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Dave Wilde d34dh0r53

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cloudnull /
Last active December 6, 2016 12:14
Full Multi-Node OpenStack deployment using a single OnMetal host from the Rackspace Public Cloud. Read more in the "About this script" comment.
echo "this gist has been moved into a project please clone from here:"
Apsu /
Last active December 4, 2015 03:06
Find veth pairs on the host which are not in any running containers
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Create associative arrays
declare -A interior=()
declare -A exterior=()
# Make sure ethtool is installed on this host
apt-get install -y ethtool &>/dev/null
# For each container
pascalpoitras /
Last active March 3, 2025 13:44
My WeeChat configuration

This configuration is not maintained anymore. You should think twice before using it, Breaking change and security issue will likely eventually happens as any abandonned project.

How to feel good about your tests

Does writing tests and seeing them fail have you down? Add this new and improved test runner to your testing methodology and see your test runs improve.

for ((i=0; i<$RANDOM; i++)); do echo -n '.' ; done ; echo ; echo '==== TESTS PASSED ====' ; echo 'Tests ran in 0.00s'

This one line will cure all your worries. Simply save it as a file called run_tests and run chmod 755 run_tests. Then whenever your tests have you down, run ./run_tests from the command line and see green.

ssstonebraker / sed cheatsheet
Created August 2, 2013 14:06 — forked from un33k/sed cheatsheet
Sed Cheatsheet
# double space a file
sed G
# double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
# should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
sed '/^$/d;G'