First, burn an image on the sd card. Then you can just boot and do the following to update the orange pi firmware, so that you can boot from the NVME
Update your packages and the orangepi-config, sometimes when you try to run the config binary it doesn't work out of the box
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
Update the firmware with orangepi-config
sudo orangepi-config
Remove any partition from the NVME
- to preview, press
- to delete, press
- to write the changes, press
sudo gdisk /dev/nvme0n1
Clone the files from your SD Card (optional)
cat /dev/mmcblk1 > /dev/nvme0n1
It takes about an hour, but if you have a way to burn the image into your NVME/SSD it'd be a better option
Check the NVME partition to fix a couple errors and then you can just reboot
sudo fsck -yf /dev/nvme0n1p2
sudo fsck -yf /dev/nvme0n1p1
After rebooting, you can resize your NVME
sudo /usr/lib/orangepi/orangepi-resize-filesystem start
You can also test the performance by running the following
sudo curl | sudo bash
Well if you're using a Zero I'd recommend finding a usb-c to usb-c/usb cable to connect a keyboard, so that you can do the following steps.
This one is very straightforward, all the you need to do is run the following:
The following will show the list of available wifis to connect
sudo nmcli device wifi list
To connect to one of the available wifis you need to
sudo nmcli device wifi connect 'wifi-name' password 'wifi-password' ifname wlan0
Then you can check your wifi
ip -br address show dev wlan0