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Forked from christ0pher/gist:f2c4748a09ed31cf71a8
Last active January 15, 2021 13:24
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Google URL-signing and checking for Python3
from requests.packages.urllib3.util import parse_url
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
import hashlib
import hmac
import base64
""" Sign and check a URL using the client_secret """
__author__ = '[email protected], [email protected]'
def sign_url(input_url=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None):
""" Sign a request URL with a Crypto Key.
from urlsigner import sign_url
signed_url = sign_url(input_url=my_url,
input_url - The URL to sign
client_id - Your Client ID
client_secret - Your Crypto Key
The signed request URL
# Error if any parameters aren't given
if not input_url or not client_secret:
raise ValueError("Expected arguments input_url and client_secret")
# Add the Client ID to the URL
delimeter = '&' if '?' in input_url else '?'
if client_id:
input_url += "%sclient=%s" % (delimeter, client_id)
delimeter = '&'
url = parse_url(input_url)
# We only need to sign the path+query part of the string
url_to_sign = url.path
if url.query:
url_to_sign += "?" + url.query
# Decode the private key into its binary format
# We need to decode the URL-encoded private key
decoded_key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(client_secret)
# Create a signature using the private key and the URL-encoded
# string using HMAC SHA1. This signature will be binary.
signature =, url_to_sign.encode(), hashlib.sha1)
# Encode the binary signature into base64 for use within a URL
encoded_signature = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature.digest())
original_url = url.scheme + "://" + url.netloc + url.path + ("?" + url.query if url.query else '')
# Return signed URL
return original_url + delimeter + "signature=" + quote(encoded_signature.decode())
def check_url(input_url=None, client_secret=None):
""" Check a signed request URL with a Crypto Key.
from urlsigner import check_url
is_valid = check_url(input_url=my_url,
input_url - The signed URL
client_secret - Your Crypto Key
True or False
# Error if any parameters aren't given
if not input_url or not client_secret:
raise ValueError("Expected arguments input_url and client_secret")
url = parse_url(input_url)
# Extract signature
if not url.query:
return False
parts = url.query.rsplit("&signature=", 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
parts = url.query.rsplit("signature=", 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
return False
# If signature was not the last part of the url, reorder it:
if "&" in parts[1]:
parts[0] += "&" + parts[1].split("&", 1)[1]
parts[1] = parts[1].split("&", 1)[0]
query = parts[0]
actual_signature = parts[1]
# We only need to sign the path+query part of the string
url_to_sign = url.path
if query:
url_to_sign += "?" + (query[1:] if query.startswith('&') else query)
# Decode the private key into its binary format
# We need to decode the URL-encoded private key
decoded_key = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(client_secret)
# Create a signature using the private key and the URL-encoded
# string using HMAC SHA1. This signature will be binary.
signature =, url_to_sign.encode(), hashlib.sha1)
# Encode the binary signature into base64 for use within a URL
encoded_signature = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(signature.digest())
return encoded_signature.decode() == unquote(actual_signature, errors='strict')
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