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Created May 13, 2015 06:38
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linux guest on linux-kvm-arm host on armv8 FoundationModel

all you need

  1. FoundationModel armv8 simulator
  2. linux-kvm-arm kernel (including dtb(device tree blob))
    • kernel config
  3. linux root file system: host.img && guest.img
  4. userspace virtualization tool: qemu/kvm-tool
  5. FoundationModel boot wrapper

all files

    downloads/ (download from virtualopensystem)
    ├── cookies.txt           
    ├── Image                
    ├── foundation-v8.dtb
    ├── .config
    ├── linaro-image-minimal-genericarmv8-20130526-319.rootfs.tar.gz (download from linaro)
    ├── lkvm-static
    └── qemu-system-aarch64

    boot-wrapper/             (clone from github:virtualopensystem/boot-wrapper)
    linux-kvm-arm/            (clone from github:virtualopensystem/linux-kvm-arm)
    qemu/                     (clone from github:virtualopensystem/qemu)
    ├── Image
    ├── foundation-v8.dtb
        (host.img use directory shared by NFS: /srv/nfsroot)
    ├── guest.img
    ├── qemu-system-aarch64
    └── lkvm-static
        (boot wrapper in build directory: boot-wrapper/image-foundation_NFS.axf)

download resources

    # Download rootfs from linaro

    # Download things from virtual-open-system, login first and save cookie
    wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-data 'username=downloader&password=uploading1' \

    # Download kernel config
    wget --load-cookies cookies.txt -O .config
    # Download kernel 
    wget --load-cookies cookies.txt
    # Download kernel device tree blob for foundation-v8
    wget --load-cookies cookies.txt

    # Download kvm tool
    wget --load-cookies cookies.txt
    # Download qemu
    wget --load-cookies cookies.txt

installation steps

  1. FoundationModel

  2. build kernel

     # get kernel source(kvm-arm64 branch)
     git clone git:// -b kvm-arm64-stable

     # get kernel config from virtualopensystems
     cd linux-kvm-arm 
     cp ../downloads/.config .

     # build by aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
     ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make -j4

     # target file: Image and dtb(device tree blob)
     cp arch/arm64/boot/Image result/
     cp arch/arm64/boot/dts/foundation-v8.dtb ../result/
  1. rootfs: host and guest image

    • download from linaro:

    • host img: use NFS to share /srv/nfsroot directory

      • apt-get install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common

      • initial /srv/nfsroot

        sudo mkdir -p /srv/nfsroot/
        sudo tar -xf downloads/linaro-image-minimal-genericarmv8-20130526-319.rootfs.tar.gz \
          -C /srv/nfsroot/
      • /etc/exports add one mountpoint

      • note: NFS IP address is used in boot-wrapper compiler arguments and VM boot time in FoundationModel.

    • guest img

      • create 512MB empty image, format file system as ext3, mount as loop device, dump android userland files to image.

        qemu-img create -f raw ./result/guest.img 512M
        mkfs.ext3 ./result/guest.img
        mkdir mnt
        sudo mount -o loop ./result/guest.img mnt
        sudo tar -xf downloads/linaro-image-minimal-genericarmv8-20130526-319.rootfs.tar.gz \
             -C mnt/
        sudo umount mnt
  2. Tool of userspace emulation, kvm-tool and qemu

    • kvmtool

      # kvm-tool source is also linux-kernel, use virtualopensystems' repo for diff branch: kvmtool
      # in linux-kvm-arm
      git checkout -b kvmtool
      # build by aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
      cd tools/kvm/
      ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- make lkvm-static
      # target file (tools/kvm/lkvm-static)
      cp lkvm-static ../../../result/
    • qemu

      • build schroot environment for cross compilation

        build qemu 需要 ARM64 的 package, 這邊選擇把 build environment 放在 schroot 裡. schroot 使用 Ubuntu raring(13.04), 因為有人做 raring 的 ARM64 packages repo: (note: this repo is unstable.)

      1. install schroot

        sudo apt-get install sbuild
        sudo sbuild-update --keygen
        sudo sbuild-adduser <your-username>
      2. create raring schroot

        • Ubuntu raring is EOL, so official repo change to

        • create at /srv/chroots/raring

          sudo sbuild-createchroot --components=main,universe raring \       
      3. initailize raring schroot by installation and configuring

        • enter raring schroot: sudo sbuild-shell raring-amd64-sbuild

        • install common tools: apt-get install nano vim wget sudo pkgbinarymangler git

        • install apt-transport-https, apt-utils in schroot: apt-get install apt-transport-https apt-utils

        • configure apt/dpkg settings

          • same as virtualopensystem's tutorial, only modify

            # file /etc/apt/sources.list
            # use EOL repo url ( =>
            # file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bootstrap.list (https)
            deb raring-bootstrap main universe
            deb-src raring-bootstrap main universe
        • install key

          apt-key add bootstrap-archive.key
        • install all required AArch64 packages when compiling qemu::

          sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev:arm64 zlib1g-dev:arm64
          sudo apt-get install libpixman-1-dev:arm64 crossbuild-essential-arm64
          sudo apt-get install python
      • build qemu

        # target file: qemu-system-aarch64
        cp aarch64-softmmu/qemu-system-aarch64 ../result/
  3. boot wrapper (NFS or VirtIO)

    1. soft link linux-kvm-arm's thing(kernel, dtb ...) to boot-wrapper directory

      ln -sf ../linux-kvm-arm/ LINUX
      ln -sf LINUX/scripts/dtc/dtc
      ln -sf LINUX/arch/arm64/boot/Image
      ln -sf LINUX/arch/arm64/boot/dts/foundation-v8.dts
      ln -sf LINUX/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rtsm_ve-aemv8a.dts
      ln -sf LINUX/arch/arm64/boot/dts/skeleton.dtsi
    2. build boot-wrapper

      • host.img using NFS

        make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- \
        BOOTARGS='"root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= \
                   ip=dhcp rw console=ttyAMA0 maxcpus=1"' \
        FDT_SRC=foundation-v8.dts IMAGE=image-foundation_NFS.axf
      • host.img using VirtIO


  1. run linux-kvm on FoundationModel

    ~/workspace/FoundationModel/Foundation_Platformpkg/models/Linux64_GCC-4.1/Foundation_Platform \
        --image image-foundation_NFS.axf \
        --network=nat --network-nat-ports="2222=22"

    note: linux-kvm has running ssh server by default, so redirect ssh port for remote login.

  2. run linux guest by qemu on linux-kvm

    ./qemu-system-aarch64 \
    -nographic \
    -enable-kvm \
    -kernel Image \
    -m 512 -M virt -cpu host \
    -drive file=guest.img,id=fs,if=none \
    -device virtio-blk-device,drive=fs \
    -append "earlyprintk
             console=ttyAMA0 mem=512M rootwait root=/dev/vda rw"


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