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Forked from asleepace/try.ts
Created August 21, 2024 18:52
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A simple extension for TypeScript which enables the `.try(args)` method on functions. This works for both normal & async functions, and reduces a lot of boilerplate.
// Try.ts
// By Colin Teahan
// August 14th, 2024
// This TypeScript file enables usage of the .try() method which will return a result tuple of [T?, Error?]
// from any function or async function. This works by defining a new property on the global Object.prototype
// and then do some type-fu.
// Example usage:
// function getUserById(id: number) {
// if (id <= 0) throw new Error('invalid user id')
// return { name: 'Bob', id }
// }
// const [user, error] = getUserById.try(0) <-- error will be returned
// const [user, error] = getUserById.try(1) <-- user 'Bob' is returned
// NOTE: This is still a work in progress and is not suitable for production. Since this works similarly to how
// the .call() or .apply(this) methods work, it is not guarenteed the 'this' argument will always be correct.
interface TryableFunction<A, T> {
(...args: A[]): T | never
call(this: any, ...args: A[]): T | never
interface AsyncTryableFunction<A, T> {
async (...args: A[]): Promise<T>
call(this: any, ...args: A[]): Promise<T>
type Tryable<Args, T> = TryableFunction<Args, T> | AsyncTryableFunction<Args, T>
// The .try() method returns a tuple of [T, undefined] or [undefined, Error], by declaring it this way
// the type system is able to deduce that T is present if Error is undefined and vis-versa.
type TryableSuccessTuple<T> = [T, undefined]
type TryableFailureTuple<Err = Error> = [undefined, Err]
type TryableResultTuple<T> = TryableSuccessTuple<T> | TryableFailureTuple
// Extends the normal Function interface to include the .try() method, this is just for the type system,
// and there are two to work with both async and non-async methods.
interface Function {
try<T, A extends any[]>(this: (...args: A) => Promise<T>, ...args: A): Promise<TryableResultTuple<T>>
try<T, A extends any[]>(this: (...args: A) => T, ...args: A): TryableResultTuple<T>
// Helper function to check if a function is Async or not, it's possible that Babel can mess up how
// this operates, so we provide two additional checks.
function isPromise<A, T>(result: unknown): result is Promise<T> {
return Boolean(result && typeof result === 'object' && 'then' in result && 'catch' in result)
// define the Function 'try' method which attempts to call the method and return a result tuple.
// NOTE: If the function is async we need to return the success tuple or failure tuple in the
// promise chain so it can be awaited.
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'try', {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
value: function<A, T>(this: Tryable<A, T>, ...args: A[]): TryableResultTuple<T> | Promise<TryableResultTuple<T>> {
try {
const result = as any, ...args)
if (isPromise(result)) {
return result
.then((res) => [res, undefined] as TryableSuccessTuple<T>)
.catch((err) => [undefined, err] as TryableFailureTuple)
} else {
return [result, undefined] as TryableSuccessTuple<T>
} catch (error) {
return [undefined, error as Error] as TryableFailureTuple
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