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Last active June 1, 2021 21:06
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Scrydget - Random MTG Card Widget for Scriptable
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-green; icon-glyph: chess-board;
/* -----------------------------------------------
Script : no-background.js
Author : [email protected]
Version : 1.7.0
Description :
A module to create illusions of transparent
backgrounds for Scriptable widgets
Adapted from Max Zeryck's (@mzeryck) amazing
invisible widget shared on the Automtors discourse
Changelog :
- (new) support for iPhone 12 Mini. Thanks @blacksector
- (new) `transparent` and `for` alias to `getSliceForWidget`
- (new) merged `No Background Config` code to maintain 1 code
- (new) auto-detect iCloud usage
- (update) iPhone 12 Pro Max compatibility
- (update) also prompt for setup on the getPathForSlice method
- (update) automativally prompt for setup when
slices are missing or if the widget's
position is not yet stored.
- (new) applyTint method to simulate a
semi-tranparent look
- (fix) syntax error on generateSlices
- (fix) incorrect iPhone 12 size
- Support for iPhone 12 & 12 Pro
- Typos on the documentation
- Fix iamge does not exists issue
----------------------------------------------- */
const ALERTS_AS_SHEETS = false
const USES_ICLOUD = usesiCloud()
const fm = FileManagerAdaptive()
const CACHE_FOLDER = 'cache/nobg'
const cachePath = fm.joinPath(fm.documentsDirectory(), CACHE_FOLDER);
const exports = {}
exports.cachePath = cachePath
exports.generateSlices = async function ({ caller = 'none' }) {
const opts = { caller }
let appearance = (await isUsingDarkAppearance()) ? 'dark' : 'light'
let altAppearance = appearance == 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'
if (!fm.fileExists(cachePath)) {
fm.createDirectory(cachePath, true)
let message;
message = "To change background make sure you have a screenshot of you home screen. Go to your home screen and enter wiggle mode. Scroll to the empty page on the far right and take a screenshot."
let options = ["Pick Screenshot", "Exit to Take Screenshot"]
let resp = await presentAlert(message, options, ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
if (resp == 1) return false
// Get screenshot and determine phone size.
let wallpaper = await Photos.fromLibrary()
let height = wallpaper.size.height
let suffix = "";
// Check for iPhone 12 Mini here:
if (height == 2436) {
// We'll save everything in the config, to keep things centralized
let cfg = await loadConfig()
if (cfg["phone-model"] === undefined) {
// Doesn't exist, ask them which phone they want to generate for,
// the mini or the others?
message = "What model of iPhone do you have?"
let options = ["iPhone 12 mini", "iPhone 11 Pro, XS, or X"]
resp = await presentAlert(message, options, ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
// 0 represents iPhone Mini and 1 others.
cfg["phone-model"] = resp
await saveConfig(cfg) // Save the config
if (resp === 0) {
suffix = "_mini";
} else {
// Config already contains iPhone model, use it from cfg
if (cfg["phone-model"]) {
suffix = "_mini";
let phone = phoneSizes[height + suffix]
if (!phone) {
message = "It looks like you selected an image that isn't an iPhone screenshot, or your iPhone is not supported. Try again with a different image."
await presentAlert(message, ["OK"], ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
return false
const families = ['small', 'medium', 'large']
// generate crop rects for all sizes
for (var i = 0; i < families.length; i++) {
const widgetSize = families[i]
let crops = widgetPositions[widgetSize].map(posName => {
let position = posName.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-')
let crop = { pos: position, w: "", h: "", x: "", y: "" }
crop.w = phone[widgetSize].w
crop.h = phone[widgetSize].h
crop.x = phone.left
let pos = position.split('-')
crop.y = phone[pos[0]]
if (widgetSize == 'large' && pos[0] == 'bottom') {
crop.y = phone['middle']
if (pos.length > 1) {
crop.x = phone[pos[1]]
return crop
for (var c = 0; c < crops.length; c++) {
const crop = crops[c]
const imgCrop = cropImage(wallpaper, new Rect(crop.x, crop.y, crop.w, crop.h))
const imgName = `${appearance}-${widgetSize}-${crop.pos}.jpg`
const imgPath = fm.joinPath(cachePath, imgName)
if (fm.fileExists(imgPath)) {
// sometimes it wouldn't overwrite.
// so better delete the file first
if (USES_ICLOUD) await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(imgPath)
try { fm.remove(imgPath) } catch (e) { }
fm.writeImage(imgPath, imgCrop)
if (opts.caller != 'self') {
message = `Slices saved for ${appearance} mode. You can switch to ${altAppearance} mode and run this again to also generate slices.`
} else {
message = 'Slices saved.'
await presentAlert(message, ["Ok"], ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
return true
exports.applyTint = function (widget, tint, alpha) {
tint = tint || '#ffffff'
alpha = alpha || 0.2
const col = new Color(tint, alpha)
let gradient = new LinearGradient()
gradient.locations = [0, 1]
gradient.colors = [col, col]
widget.backgroundGradient = gradient
exports.getSlice = async function (name) {
let appearance = (await isUsingDarkAppearance())
? 'dark'
: 'light'
let position = name
const imgPath = fm.joinPath(cachePath, `${appearance}-${position}.jpg`)
if (!fm.fileExists(imgPath)) {
log('image does not exists. setup required.')
var setupCompleted = await exports.generateSlices({ caller: 'getSliceForWidget' })
if (!setupCompleted) {
return null
if (USES_ICLOUD) await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(imgPath)
let image = fm.readImage(imgPath)
return image
exports.getPathForSlice = async function (slice_name) {
let appearance = (await isUsingDarkAppearance())
? 'dark'
: 'light'
let imgPath = fm.joinPath(cachePath,
let fileExists = fm.fileExists(imgPath)
if (!fileExists) {
fileExists = await exports.generateSlices('self')
} else {
imgPath = null
if (USES_ICLOUD && fileExists) await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(imgPath)
return imgPath
exports.getSliceForWidget = async function (
reset = false) {
let appearance = (await isUsingDarkAppearance())
? 'dark'
: 'light'
var cfg = await loadConfig()
var position = reset ? null : cfg[instance_name]
if (!position) {
log(`Background for "${instance_name}" is not yet set.`)
// check if slices exists
const testImage = fm.joinPath(cachePath, `${appearance}-medium-top.jpg`)
let readyToChoose = false
if (!fm.fileExists(testImage)) {
// need to generate slices
readyToChoose = await exports.generateSlices({ caller: 'self' })
} else {
readyToChoose = true
// now set the
if (readyToChoose) {
var backgrounChosen = await exports.chooseBackgroundSlice(instance_name)
if (backgrounChosen) {
cfg = await loadConfig()
position = cfg[instance_name]
} else {
return null
const imgPath = fm.joinPath(cachePath, `${appearance}-${position}.jpg`)
if (!fm.fileExists(imgPath)) {
log(`Slice does not exists - ${appearance}-${position}.jpg`)
return null
if (USES_ICLOUD) await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(imgPath)
let image = fm.readImage(imgPath)
return image
exports.for = exports.getSliceForWidget
exports.transparent = exports.getSliceForWidget
exports.chooseBackgroundSlice = async function (name) {
// Prompt for widget size and position.
let message = "What is the size of the widget?"
let sizes = ["Small", "Medium", "Large", "Cancel"]
let size = await presentAlert(message, sizes, ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
if (size == 3) return false
let widgetSize = sizes[size].toLowerCase()
message = "Where will it be placed on?"
let positions = widgetPositions[widgetSize]
let resp = await presentAlert(message, positions, ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
if (resp == positions.length - 1) return false
let position = positions[resp].toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-')
let cfg = await loadConfig()
cfg[name] = `${widgetSize}-${position}`
await saveConfig(cfg)
await presentAlert("Background saved.", ["Ok"], ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
return true
exports.resetConfig = async function () {
await saveConfig({})
log('config file cleared')
//-- [helpers] -----------------------------------
async function loadConfig() {
const configPath = fm.joinPath(cachePath, "widget-positions.json")
//log(` config exists == ${fm.fileExists(configPath)}`)
if (!fm.fileExists(configPath)) {
await fm.writeString(configPath, "{}")
return {}
} else {
if (USES_ICLOUD) await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(configPath)
const strConf = fm.readString(configPath)
const cfg = JSON.parse(strConf)
return cfg
async function saveConfig(cfg) {
const configPath = fm.joinPath(
await fm.downloadFileFromiCloud(configPath)
await fm.writeString(configPath,
return cfg
async function presentAlert(prompt = ""
, items = ["OK"]
, asSheet = false) {
let alert = new Alert()
alert.message = prompt
for (var n = 0; n < items.length; n++) {
let resp = asSheet
? await alert.presentSheet()
: await alert.presentAlert()
return resp
const widgetPositions = {
"small": [
"Top Left", "Top Right",
"Middle Left", "Middle Right",
"Bottom Left", "Bottom Right"
"medium": ["Top", "Middle", "Bottom"],
"large": ["Top", "Bottom"]
const phoneSizes = {
"2778": {
"models": ["12 Pro Max"],
"small": { "w": 510, "h": 510 },
"medium": { "w": 1092, "h": 510 },
"large": { "w": 1092, "h": 1146 },
"left": 96,
"right": 678,
"top": 246,
"middle": 882,
"bottom": 1518
"2532": {
"models": ["12", "12 Pro"],
"small": { "w": 474, "h": 474 },
"medium": { "w": 1014, "h": 474 },
"large": { "w": 1014, "h": 1062 },
"left": 78,
"right": 618,
"top": 231,
"middle": 819,
"bottom": 1407
"2688": {
"models": ["Xs Max", "11 Pro Max"],
"small": { "w": 507, "h": 507 },
"medium": { "w": 1080, "h": 507 },
"large": { "w": 1080, "h": 1137 },
"left": 81,
"right": 654,
"top": 228,
"middle": 858,
"bottom": 1488
"1792": {
"models": ["11", "Xr"],
"small": { "w": 338, "h": 338 },
"medium": { "w": 720, "h": 338 },
"large": { "w": 720, "h": 758 },
"left": 54,
"right": 436,
"top": 160,
"middle": 580,
"bottom": 1000
"2436": {
"models": ["X", "Xs", "11 Pro"],
"small": { "w": 465, "h": 465 },
"medium": { "w": 987, "h": 465 },
"large": { "w": 987, "h": 1035 },
"left": 69,
"right": 591,
"top": 213,
"middle": 783,
"bottom": 1353
"2436_mini": {
"models": ["12 Mini"],
"small": { "w": 465, "h": 465 },
"medium": { "w": 987, "h": 465 },
"large": { "w": 987, "h": 1035 },
"left": 69,
"right": 591,
"top": 231,
"middle": 801,
"bottom": 1371
"2208": {
"models": ["6+", "6s+", "7+", "8+"],
"small": { "w": 471, "h": 471 },
"medium": { "w": 1044, "h": 471 },
"large": { "w": 1044, "h": 1071 },
"left": 99,
"right": 672,
"top": 114,
"middle": 696,
"bottom": 1278
"1334": {
"models": ["6", "6s", "7", "8"],
"small": { "w": 296, "h": 296 },
"medium": { "w": 642, "h": 296 },
"large": { "w": 642, "h": 648 },
"left": 54,
"right": 400,
"top": 60,
"middle": 412,
"bottom": 764
"1136": {
"models": ["5", "5s", "5c", "SE"],
"small": { "w": 282, "h": 282 },
"medium": { "w": 584, "h": 282 },
"large": { "w": 584, "h": 622 },
"left": 30,
"right": 332,
"top": 59,
"middle": 399,
"bottom": 399
function cropImage(img, rect) {
let draw = new DrawContext()
draw.size = new Size(rect.width, rect.height)
draw.drawImageAtPoint(img, new Point(-rect.x, -rect.y))
return draw.getImage()
async function isUsingDarkAppearance() {
return !(Color.dynamic(Color.white(),
function usesiCloud() {
return module.filename
function FileManagerAdaptive() {
return module.filename
? FileManager.iCloud()
: FileManager.local()
module.exports = exports
// if running self run config
const module_name = module.filename.match(/[^\/]+$/)[0].replace('.js', '')
if (module_name == {
await(async () => {
let opts = [
'Generate Slices',
'Clear Widget Positions Cache',
let resp = await presentAlert(
'No Background Configurator', opts, ALERTS_AS_SHEETS)
switch (opts[resp]) {
case 'Generate Slices':
await exports.generateSlices({})
case 'Clear Widget Positions Cache':
await exports.resetConfig()
await presentAlert('Cleared')
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: brown; icon-glyph: magic;
// Show a random MTG Card
const { transparent } = importModule('no-background')
let card = await randomCard()
let widget = await createWidget(card)
// Check if the script is running in
// a widget. If not, show a preview of
// the widget to easier debug it.
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
await widget.presentLarge()
// Tell the system to show the widget.
async function createWidget(card) {
let w = new ListWidget()
w.backgroundImage = await transparent(
var imageURLs = []
if (png = card?.image_uris?.png) {
} else if (cardFaces = card.card_faces) {
cardFaces.forEach(face => {
if (png = face.image_uris?.png) {
var images = []
await Promise.all( (imgURL) => {
let imgReq = new Request(imgURL)
let img = await imgReq.loadImage()
let stack = w.addStack()
stack.spacing = 8
images.forEach(img => {
let widgetImage = stack.addImage(img)
w.url = card.scryfall_uri
return w
async function randomCard() {
let url = ""
let req = new Request(url)
let card = await req.loadJSON()
return card
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