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Created December 10, 2011 02:26
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Simple parsing with pretty decorators.
import os
import re
class Env(object):
"""Maintains the environment variables for local and global scope."""
def __init__(self, env={}, parent=os.environ):
self.env = env.copy()
self.parent = parent.copy()
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Get a variable from this or the parent environment."""
return self.env.get(key) or self.parent[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.env[key] = value
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, repr(self.env))
def interp(self, string, regex=r'\${[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*}'):
match =, string)
while match:
start, end = match.span()
var = string[start + 2 : end - 1]
string = ''.join((string[:start], self[var], string[end:]))
match =, string)
return string
def parse(iterable, env=Env()):
handlers = {}
class pattern(object):
def __init__(self, regex):
self.regex = regex
def __call__(self, function):
handlers[self.regex] = function
def wrap(*args, **kwds):
function(*args, **kwds)
return wrap
def vardecl(match, env=env):
name, value = match.groups()
env[name] = value
return name, value
def target(match, env=env):
interpolated = [env.interp(m) for m in match.groups() if m]
name = interpolated[0]
components = []
if len(interpolated) > 1: # we have components to parse
line = ' '.join(word for word in interpolated[1:])
match ='(\w+)', line)
components = match.groups()
return name, components
def comment(match, env=env):
line =
return '# ' + line
def command(match, env=env):
cmd =
return '\tcmd(%s)' % cmd
def notimplemented(*args):
return 'not implemented: ' + ', '.join(args)
for line in iterable:
result = None
for pattern, function in handlers.iteritems():
match = re.match(pattern, line)
if match is not None:
result = function(match)
if result is None:
result = notimplemented(line)
print result
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('target', help='The target to build', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--makefile', default='Makefile')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.makefile) as f:
makefile = (line.rstrip() for line in f.readlines() if line.strip())
# $ python -f Makefile
# ('TARGET', 'target1')
# ('target1', ('target2',))
# cmd(@(echo "target1"))
# ('target2', ('target3',))
# cmd(@(echo "target2"))
# ('target3', ('target4',))
# cmd(@(echo "target3"))
# ('target4', [])
# cmd(@(echo "target4"))
# ('%.txt', [])
# cmd(@(echo "txt rule"))
## This is a comment.
# ('FOOBAR', '"something"')
# ('"something"', ('target4',))
# cmd(@(echo ${FOOBAR}))
# $
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