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Created May 3, 2017 09:06
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module LHbasics where
-- sorted lists
data List a = Emp
| (:::) a (List a)
data IncList a = IncEmp
| (:<) { hd :: a, tl :: IncList a }
{-@ data IncList a = IncEmp
| (:<) { hd :: a, tl :: IncList {v:a | hd <= v} } @-}
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> IncList a -> IncList a
insert x IncEmp = x :< IncEmp
insert x (y :< ys)
| x <= y = x :< (y :< ys)
| otherwise = y :< insert x ys
insertSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> IncList a
insertSort [] = IncEmp
insertSort (x:xs) = insert x (insertSort xs)
merge :: (Ord a) => IncList a -> IncList a -> IncList a
merge xs IncEmp = xs
merge IncEmp ys = ys
merge (x :< xs) (y :< ys)
| x <= y = x :< merge xs (y :< ys)
| otherwise = y :< merge (x :< xs) ys
mergeSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> IncList a
mergeSort [] = IncEmp
mergeSort [x] = x :< IncEmp
mergeSort xs = merge (mergeSort ys) (mergeSort zs)
where (ys, zs) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs
{-@ join :: x:a -> IncList ({v:a | v <= x}) -> IncList ({v:a | x <= v}) -> IncList a @-}
join :: a -> IncList a -> IncList a -> IncList a
join z IncEmp ys = z :< ys
join z (x :< xs) ys = x :< join z xs ys
quickSort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> IncList a
quickSort [] = IncEmp
quickSort (x:xs) = join x lessers greaters
where lessers = quickSort [y | y <- xs, y < x]
greaters = quickSort [z | z <- xs, z >= x]
-- search trees
{-@ inline max @-}
max :: Int -> Int -> Int
max y x = if x > y then x else y
data BST a = BLeaf
| BNode { root :: a
, left :: BST a
, right :: BST a
{-@ data BST a = BLeaf
| BNode { root :: a
, left :: BST { v:a | v < root }
, right :: BST { v:a | root < v}
} @-}
{-@ measure height @-}
{-@ height :: BST a -> Nat @-}
height :: BST a -> Int
height BLeaf = 0
height (BNode _ l r) = 1 + LHbasics.max (height l) (height r)
data AVL a = Leaf
| Node { key :: a
, l :: AVL a
, r :: AVL a
, ah :: Int
deriving Show
{-@ type AVLL a X = AVL {v:a | v < X} @-}
{-@ type AVLR a X = AVL {v:a | X < v} @-}
{-@ measure realHeight @-}
realHeight :: AVL a -> Int
realHeight Leaf = 0
realHeight (Node _ l r _) = nodeHeight l r
{-@ inline nodeHeight @-}
nodeHeight l r = 1 + LHbasics.max hl hr
hl = realHeight l
hr = realHeight r
{-@ inline isReal @-}
isReal v l r = v == nodeHeight l r
{-@ inline isBal @-}
isBal l r n = 0 - n <= d && d <= n
d = realHeight l - realHeight r
{-@ data AVL a = Leaf
| Node { key :: a
, l :: AVLL a key
, r :: {v:AVLR a key | isBal l v 1}
, ah :: {v:Nat | isReal v l r}
} @-}
-- | Trees of height N
{-@ type AVLN a N = {v: AVL a | realHeight v = N} @-}
-- | Trees of height equal to that of another T
{-@ type AVLT a T = AVLN a {realHeight T} @-}
{-@ empty :: AVLN a 0 @-}
empty = Leaf
{-@ singleton :: a -> AVLN a 1 @-}
singleton x = Node x empty empty 1
{-@ getHeight :: t:AVL a -> {v:Nat | v == realHeight t }@-}
getHeight (Leaf)= 0
getHeight (Node _ _ _ h) = h
{-@ mkNode :: x:a -> l:AVLL a x -> r: { v:AVLR a x | isBal l v 1}
-> AVLN a {nodeHeight l r}
mkNode x l r = Node x l r h
h = 1 + LHbasics.max hl hr
hl = getHeight l
hr = getHeight r
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