The librdf issue tracker does not appear to allow bug submissions from the public, so I'm collecting some here.
$ roqet -e 'SELECT * { VALUES ?i { 1 2 3 } }'
?i |
1 |
2 |
3 |
roqet: Running query 'SELECT * { VALUES ?i { 1 2 3 } }'
roqet: Query has a variable bindings result
row: [i=string("1"^^<>)]
roqet: Query returned 1 results
The problem is specific to the special one-variable syntax of VALUES
. Rewritten like this it works fine:
VALUES (?i) { (1) (2) (3) }
$ roqet -e 'SELECT * { VALUES () { () () } }'
Segmentation fault: 11
$ roqet -e 'SELECT ("\a" AS ?x) {}'
Expected: Syntax error, \a
is not a valid string escape and not allowed by the grammar
roqet: Query has a variable bindings result
row: [x=string("a")]
roqet: Query returned 1 results