- Freer monads, more extensible effects (Haskell 2015) by Oleg Kiselyov and Hiromi Ishii
- An Introduction to Algebraic Effects and Handlers (MFPS 2015) by Matija Pretnar
- Programming and reasoning with algebraic effects and dependent types (ICFP 2013) by Edwin Brady
- Embedding effect systems in Haskell (Haskell 2014) by Dominic Orchard and Tomas Petricek
- A generic type-and-effect system (TLDI 2009) by Daniel Marino and Todd Millstein
- The Marriage of Effects and Monads (Trans. Comp. Logic, 2003) by Philip Wadler and Peter Thiemann
- Idioms are Oblivious, Arrows are Meticulous, Monads are Promiscuous (ENTCS 2011) by Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop