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Last active July 8, 2020 07:21
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Discussion regarding matrix composition from angle-angle-angle vectors

This is an alternative method to get a basis from a quaternion (log quaternion)... or from angle/angle/angle. This is built by rotating the constant vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) via standard quaternion rotation, and reducing common factors. The 0s and 1s collapse out a lot of the terms of apply. It ends up being less work to get the 3 vector basis than to rotate a single point; although if you USE the basis to multiply with the point; that increases the work to excess of just rotating a vector directly...

This is the base form... the steps will be broken out for phases of substitution. As implemented here

	const q = { x: AngleX, y:AngleY, z:AngleZ } ;

Compute the total rotation of the system (angle is sum of angles). If there is no rotation, return the default basis. Also compute a square normal; take the reciprical for multiplation later instead of division.

	const nt = (Math.abs(q.x)+Math.abs(q.y)+Math.abs(q.z)) / 2;
	if( !nt ) {
		return {forward:{x:0,y:0,z:1}, right:{x:1,y:0,z:0}, up:{x:0,y:1,z:0}, origin:{x:0,y:0,z:0 }};
	const nR = 1/Math.sqrt( q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z );

Use the total angle, and get the sin/cos of that angle; a quaternion has this already built into its factors.

	const s  = Math.sin( del * nt ); // sin/cos are the function of exp()
	const qw = Math.cos( del * nt ); // sin/cos are the function of exp()

Normalize the inputs, and multiply by the sin of the angle/2; this is already a factor of a quaternion, and q.w would be the cos above...

	const qx = q.x * nR * s; // normalizes the imaginary parts
	const qy = q.y * nR * s; // set the sin of their composite angle as their total
	const qz = q.z * nR * s; // output = 1(unit vector) * sin  in  x,y,z parts.

Finally; these are all of the common factors.

	const xy = 2*qx*qy;  // sin(t)*sin(t) * x * y / (xx+yy+zz)
	const yz = 2*qy*qz;  // sin(t)*sin(t) * y * z / (xx+yy+zz)
	const xz = 2*qx*qz;  // sin(t)*sin(t) * x * z / (xx+yy+zz)

	const wx = 2*qw*qx;  // cos(t)*sin(t) * x / sqrt(xx+yy+zz)
	const wy = 2*qw*qy;  // cos(t)*sin(t) * y / sqrt(xx+yy+zz)
	const wz = 2*qw*qz;  // cos(t)*sin(t) * z / sqrt(xx+yy+zz)

	const xx = 2*qx*qx;  // sin(t)*sin(t) * y * y / (xx+yy+zz)
	const yy = 2*qy*qy;  // sin(t)*sin(t) * x * x / (xx+yy+zz)
	const zz = 2*qz*qz;  // sin(t)*sin(t) * z * z / (xx+yy+zz)

Which can be used to create a matrix like this.

	const basis = { right  :{ x : 1 - ( yy + zz ),  y :     ( wz + xy ), z :     ( xz - wy ) }
	              , up     :{ x :     ( xy - wz ),  y : 1 - ( zz + xx ), z :     ( wx + yz ) }
	              , forward:{ x :     ( wy + xz ),  y :     ( yz - wx ), z : 1 - ( xx + yy ) }


Update() does the 'heavy' work, the sin/cos lookup, sqrt normal calculation....

lnQuat.prototype.update = function() {
	// sqrt, 3 mul 2 add 1 div 1 sin 1 cos
	if( !this.dirty ) return;
	this.dirty = false;

	// norm-rect
	this.nR = Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y + this.z*this.z);

	// norm-linear    this is / 3 usually, but the sine lookup would 
	//    adds a /3 back in which reverses it.
	this.nL = (Math.abs(this.x)+Math.abs(this.y)+Math.abs(this.z))/2;///(2*Math.PI); // average of total
	if( this.nR ){
		this.nx = this.x/this.nR /* * this.nL*/;
		this.ny = this.y/this.nR /* * this.nL*/; = this.z/this.nR /* * this.nL*/;
	}else {
		this.nx = 0;
		this.ny = 0; = 0;
	this.s  = Math.sin(this.nL); // only want one half wave...  0-pi total.
	this.qw = Math.cos(this.nL);

	return this;

And then Apply() takes a vector(v) and applys the log-quaternion rotation to it....

lnQuat.prototype.apply = function( v ) {
	//return this.applyDel( v, 1.0 );
	const q = this;
	if( !q.nL ) {
		// v is unmodified.	
		return {x:v.x, y:v.y, z:v.z }; // 1.0
	// q.s and q.qw are set in update(); they are constants for a quat in a location.
	const nst = q.s/this.nR; // normal * sin_theta
	const qw = q.qw;  //Math.cos( pl );   quaternion q.w  = (exp(lnQ)) [ *exp(lnQ.W=0) ]
	const qx = q.x*nst;
	const qy = q.y*nst;
	const qz = q.z*nst;
		//p’ = (v* + v.cross(p)*(w))*2 + p*(w*w –
	const tx = 2 * (qy * v.z - qz * v.y); // v.cross(p)*w*2
	const ty = 2 * (qz * v.x - qx * v.z);
	const tz = 2 * (qx * v.y - qy * v.x);
	return { x : v.x + qw * tx + ( qy * tz - ty * qz )
	       , y : v.y + qw * ty + ( qz * tx - tz * qx )
	       , z : v.z + qw * tz + ( qx * ty - tx * qy ) };

Reversing Matrix to Angles

The trace of the matrix gives the angle.

lnQuat.prototype.fromBasis = function( basis ) {
        // tr(M)=2cos(theta)+1 .
	const t = ( ( basis.right.x + basis.up.y + basis.forward.z ) - 1 )/2;
	let angle = acos(t);
	if( !angle ) {
		this.x = this.y = this.z = this.nx = this.ny = = this.nL = this.nR = 0;
		this.ny = 1; // axis normal.
		this.s = 0;  // sin(angle)
		this.qw = 1; // cos(angle)
		return this; // set to 0.
   from another page (missing reference)
    x = (R21 - R12)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);
    y = (R02 - R20)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);
    z = (R10 - R01)/sqrt((R21 - R12)^2+(R02 - R20)^2+(R10 - R01)^2);
	// Recommend: Add +/- 2PI occasionally, since any +/- n* 2PI 
	// rotation is this same matrix, but we don't really know which this came from...
	const yz = basis.up     .z - basis.forward.y;
	const xz = basis.forward.x - basis.right  .z;
	const xy = basis.right  .y - basis.up     .x;
	const tmp = 1 /Math.sqrt( yz*yz + xz*xz + xy*xy );

	this.nx = yz *tmp;
	this.ny = xz *tmp; = xy *tmp;
	const lNorm = angle / (Math.abs(this.nx)+Math.abs(this.ny)+Math.abs(;
	this.x = this.nx * lNorm;
	this.y = this.ny * lNorm;
	this.z = * lNorm;
	return this;

arccos > 1

did a lot of research leading up to this, and this works for arccos(cos(a)+cos(b))...

// 'fixed' acos for inputs > 1
function acos(x) {
	const mod = (x,y)=>y * (x / y - Math.floor(x / y)) ;
	const plusminus = (x)=>mod( x+1,2)-1;
	const trunc = (x,y)=>x-mod(x,y);
	return Math.acos(plusminus(x));
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