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{% test enum_distribution(model, column_name, expected, allow_other=False, fudge=0.1) %}
COALESCE(expected.enum_val, actual.enum_val) AS enum_val,
expected.fraction AS expected_fraction,
actual.fraction AS actual_fraction
{% for enum_val, expected_fraction in expected.items() -%}
SELECT '{{enum_val}}' AS enum_val, {{expected_fraction}} AS fraction
{%- if not loop.last %} UNION ALL {% endif %}
d1manson /
Last active October 20, 2021 23:09
Prefect control flow helper, similar to `case`. See
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict
import prefect
from prefect import Task, Flow
from prefect.triggers import all_successful
from prefect.tasks.control_flow.conditional import CompareValue
from prefect.engine import signals
from prefect.engine import state # noqa
from prefect import core # noqa
d1manson / simulate_3dsecure_action.js
Last active August 31, 2021 17:22
for use in testing stripe intents server side. note this is for use with a test mode key. relies on implementation details that might change
const { STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY } = process.env,
axios = require("axios"),
qs = require("querystring").stringify,
{ JSDOM } = require("jsdom");
module.exports.simulateAction = async function(
mode = "setup_intent"
) {
d1manson / mongoose-upsert-plugin.js
Created September 28, 2017 10:20
Unlike findOneAndUpdate, this returns both the old and the new docs, the operation is performed atomically
Unlike findOneAndUpdate, this returns both the old and the new docs,
the operation is performed atomically.
Note that although it can apply defaults properly, it does not apply
pre-update hooks, with the exception of timestamps (see note in code).
Dogs.upsert({owner: 'wallace', name: 'grommit'}, {breakfast: 'eggs'})
// For info on usage, development and debugging,
// see . [private]
const Painter = require('./render/painter'),
Style = require('./style/style'),
EXTENT = require('./data/extent'),
Evented = require('./util/evented'),
TileCoord = require('./source/tile_coord'),
mat4 = require('@mapbox/gl-matrix').mat4,
Source = require('./source/source'),
d1manson / vue-fetch.js
Last active February 10, 2017 17:13
like polymer's ajax component
Example basic usage is something like this:
<div id="vue-mount">
<vue-fetch endpoint="/example" :id="exampleId" :model="exampleModel"></vue-fetch>
{{exampleId}} {{exampleModel.thing}} {{exampleModel.other}}
new Vue({
el: "#vue-mount"
pip install
Download pyhook .whl file from:
Note if you have python 2.7, and 64 bit you need the version:
otherwise choose the relevant one.
Then open a comand prompt, cd to your downloads folder and run
d1manson / uk d***ing test booking automated checker.js
Last active May 15, 2016 19:24
script to manually insert into the page to help find cancelations
Go to, and get to the
"Test time" section. Then, open the F12 developer console, and copy paste
all of the following code. If something breaks, then just refresh the page and
try again. You can modify the configuration below.
Currently date parsing is rather basic, we just get the day for a specific target month,
e.g. May 2016, and then check if that day (e.g. 23rd) is before or equal to the day you
requested. It's not hard to improve upon this but I haven't bothered.
% sample data
s1 = 8192; s2 = 200;
img_a = rand(s1, s2);
img_b = rand(s1, s2);
r = 2;
% and the calculation itself
img_diff = img_a - img_b;
kernel = bsxfun(@plus, (-s1:s1).^2', (-s2:s2).^2);
kernel = 1/(2/pi/r^2) * exp(-kernel/ (2*r*2));
d1manson /
Created January 28, 2016 12:11
benchmark np basic math
import timeit
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
pow2s = arange(10,22,0.25)
t_times1 = np.zeros(len(pow2s))
t_sum = np.zeros(len(pow2s))
t_cumsum = np.zeros(len(pow2s))
for ii, pow2 in enumerate(pow2s):
setup = "import numpy as np\na = np.random.rand({})".format(2**pow2)
t_times1[ii] = min(timeit.Timer('a*1.0', setup=setup).repeat(3, 100))/100