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Last active October 4, 2023 19:17
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play radiooooo using a CLI on the command-line terminal

play from the terminal

From the comfort of your desktop computer, would you like to play the lovely sounds of without having to create an account, log in, and open your browser?

An awesome individual, @olshevskiy87, wrote a command-line interface (CLI) for goradiooooo

Paste this bash script in somewhere handy, such as ~/bin/rdio ($HOME/bin/rdio).

mkdir -p "$HOME/bin/";
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"' >> $HOME/.bashrc;

# source:
if grep -q -i microsoft /proc/version; then
  # on WSL: version contains the string "microsoft"
  alias copy="clip.exe"
  alias paste="powershell.exe Get-Clipboard"
elif grep -q -i cygwin $(uname -a); then
  # on CYGWIN: uname contains the string "cygwin"
  alias copy="/dev/clipboard"
  alias paste="cat /dev/clipboard"
elif [[ ! -r /proc/version ]]; then
  # on MAC: version is not readable at all
  alias copy="pbcopy"
  alias paste="pbpaste"
  # on "normal" linux
  alias copy="xclip -sel clip"
  alias paste="xclip -sel clip -o"

copy this block below:


printf '\nchecking latest version …\n%s\n\n' ""
latest_version="$(curl '' --silent | grep tag_name | cut -d ':' -f 2 | tr -d '"' | tr -d ',' | tr -d ' ')"
printf $'\nfound latest version …\t%s\n\n' "$latest_version"
printf $'\ninstalling version …\t%s\n\n' "$latest_version"

if ! command -v play &> /dev/null; then
 case $(uname -s) in
      echo "Installing symlink from ~/bin/play -> afplay …"
      ln -s `which afplay` $HOME/bin/play

go install "$latest_version"

# todo: catch URLs from stderr logs
# see example below…

audio_url_no_querystring="$(echo "$audio_url" | sed -e $'s#\?.*##g')"
audio_hash="$(md5 <<< audio_url_no_querystring)";

mkdir -p "$HOME/.rdio-tmp/";

curl '' -L > "$audio_local_fn" && \
  afplay "$audio_local_fn" || play "$audio_local_fn";

then using the paste command from above:

paste > "$HOME/bin/rdio";
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