The 12 core projections.
From D3 in Depth book by Peter Cook.
license: gpl-3.0 | |
height: 6350 | |
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The 12 core projections.
From D3 in Depth book by Peter Cook.
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<meta charset="utf-8"> | |
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<title>Geo (projection distortion)</title> | |
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font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; | |
font-size: 14px; | |
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<h1>D3 core projections</h1> | |
<div class="description">Here are the 12 <a href="" target="_blank">core geographic projections</a> in <a href="" target="_blank">D3</a> (version 4.2). Equal radius circles are drawn to highlight area distortion (e.g. see Mercator).</div> | |
<div class="description">From <a href="">D3 in Depth</a>.</div> | |
<div id="content"></div> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script> | |
var geojson = {}; | |
var projections = [ | |
{type: 'AzimuthalEqualArea', scale: 100}, | |
{type: 'AzimuthalEquidistant', scale: 80}, | |
{type: 'Gnomonic', scale: 100}, | |
{type: 'Orthographic', scale: 160}, | |
{type: 'Stereographic', scale: 100}, | |
{type: 'Albers', scale: 120}, | |
{type: 'ConicConformal', scale: 100}, | |
{type: 'ConicEqualArea', scale: 100}, | |
{type: 'ConicEquidistant', scale: 100}, | |
{type: 'Equirectangular', scale: 80}, | |
{type: 'Mercator', scale: 70}, | |
{type: 'TransverseMercator', scale: 70}, | |
]; | |
var circles = [[0, 0], [-90, 0], [-45, 0], [45, 0], [90, 0], [0, -70], [0, -35], [0, 35], [0, 70]]; | |
var geoCircle = d3.geoCircle().radius(10).precision(1); | |
var geoGraticule = d3.geoGraticule(); | |
var width = 500, height = 500, globalScale = 1.2, yaw = 1; | |
var yawScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0, width]).range([-180, 180]); | |
function updateCanvas(d) { | |
var context = this.getContext('2d'); | |
var projection = d3['geo' + d.type]() | |
.scale(globalScale * d.scale) | |
.center([0, 0]) | |
.translate([0.5 * width, 0.5 * height]) | |
.rotate([yaw, 0, 0]) | |
var geoGenerator = d3.geoPath() | |
.projection(projection) | |
.context(context); | |
context.lineWidth = 0.5; | |
// Graticule | |
context.strokeStyle = '#ccc'; | |
context.fillStyle = 'none'; | |
context.setLineDash([1,1]); | |
context.beginPath(); | |
geoGenerator(geoGraticule()); | |
context.stroke(); | |
// World | |
context.fillStyle = '#eee'; | |
context.setLineDash([]); | |
context.beginPath(); | |
geoGenerator({type: 'FeatureCollection', features: geojson.features}) | |
context.fill(); | |
context.stroke(); | |
// Circles | |
context.strokeStyle = '#888'; | |
context.fillStyle = 'none'; | |
circles.forEach(function(center) { | |; | |
context.beginPath(); | |
geoGenerator(geoCircle()); | |
context.stroke(); | |
}); | |
// Projection label | |
context.fillStyle = '#333'; | |
context.fillText(d.type, 10, 20); | |
} | |
function update() { | |
var u ='#content') | |
.selectAll('canvas') | |
.data(projections); | |
u.enter() | |
.append('canvas') | |
.attr('width', width + 'px') | |
.attr('height', height + 'px') | |
.merge(u) | |
.each(updateCanvas); | |
u.exit().remove(); | |
} | |
d3.json('ne_110m_land.json', function(err, json) { | |
geojson = json; | |
update(); | |
}) | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |