pricing models
- on demand, pay by hour or second
- reserved, locked into contract
- spot, you bid a price. Server boots up or down based on your bid price
- spot, if server is terminated because it went below bid and aws termiates you will not be charged for partial usage.
- spot, if you terminate the server, you will be charged for any hour the instance ran.
- dedicated host, physical ec2 server dedicated for your use
- ec2 instance types
- fight dr mcpxz (McPixie)
- f for FPGA
- i for IOPS
- g for graphics
- h for high disk throughput
- t for t.2. cheap general purpose
- d for density
- r for ram
- m for main choice general purpose apps
- c for compute
- p for picture ( graphics )
- x for extreme memory
- z for z-factor. extreme memory and cpu
- you can apply roles to ec2 instances at any time. changes are immediate
aws ec2 describe-instances
Elastic BeanStalk ( EBS )
- ebs is the virtual disks that the virtual server runs from
- a security group is essentially virtual firewall
- ec2 common ports
- ssh port 22
- microsoft rdp 3389
- http / https work on port 80 and 443
- two different types: ssd and magnetic
- ssd
- general purpose ssd ( GP2 )
- provisioned iops ssd ( IO1 )
- magnetic
- throughput optimized hdd ( ST1 )
- cold HDD ( SC1 )
Elastic Load Balancers
- come in 3 different flavours
- application load balancers, layer 7 OSI model ( make intelligent decisions )
- network load balancers, extreme preformance / static ip addresses
- classic load balancers, test & dev. low cost
aws elb help
aws elbv2 help
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers
aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --load-balancer-arn {aws lb arn}
- oltp, online transaction processing
- olap, online analytics processing, takes a preformance hit. this is why data-warehousing is a thing
Relational Database ( RDS )
aws rds describe-db-instances
aws rds --create-db-instance --engine {mysql, postgres} \
--db-instance-indentifier {mydbinstanceidentifier} \
--db-instance-class {db.t2.micro} \
--allocated-storage {int, number in gigabytes} \
--master-username {username} \
--master-user-password {password}
aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier {identifier}
Non Relational Database ( DynamoDB )
- olap
- amazon's data warehousing service
- this is a scalable webservice for in-memory caching of your most common queries.
- elasicache supports two open-source in memory aching engines
Three drivers of cost are: compute, storage and outbound data transfer.
Compute resources generally are per hour unless you are using a reserved instance.
Data storage and transfer you typically pay per GB.
- The more data you transfer out, the less you pay per GB.
4 pricing models
- On Demand
- Dedicated Instances
- Spot Instances
- Reservations