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Created July 1, 2022 22:16
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol";
* @title ERC1155Mock
* This mock just publicizes internal functions for testing purposes
contract ERC1155Mock is ERC1155 {
constructor(string memory uri) ERC1155(uri) {}
function setURI(string memory newuri) public {
function mint(
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 value,
bytes calldata data
) public {
_mint(to, id, value, data);
function mintBatch(
address to,
uint256[] calldata ids,
uint256[] calldata values,
bytes memory data
) public {
_mintBatch(to, ids, values, data);
function burn(
address owner,
uint256 id,
uint256 value
) public {
_burn(owner, id, value);
function burnBatch(
address owner,
uint256[] calldata ids,
uint256[] calldata values
) public {
_burnBatch(owner, ids, values);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (token/ERC1155/ERC1155.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./IERC1155.sol";
import "./IERC1155Receiver.sol";
import "./extensions/IERC1155MetadataURI.sol";
import "../../utils/Address.sol";
import "../../utils/Context.sol";
import "../../utils/introspection/ERC165.sol";
* @dev Implementation of the basic standard multi-token.
* See
* Originally based on code by Enjin:
* _Available since v3.1._
contract ERC1155 is Context, ERC165, IERC1155, IERC1155MetadataURI {
using Address for address;
// Mapping from token ID to account balances
mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) private _balances;
// Mapping from account to operator approvals
mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) private _operatorApprovals;
// Used as the URI for all token types by relying on ID substitution, e.g. https://token-cdn-domain/{id}.json
string private _uri;
* @dev See {_setURI}.
constructor(string memory uri_) {
* @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}.
function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override(ERC165, IERC165) returns (bool) {
interfaceId == type(IERC1155).interfaceId ||
interfaceId == type(IERC1155MetadataURI).interfaceId ||
* @dev See {IERC1155MetadataURI-uri}.
* This implementation returns the same URI for *all* token types. It relies
* on the token type ID substitution mechanism
*[defined in the EIP].
* Clients calling this function must replace the `\{id\}` substring with the
* actual token type ID.
function uri(uint256) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return _uri;
* @dev See {IERC1155-balanceOf}.
* Requirements:
* - `account` cannot be the zero address.
function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) public view virtual override returns (uint256) {
require(account != address(0), "ERC1155: address zero is not a valid owner");
return _balances[id][account];
* @dev See {IERC1155-balanceOfBatch}.
* Requirements:
* - `accounts` and `ids` must have the same length.
function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata accounts, uint256[] calldata ids)
returns (uint256[] memory)
require(accounts.length == ids.length, "ERC1155: accounts and ids length mismatch");
uint256[] memory batchBalances = new uint256[](accounts.length);
for (uint256 i; i < accounts.length; ) {
batchBalances[i] = balanceOf(accounts[i], ids[i]);
unchecked {
return batchBalances;
* @dev See {IERC1155-setApprovalForAll}.
function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) public virtual override {
_setApprovalForAll(_msgSender(), operator, approved);
* @dev See {IERC1155-isApprovedForAll}.
function isApprovedForAll(address account, address operator) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
return _operatorApprovals[account][operator];
* @dev See {IERC1155-safeTransferFrom}.
function safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual override {
from == _msgSender() || isApprovedForAll(from, _msgSender()),
"ERC1155: caller is not token owner nor approved"
_safeTransferFrom(from, to, id, amount, data);
* @dev See {IERC1155-safeBatchTransferFrom}.
function safeBatchTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256[] calldata ids,
uint256[] calldata amounts,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual override {
from == _msgSender() || isApprovedForAll(from, _msgSender()),
"ERC1155: caller is not token owner nor approved"
_safeBatchTransferFrom(from, to, ids, amounts, data);
* @dev Transfers `amount` tokens of token type `id` from `from` to `to`.
* Emits a {TransferSingle} event.
* Requirements:
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - `from` must have a balance of tokens of type `id` of at least `amount`.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155Received} and return the
* acceptance magic value.
function _safeTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual {
require(to != address(0), "ERC1155: transfer to the zero address");
address operator = _msgSender();
uint256[] memory ids = _asSingletonArray(id);
uint256[] memory amounts = _asSingletonArray(amount);
_beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];
require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC1155: insufficient balance for transfer");
unchecked {
_balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;
_balances[id][to] += amount;
emit TransferSingle(operator, from, to, id, amount);
_afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
_doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, from, to, id, amount, data);
* @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {_safeTransferFrom}.
* Emits a {TransferBatch} event.
* Requirements:
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155BatchReceived} and return the
* acceptance magic value.
function _safeBatchTransferFrom(
address from,
address to,
uint256[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory amounts,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual {
require(ids.length == amounts.length, "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch");
require(to != address(0), "ERC1155: transfer to the zero address");
address operator = _msgSender();
_beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
for (uint256 i; i < ids.length; ) {
uint256 id = ids[i];
uint256 amount = amounts[i];
uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];
require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC1155: insufficient balance for transfer");
_balances[id][to] += amount;
unchecked {
_balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;
emit TransferBatch(operator, from, to, ids, amounts);
_afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
_doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, from, to, ids, amounts, data);
* @dev Sets a new URI for all token types, by relying on the token type ID
* substitution mechanism
*[defined in the EIP].
* By this mechanism, any occurrence of the `\{id\}` substring in either the
* URI or any of the amounts in the JSON file at said URI will be replaced by
* clients with the token type ID.
* For example, the `https://token-cdn-domain/\{id\}.json` URI would be
* interpreted by clients as
* `https://token-cdn-domain/000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004cce0.json`
* for token type ID 0x4cce0.
* See {uri}.
* Because these URIs cannot be meaningfully represented by the {URI} event,
* this function emits no events.
function _setURI(string memory newuri) internal virtual {
_uri = newuri;
* @dev Creates `amount` tokens of token type `id`, and assigns them to `to`.
* Emits a {TransferSingle} event.
* Requirements:
* - `to` cannot be the zero address.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155Received} and return the
* acceptance magic value.
function _mint(
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual {
require(to != address(0), "ERC1155: mint to the zero address");
address operator = _msgSender();
uint256[] memory ids = _asSingletonArray(id);
uint256[] memory amounts = _asSingletonArray(amount);
_beforeTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);
_balances[id][to] += amount;
emit TransferSingle(operator, address(0), to, id, amount);
_afterTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);
_doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, address(0), to, id, amount, data);
* @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {_mint}.
* Emits a {TransferBatch} event.
* Requirements:
* - `ids` and `amounts` must have the same length.
* - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155BatchReceived} and return the
* acceptance magic value.
function _mintBatch(
address to,
uint256[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory amounts,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual {
require(to != address(0), "ERC1155: mint to the zero address");
require(ids.length == amounts.length, "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch");
address operator = _msgSender();
_beforeTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);
for (uint256 i; i < ids.length; ) {
_balances[ids[i]][to] += amounts[i];
unchecked {
emit TransferBatch(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts);
_afterTokenTransfer(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);
_doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(operator, address(0), to, ids, amounts, data);
* @dev Destroys `amount` tokens of token type `id` from `from`
* Emits a {TransferSingle} event.
* Requirements:
* - `from` cannot be the zero address.
* - `from` must have at least `amount` tokens of token type `id`.
function _burn(
address from,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount
) internal virtual {
require(from != address(0), "ERC1155: burn from the zero address");
address operator = _msgSender();
uint256[] memory ids = _asSingletonArray(id);
uint256[] memory amounts = _asSingletonArray(amount);
_beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, "");
uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];
require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC1155: burn amount exceeds balance");
unchecked {
_balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;
emit TransferSingle(operator, from, address(0), id, amount);
_afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, "");
* @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {_burn}.
* Emits a {TransferBatch} event.
* Requirements:
* - `ids` and `amounts` must have the same length.
function _burnBatch(
address from,
uint256[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory amounts
) internal virtual {
require(from != address(0), "ERC1155: burn from the zero address");
require(ids.length == amounts.length, "ERC1155: ids and amounts length mismatch");
address operator = _msgSender();
_beforeTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, "");
for (uint256 i; i < ids.length; ) {
uint256 id = ids[i];
uint256 amount = amounts[i];
uint256 fromBalance = _balances[id][from];
require(fromBalance >= amount, "ERC1155: burn amount exceeds balance");
unchecked {
_balances[id][from] = fromBalance - amount;
emit TransferBatch(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts);
_afterTokenTransfer(operator, from, address(0), ids, amounts, "");
* @dev Approve `operator` to operate on all of `owner` tokens
* Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event.
function _setApprovalForAll(
address owner,
address operator,
bool approved
) internal virtual {
require(owner != operator, "ERC1155: setting approval status for self");
_operatorApprovals[owner][operator] = approved;
emit ApprovalForAll(owner, operator, approved);
* @dev Hook that is called before any token transfer. This includes minting
* and burning, as well as batched variants.
* The same hook is called on both single and batched variants. For single
* transfers, the length of the `ids` and `amounts` arrays will be 1.
* Calling conditions (for each `id` and `amount` pair):
* - When `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens
* of token type `id` will be transferred to `to`.
* - When `from` is zero, `amount` tokens of token type `id` will be minted
* for `to`.
* - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens of token type `id`
* will be burned.
* - `from` and `to` are never both zero.
* - `ids` and `amounts` have the same, non-zero length.
* To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
function _beforeTokenTransfer(
address operator,
address from,
address to,
uint256[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory amounts,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual {}
* @dev Hook that is called after any token transfer. This includes minting
* and burning, as well as batched variants.
* The same hook is called on both single and batched variants. For single
* transfers, the length of the `id` and `amount` arrays will be 1.
* Calling conditions (for each `id` and `amount` pair):
* - When `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens
* of token type `id` will be transferred to `to`.
* - When `from` is zero, `amount` tokens of token type `id` will be minted
* for `to`.
* - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens of token type `id`
* will be burned.
* - `from` and `to` are never both zero.
* - `ids` and `amounts` have the same, non-zero length.
* To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks].
function _afterTokenTransfer(
address operator,
address from,
address to,
uint256[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory amounts,
bytes memory data
) internal virtual {}
function _doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(
address operator,
address from,
address to,
uint256 id,
uint256 amount,
bytes memory data
) private {
if (to.isContract()) {
try IERC1155Receiver(to).onERC1155Received(operator, from, id, amount, data) returns (bytes4 response) {
if (response != IERC1155Receiver.onERC1155Received.selector) {
revert("ERC1155: ERC1155Receiver rejected tokens");
} catch Error(string memory reason) {
} catch {
revert("ERC1155: transfer to non ERC1155Receiver implementer");
function _doSafeBatchTransferAcceptanceCheck(
address operator,
address from,
address to,
uint256[] memory ids,
uint256[] memory amounts,
bytes memory data
) private {
if (to.isContract()) {
try IERC1155Receiver(to).onERC1155BatchReceived(operator, from, ids, amounts, data) returns (
bytes4 response
) {
if (response != IERC1155Receiver.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector) {
revert("ERC1155: ERC1155Receiver rejected tokens");
} catch Error(string memory reason) {
} catch {
revert("ERC1155: transfer to non ERC1155Receiver implementer");
function _asSingletonArray(uint256 element) private pure returns (uint256[] memory) {
uint256[] memory array = new uint256[](1);
array[0] = element;
return array;
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