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Created July 24, 2012 16:28
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Messing around with timeline dates
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from dummyjson import views as dj
from gannettapi.api import api
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
from relux import utils
import json
import photos.views as photos
def story(request, content_id, slug=None, template=None, format='html'):
path = '/static/content/modules/stories/story_' + content_id + '.json'
if not template:
template = 'story.html'
context = {
'base_page_type' : 'story',
'mapbox_url' : settings.MAPBOX_URL
# len() conditions for DEV ONLY json testing
if settings.DEBUG and len(content_id) <= 2:
if len(content_id) == 1:
return dj.load_json(request, path, 'story-old.html', context, slug)
file = open(settings.PROJECT_ROOT + path, 'r')
content = json.load(file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
content = api.article.get_content(content_id)
if 'body' in content:
context['article'] = content
ssts = utils.get_nested(content, "ssts", default={})
context[u'aws_data'] = \,
if format == 'json':
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(context),
return render(request, template, context)
def parse_story(content):
# create a hash index of asset_id to asset_data
asset_dict = dict((a['id'], a) for a in content['assets'] if 'id' in a)
# check for galleries
for a_id, a in asset_dict.iteritems():
if a['type'] == 'gallery':
gallery = photos.get_photos(str(a_id))
a[u'gallery'] = gallery
# check for prioritized content
priority_id = int(utils.get_nested(content, 'metadata', 'items', 'layoutpriority'))
content[u'priority_asset'] = asset_dict[priority_id]
priority_id = None
for body_item in content['body']:
asset_id = int(body_item.get('value'))
except ValueError:
asset_id = -1
if body_item.get('type') == 'asset' and asset_id in asset_dict:
body_item[u'asset_data'] = asset_dict[asset_id]
# if prioritized, remove asset reference from article body
if asset_id == priority_id:
# remove original assets data to prevent duplication
del content['assets']
def timeline(request):
path = '/static/content/json/timeline.json'
file = open(settings.PROJECT_ROOT + path, 'r')
content = json.load(file, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
events = utils.get_nested(content, 'data', 'events', default={})
event_dates = []
for e in events:
start = min(event_dates)
end = max(event_dates)
time_scale = int(utils.get_nested(content, 'data', 'mainScale', default=0))
# years
if time_scale == 0:
unit = 'years'
graph_start = datetime(start.year, 1, 1)
graph_end = datetime(end.year + 1, 1, 1)
# months
elif time_scale == 1:
unit = 'months'
graph_start = datetime(start.year, start.month, 1)
graph_end = datetime(end.year, end.month + 1, 1)
# days
elif time_scale == 2:
unit = 'days'
graph_start = datetime(start.year, start.month,
graph_end = datetime(end.year, end.month, + 1)
# hours
elif time_scale == 3:
unit = 'hours'
graph_start = datetime(start.year, start.month,, start.hours)
graph_end = datetime(end.year, end.month,, end.hours + 1)
# minutes
elif time_scale == 4:
unit = 'minutes'
graph_start = datetime(start.year, start.month,, start.hours, start.minutes)
graph_end = datetime(end.year, end.month,, end.hours, end.minutes)
# number of years, months, etc. that need to be charted, labeled
unit_count = abs(getattr(relativedelta(graph_start, graph_end), unit))
# get milliseconds difference between start and end
range_ms = (graph_end - graph_start).total_seconds() * 1000
for index, e in enumerate(events):
event_ms = (event_dates[index] - graph_start).total_seconds() * 1000
if range_ms != 0:
percent = event_ms / range_ms
percent = 0
e[u'boxPosition'] = percent
print e['boxPosition']
content['data']['graphStart'] = graph_start
content['data']['graphEnd'] = graph_end
return render(request, 'stories/interactive_timeline.html', content)
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