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Last active June 21, 2018 12:38
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// From:
// Allows you to access nested property (1 level) without the need to to safety check
const properties = { email: { title: "Email", value: "[email protected]" } }
const proxy = new Proxy(properties, {
get: (target, prop) => (prop in target) ? target[prop] : {},
// or
const proxy = new Proxy(properties, {
get: (target, prop) => {
if (prop in target) {
let ret = Reflect.get(target, prop)
if (typeof ret === "function") {
ret = ret.bind(target)
return ret
return {}
}) === "[email protected]" // true
properties.unknownProp.value === Error // cannot read `value` of undefined
properties.unknownProp && properties.unknownProp.value === undefined // true / it works but long to write..
proxy.unknownProp.value === undefined // true / short, clean & safe
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