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Created July 21, 2024 23:38
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This PS script will encrypt all of the files in a target folder to a selected location.
# Sim-PSEncFiles.ps1: Simulate file encrption using PSRemoting
# Purpose: This PS script will encrypt all of the files in a target
# folder to a selected location. The purpose of this script
# is to perform actions similar to the actions performed by
# ransomware. These actions will touch a large number of files,
# create new files with different extension, and encrypt the
# file to a new location. The original file is not modified
# Author: Don C. Weber (cutaway)
# Date: 20240721
# Usage:
# 1. Modify the $targetDir variable with a file name with a lot of files.
# 2. Modify the $destDir variable with location that has enough space
# to save the copied files.
# 3. Run the script using `.\Sim-PSEncFiles.ps1`
# 3a. For PSRemoting run `Invoke-Command -ComputerName <computerName> \
# -ScriptBlock { .\Sim-PSEncFiles.ps1 }`
# 3b. To PSRemote to multiple systems use `$results: Invoke-Command \
# -ComputerName <computerName1> <computerName2> -ScriptBlock { .\Sim-PSEncFiles.ps1 }`
# 3c. Enabling $showHashes will print a hash for each file to show it
# has been saved modified and also to increase CPU utilization.
# Determine if this triggers any EDR or anti-malware solutions
# Add more Methods from Atomic Red Team T1486: Data Encrypted for Impact
# Add support for usernames and passwords for remote systems
# Functions
function Prt-Date {
param ($InStr="Current Time")
Write-Output "$InStr : $currDate"
function Test-FolderExists {
param ($InDir)
# Default to does not exist
$Exists = $false
# Check if the directory exists
if (Test-Path -Path $InDir) {
# If the directory exists, stop the script and display a message
$Exists = $true
return $Exists
function Test-FolderCreate {
param ($InDir)
# Default to does not exist
$Exists = $false
# Check if the directory exists
if (Test-Path -Path $InDir) {
# If the directory exists, stop the script and display a message
$Exists = $true
} else {
# If the directory does not exist, create it
New-Item -Path $InDir -ItemType Directory
return $Exists
# Globals
$Debug = $false
$showHashes = $false
$slowRun = $true
$encIter = 100000
$targetHosts = ''
## Run as a user with the proper privileges
## NOTE: Currently not implemented, run with user with permissions
# $user = ''
# $upwd = ''
$encDepth = 5
$encExt = '.encDaFile'
$encPwd = 'CutSecRocks'
$targetDir = 'C:\Users\cutsec\Documents\Tools'
$destDir = 'C:\Users\cutsec\Downloads\test_enc'
# Methods from Atomic Red Team T1486: Data Encrypted for Impact
# URL:
# For testing: Windows OpenSSL Downloads
## Locate OpenSSL Executable
$opensslPath = (Get-Command openssl.exe1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Source
if ( -Not ( $opensslPath ) ) {
Write-Output "OpenSSL Not Found. Aborting..."
# Start Processing
# Print Starting Time to track run times
if ( $Debug ) { Prt-Date("Starting")}
# Create the directory if it doesn't exists
if ( -Not ( Test-FolderCreate($destDir) ) ) {
Write-Output "Exiting due to Folder Create issue at $destDir"
# Make all of the directories for target
Get-ChildItem -Directory -Recurse -Path $targetDir | ForEach-Object {
# Get the sub folder path for the file and build destination path
$relativePath = $_.FullName.Substring($targetDir.Length)
$destPath = Join-Path -Path $destDir -ChildPath $relativePath
# Create the directory if it doesn't exists
if ( -Not ( Test-FolderCreate($destPath) ) ){
if ( $Debug ) { Write-Output "Exiting due to Folder Create issue at $destPath" }
# Encrypt all files in the directories
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse -Path $targetDir | ForEach-Object {
# Get the sub folder path for the file and build destination path
$relativePath = $_.FullName.Substring($targetDir.Length)
$destPath = Join-Path -Path $destDir -ChildPath $relativePath
$encFile = $destPath + $encExt
if ($Debug ) { Write-Output "Encrypting file: $_.FullName" }
# Slow and Fast run is system dependent. The more iterations the slower the run the more CPU utilization
if ($slowRun){
$encParams = "enc -in ""$($_.FullName)"" -out ""$encFile"" -e -aes256 -iter $encIter -k $encPwd"
$encParams = "enc -in ""$($_.FullName)"" -out ""$encFile"" -e -aes256 -pbkdf2 -k $encPwd"
# Encryption occurs here
& "$opensslPath" $encParams.Split(" ")
if ($showHashes){
$origHash=(Get-FileHash $_.FullName).Hash
Write-Output "$($_.Fullname) : $origHash)"
$newHash=(Get-FileHash $encFile).Hash
Write-Output "$encFile : $newHash"
# Print Finish Time
if ( $Debug ) { Prt-Date("Finished")}
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