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Last active May 30, 2020 18:33
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Automatic fragment toggling in org-mode
;; 28.07.2017
;; Charles Wang
;;;;;;; Tweaks for Org & org-latex ;;;;;;
(defvar cw/org-last-fragment nil
"Holds the type and position of last valid fragment we were on. Format: (FRAGMENT_TYPE FRAGMENT_POINT_BEGIN)"
(setq cw/org-valid-fragment-type
(defun cw/org-curr-fragment ()
"Returns the type and position of the current fragment available for preview inside org-mode. Returns nil at non-displayable fragments"
(let* ((fr (org-element-context))
(fr-type (car fr)))
(when (memq fr-type cw/org-valid-fragment-type)
(list fr-type
(org-element-property :begin fr))))
(defun cw/org-remove-fragment-overlay (fr)
"Remove fragment overlay at fr"
(let ((fr-type (nth 0 fr))
(fr-begin (nth 1 fr)))
(goto-char fr-begin)
(cond ((or (eq 'latex-fragment fr-type)
(eq 'latex-environment fr-type))
(let ((ov (loop for ov in (org--list-latex-overlays)
(<= (overlay-start ov) (point))
(>= (overlay-end ov) (point)))
return ov)))
(when ov
(delete-overlay ov))))
((eq 'link fr-type)
nil;; delete image overlay here?
(defun cw/org-preview-fragment (fr)
"Preview org fragment at fr"
(let ((fr-type (nth 0 fr))
(fr-begin (nth 1 fr)))
(goto-char fr-begin)
(cond ((or (eq 'latex-fragment fr-type) ;; latex stuffs
(eq 'latex-environment fr-type))
(when (cw/org-curr-fragment) (org-preview-latex-fragment))) ;; only toggle preview when we're in a valid region (for inserting in the front of a fragment)
((eq 'link fr-type) ;; for images
(let ((fr-end (org-element-property :end (org-element-context))))
(org-display-inline-images nil t fr-begin fr-end))))
(defun cw/org-auto-toggle-fragment-display ()
"Automatically toggle a displayable org mode fragment"
(and (eq 'org-mode major-mode)
(let ((curr (cw/org-curr-fragment)))
;; were on a fragment and now on a new fragment
;; fragment we were on
;; and are on a fragment now
;; but not on the last one this is a little tricky. as you edit the
;; fragment, it is not equal to the last one. We use the begin
;; property which is less likely to change for the comparison.
(not (equal curr cw/org-last-fragment)))
;; go back to last one and put image back, provided there is still a fragment there
(cw/org-preview-fragment cw/org-last-fragment)
;; now remove current image
(cw/org-remove-fragment-overlay curr)
;; and save new fragment
(setq cw/org-last-fragment curr))
;; were on a fragment and now are not on a fragment
;; not on a fragment now
(not curr)
;; but we were on one
;; put image back on, provided that there is still a fragment here.
(cw/org-preview-fragment cw/org-last-fragment))
;; unset last fragment
(setq cw/org-last-fragment nil))
;; were not on a fragment, and now are
;; we were not one one
(not cw/org-last-fragment)
;; but now we are
;; remove image
(cw/org-remove-fragment-overlay curr)
(setq cw/org-last-fragment curr))
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io12 commented Feb 2, 2020

I made something like this that works with newer Org versions.

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