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Forked from totallymike/MigrationCommands.scala
Created February 19, 2017 02:26
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package com.pretend.myforklift
import com.liyaos.forklift.slick.{ SlickCodegen, SlickMigrationCommandLineTool, SlickMigrationCommands, SlickMigrationManager }
trait MyMigrationCommands extends SlickMigrationCommands
with MyMigrationFilesHandler {
this: SlickMigrationManager with SlickCodegen =>
override def migrateOp(options: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val prompt = options.contains("-p")
val prod = options.contains("-prod")
// If the production flag is set, don't do codegen
val applyOpsOp = if (prod) {
List(() => applyOp)
} else {
List(() => applyOp, () => codegenOp)
if (!notYetAppliedMigrations.isEmpty) {
for (op <- previewOps) op()
if (prompt) {
if (StdIn.readLine("Do you wish to continue? [Y/N]") != "Y") return
for (op <- applyOpsOp) op()
if (!prod) updateOp
def productionStatusOp: Unit = {
val ny = notYetAppliedMigrations
if (ny.size == 0) {
println("Your database is up to date")
} else {
println(s"Your database is outdated, not yet applied migrations: ${", ")}")
def initDatabaseCommand: Unit = {
trait MyMigrationCommandLineTool extends SlickMigrationCommandLineTool {
this: MyMigrationCommands =>
override def execCommands(args: List[String]): Unit = args match {
case "init" :: "-prod" :: Nil => initDatabaseCommand
case "status" :: "-prod" :: Nil => productionStatusOp
case _ => super.execCommands(args)
package com.pretend.myforklift
import{ BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter }
import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path }
import com.liyaos.forklift.slick.SlickMigrationFilesHandler
trait MyMigrationFilesHandler extends SlickMigrationFilesHandler {
protected lazy val migrationsPackage: Option[String] = {
if (config.hasPath("migrations.package")) {
} else {
override def handleMigrationFile(file: File): Unit = {
val newFile = new File(handledLoc + "/" + file.getName)
val oldFile = new File(
unhandledLoc + "/" + file.getName).getAbsoluteFile.toPath
if (!newFile.exists) {
val newPath: Path = Files.copy(oldFile, newFile.toPath)
println(s"Create copy of ${oldFile} in ${newPath}")
override protected def writeSummary(ids: Seq[String]): Unit = {
var code: String = migrationsPackage match {
case Some(packageName) => s"package $packageName\n\n"
case None => ""
code += "object MigrationSummary {\n" + ids.sortWith(_.toInt < _.toInt)
.map(n => "M" + n).mkString("\n") + "\n}\n"
val sumFile = new File(handledLoc + "/Summary.scala")
if (!sumFile.exists) sumFile.createNewFile()
val fw = new FileWriter(sumFile.getAbsoluteFile())
val bw = new BufferedWriter(fw)
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