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Created May 3, 2020 18:59
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core.logic crops planification POC
(ns playground
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic)
(:require [java-time :as jt]
[clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]))
(def nb-parcells 4)
(def days-to-plan 10)
(def crop-growth-days 3)
(def orders
[{:parcells-count 2 :day 3}
{:parcells-count 2 :day 5}
{:parcells-count 1 :day 8}
{:parcells-count 3 :day 9}])
(defn quantity-for-day [d]
(-> (filter #(= (:day %) d) orders)
(or 0)))
(defn init-matrix []
(into []
#(into [] (repeatedly days-to-plan lvar)))))
; utility func to support multiple arguments in fd/+
(defn add* [vars qty]
(loop [[lvarh & lvars] (rest vars)
constraints []
last-sumvar (first vars)]
(if (nil? lvarh)
; end of recursion, fix the sum to quantity and return the constraints
(conj constraints (== last-sumvar qty))
; constrain a new sum var
(let [sumvar (lvar)]
[(fd/in sumvar (fd/interval 0 (inc qty))) ; assign the domain
(fd/+ lvarh last-sumvar sumvar)]) ;fix the intermediary sum
;; @param matrix is a parcells-orders matrix
;; @param day-i
;; @param quantity comes from the order requirement
;; it should be specified at 0 if no order that day
;; we constrain the total sum of a column (the sum of parcells ready orders for 1 given day)
;; to equal the quantity given as argument
(defn total-parcells-for-day== [matrix day-i qty]
(let [orders-ready (map #(nth % day-i) matrix)]
(add* orders-ready qty)))
;; @param matrix-assignments the matrix of every assignments
;; @param matrix-orders the matrix of orders wanted
;; @param day (the matrix column) theoretically we could do it for all days
;; but it's useless for the columns where we know there is no orders
;; we need the two matrices because we're creating a relation constraint between both.
;; The story: "if I need an order on a parcell this day, the parcell needs to be assigned
;; for at least the crop growing period before"
(defn can-harvest-parcell-constraint [matrix-assignments matrix-orders day-i]
(for [parcell-i (range 0 nb-parcells)
:let [assignments (nth matrix-assignments parcell-i)
orders (nth matrix-orders parcell-i)
parcell-day-assignment (nth assignments day-i)
parcell-day-order (nth orders day-i)
last? (= day-i (dec days-to-plan))]]
[(== parcell-day-order 0)]
[(== parcell-day-order 1)
(== parcell-day-assignment 1)
(if last? succeed (== (nth assignments (inc day-i)) 0))
(if (< day-i (dec crop-growth-days))
(and* (map #(== % 1) (subvec assignments (- day-i (dec crop-growth-days)) day-i))))
; the actual solving
(defn main []
(let [parcells-assignments (init-matrix)
parcells-orders (init-matrix)]
(run 1 [assignments-planning orders-planning]
; every matrix el is either 0 or 1
(and* (map (fn [var] (fd/in var (fd/domain 0 1))) (flatten parcells-assignments)))
(and* (map (fn [var] (fd/in var (fd/domain 0 1))) (flatten parcells-orders)))
; bind assignments constraints every day we have an order
(for [{:keys [day]} orders]
(can-harvest-parcell-constraint parcells-assignments parcells-orders day)))
; bind expected parcell order quantities for each day
(for [day-i (range 0 days-to-plan)
:let [qty (quantity-for-day day-i)]]
(total-parcells-for-day== parcells-orders day-i qty)))
; bind the return
(== assignments-planning parcells-assignments)
(== orders-planning parcells-orders)
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