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Dave Wilde d34dh0r53

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# cat << EOF > /dev/null
# (‑●‑●)> dual licensed under the WTFPL v2 license and the MIT license,
# without any warranty.
# Copyright 2012— Gregory Pakosz (@gpakosz).
# /!\ do not edit this file
# instead, override settings in ~/.tmux.conf.local, see
# -- general -------------------------------------------------------------------
[pid 4278] read(14</home/cdw/go/src/>, ""..., 4096) = 23
[pid 4278] read(14</home/cdw/go/src/>, "", 4096) = 0
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]> 7<pipe:[73907115]> 9<pipe:[73907116]>], [], [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>>], {tv_sec=0, tv_usec=0}) = 0 (Timeout)
[pid 4278] select(10, [0</dev/pts/1<char 136:1>> 5<UNIX:[73928710->73922276]>
[pid 4278] write(4</tmp/vim_channel_log_20190516_2053_25_JnofQu2YfsEh>, ""..., 94) = 94
> /usr/lib/ [0xebcff]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7be5d]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7b1bf]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7cfd9]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7b068]
> /usr/lib/ [0x70191]
> /home/cdw/vim-git/bin/vim(ch_log+0xdd) [0x27a94d]
> /home/cdw/vim-git/bin/vim(channel_write_any_lines+0x68) [0x27cf08]
> /home/cdw/vim-git/bin/vim(channel_parse_messages+0x48f) [0x27fa2f]
d34dh0r53 / vimhang1.txt
Last active May 17, 2019 02:26
Vim Hang 1
[pid 4278] write(4</tmp/vim_channel_log_20190516_2053_25_JnofQu2YfsEh>, ""..., 46) = 46
> /usr/lib/ [0xebcff]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7be5d]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7b1bf]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7cfd9]
> /usr/lib/ [0x7b068]
> /usr/lib/ [0x70191]
> /home/cdw/vim-git/bin/vim(ch_log+0xdd) [0x27a94d]
> /home/cdw/vim-git/bin/vim(channel_write_any_lines+0x68) [0x27cf08]
> /home/cdw/vim-git/bin/vim(channel_parse_messages+0x48f) [0x27fa2f]
d34dh0r53 / k8s-mnaio.patch
Last active April 1, 2019 16:07
K8S Multinode VMs
diff --git a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/group_vars/all.yml b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/group_vars/all.yml
index b3207c5..b9a5626 100644
--- a/multi-node-aio/playbooks/group_vars/all.yml
+++ b/multi-node-aio/playbooks/group_vars/all.yml
@@ -127,25 +127,6 @@ mnaio_host_networks:
inet_type: 'static'
address: ''
iface_port: none
- vlan:
- iface: 'vm-br-eth3'
d34dh0r53 /
Created June 3, 2017 14:29
ELK Installation Steps
  1. HAProxy Settings in /etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml
elasticsearch_http_port: 9200
elasticsearch_tcp_port: 9300

  - service:
      haproxy_service_name: elasticsearch-http
      haproxy_backend_nodes: "{{ groups['elasticsearch_all'] | default([]) }}"
d34dh0r53 /
Last active May 2, 2017 15:56
Elasticsearch Won't Start
  1. Running inside an unconfined lxc container
  2. ES 2.x worked fine
  3. Seems to be related to binding to interface
  4. System info:
  • uname
# uname -a
Linux logging1-elasticsearch-container-4701b6ca 4.4.0-75-generic #96-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 20 09:56:33 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • dpkg
d34dh0r53 /
Last active January 2, 2019 06:12
Upgrading Rackspace OnMetal Trusty to Xenial

Upgrading a Rackspace OnMetal server from Trusty (14.04) to Xenial (16.04)

First Steps

  1. Run apt-get update
  2. Run apt-get dist-upgrade
  3. Reboot if needed (new kernel, etc...)
  4. Run apt-get update again
  5. Run apt-get autoremove
  6. Ensure that update-manager is set to receive lts upgrades
    • Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
    • Ensure that Prompt=lts is set
d34dh0r53 / f5-config-newton.diff
Created February 15, 2017 15:54
F5 Config Newton
~/S/rpc-openstack git:master ❯❯❯ diff ./scripts/ ../dpham-rpc-openstack/scripts/ ✭
diff --git 1/./scripts/ 2/../dpham-rpc-openstack/scripts/
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 6ad18ed..ada22c0
--- 1/./scripts/
+++ 2/../dpham-rpc-openstack/scripts/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2014-2016, Rackspace US, Inc.