Here's the message signed in the web3auth example (modified):
const signMessage = async (): Promise<any> => {
if (!provider) {
console.log("provider not initialized yet");
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
const fromAddress = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
const originalMessage = [
type: 'string',
name: 'Message',
value: 'Hi, Alice!',
type: 'uint32',
name: 'A number',
value: '1337',
const params = [originalMessage, fromAddress];
const method = "eth_signTypedData";
const signedMessage = await (web3.currentProvider as any)?.sendAsync({
id: 1,
One of the signatures yielded by the application is 0x28ae09bd40c68fb1f403bce570e4aa3e565807e5292b8af42767f3d3ed2c32f578b1bba5e9a33b638fc45805e54e202cd29091933d77893d65470ca9ef15c7e31
Metamask has a live sample here
I can sign the exact same typed message using metamask (chain id 5) and get the following signature back: 0xcff43a27afe8f2f4f7a593ce8a6500830d2ddf1f52795a596d1341f7f6f61ebc6bb796f308390d7e59d2fcd76e4bd37e7b14bbaaf01b3d1f990b86ec255a8a731b
The metamask example source has the same message as above:
const msgParams = [
type: 'string',
name: 'Message',
value: 'Hi, Alice!',
type: 'uint32',
name: 'A number',
value: '1337',
Using eth-sig-utils I can recover the signature from the live dapp sample, but not the web3auth signature.
Here is the program I use to recover the sigs:
import {
} from 'eth-sig-util';
const doRecover = async (s) => {
const originalMessage = [
type: 'string',
name: 'Message',
value: 'Hi, Alice!',
type: 'uint32',
name: 'A number',
value: '1337',
const recoveredAddr = await recoverTypedSignatureLegacy({
data: originalMessage,
sig: s,
await doRecover("0xcff43a27afe8f2f4f7a593ce8a6500830d2ddf1f52795a596d1341f7f6f61ebc6bb796f308390d7e59d2fcd76e4bd37e7b14bbaaf01b3d1f990b86ec255a8a731b")
await doRecover("0x28ae09bd40c68fb1f403bce570e4aa3e565807e5292b8af42767f3d3ed2c32f578b1bba5e9a33b638fc45805e54e202cd29091933d77893d65470ca9ef15c7e31")
Here is the output:
$ node recover.js
throw new Error('Invalid signature v value');
Error: Invalid signature v value