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Last active May 26, 2018 05:15
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#Updating packages
apt-get --yes update
apt-get --yes upgrade
#Installing dependencies
apt-get --yes --install-recommends install dnsmasq ldm-ubuntu-theme
apt-get --yes --install-recommends install ltsp-server
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
apt-get -yq --yes --install-recommends install ltsp-client
apt-get --yes install epoptes epoptes-client
#Adding vagrant user to group epoptes
gpasswd -a ${SUDO_USER:-$USER} epoptes
#Updating kernel
echo 'IPAPPEND=3' >> /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf
#configure dnsmasq
ltsp-config dnsmasq
#Creating lts.conf
ltsp-config lts.conf
#Installing additional software
apt-get --yes install edubuntu-desktop
apt-get --yes install ubuntu-edu-preschool ubuntu-edu-primary ubuntu-edu-secondary ubuntu-edu-tertiary
#Installing ltsp-manager
apt-get --yes update
apt-get --yes install ltsp-manager
#Creating client image
ltsp-update-image --cleanup /
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