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function deleteRows() { | |
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); | |
var rows = sheet.getDataRange(); | |
var numRows = rows.getNumRows(); | |
var values = rows.getValues(); | |
var rowsDeleted = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i <= numRows - 1; i++) { | |
var row = values[i]; | |
if (row[0] == 'delete' || row[0] == '') { // This searches all cells in columns A (change to row[1] for columns B and so on) and deletes row if cell is empty or has value 'delete'. | |
sheet.deleteRow((parseInt(i)+1) - rowsDeleted); | |
rowsDeleted++; | |
} | |
} | |
}; |
Hello, I have came upon this one issue where I use the code but it also deletes all of the rows above it. For example, the value that should have the rows deleted is "Unclear". When i run the script, It firstly clears up the cells above and then clears the cells with "Unclear" value. Is there any way to fix it please? Thank you. @lewws66 , much love.
Could you give me sample data of your file and the script which you copied ?
@lewws66 Thank you so much, I have solved it. Though, I had one more question.
Can I possibly implement the script to search the row and if a specific word was said in it, it would also mark it as clear.
So in here for example, used this script:
function deleteRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var values = rows.getValues();
var rowsDeleted = 0;
for (var i = 0; i <= numRows - 1; i++) {
var row = values[i];
if (row[0].includes('Unclear') || row[0] == '') {
sheet.deleteRow((parseInt(i)+1) - rowsDeleted);
function onOpen(){
.addItem('Main', 'deleteRows')
In here, I'm looking to give the "Clear" mark right next to the sum of the row if the person has a day of EX in their row. Could please help me with that man? Thank you. Let me know if you need more explanation and then i can send the sheet.
See if I got it right. "Ex" can appear in column 8 to 14.
So in row 1, the last column shouldn't be "clear" but should be "Unclear"?
And row 5 to 7 last column should be "clear"?
You partially did. Let me send the link anyways.
In row 1, it already has 10 at the sum so it is good to be clear.
But for Person 5's row, there is 3 EX's, therefore I want it to say "Clear" at the end of it.(Not that it has 3, EX's, 1 EX should be also enough). But it says Unclear since the formula works like it. =IF(Q34<10, "Unclear", "Clear")
Except for that, the code is fine, I want any sum that is below sam to be Unclear and any above it Clear.
Thank you for responding.
(let line 1 be your statement function deleteRows() { , and empty lines not counted, line reference is to original )
Some comment on your script :
To label the last column "Clear" or "Unclear", you need to add the following to your script above
Between line 5 and 6 insert the following :
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
After line 8 (which is var row = values[i];) , and before line 9
You'll need a for loop (j loop below) to go through the columns 8 to 3rd last column in value[i]
to check for "Ex" and then to fill last column as "Clear" if there is "Ex".
You are checking the value of cell (i+1, j+1) (remembering array indexes start from 0)
Here's the script :
for (var j= 7; i <= numCols - 3; i++) {
if (row[j].includes('Ex')) {
row[numCols-1] ='Clear';
break; // jump out of j loop as one occurrence of Ex is enough to have 'Clear' in the last columns
} else {
row[numCols-1] ='Unclear';
} // end of if else
} // end of loop j
For Line 9 (which is : if (row[0].includes('Unclear') || row[0] == '') )
You defined row as : var row = values[i];
So if i = 1, then row[0] is actually values[1][0] I think, which from your sheet is the value in cell on row 2 column 1, i.e. has the value "Person 2"
Since the column you are checking on is the last column, so this might work better :
if (row[numCols-1].includes('Unclear') || row[numCols-1] == '')
I did not test the scripts suggested above since I don't have your spreadsheet. Kindly check if it works with your sheet.
Lew W.S.
Just saw your reply that if the sum of 2nd last column >= 10 then the last column can also be "Clear".
Rewriting this part
After line 8 (which is var row = values[i];) , and before line 9
You'll need a for loop (j loop below) to go through the columns 8 to 3rd last column in value[i]
to check for "Ex" and then to fill last column as "Clear" if there is "Ex".
You are checking the value of cell (i+1, j+1) (remembering array indexes start from 0)
Here's the script :
for (var j= 7; i <= numCols - 3; i++) {
if (row[j].includes('Ex')) {
row[numCols-1] ='Clear';
break; // jump out of j loop as one occurrence of Ex is enough to have 'Clear' in the last columns
} else {
row[numCols-1] ='Unclear';
} // end of if else
} // end of loop j
// Add this last check, if sum of columns 8 to 14 is 10 or more, then last column is "Clear"
if (parseInt(row[numCols - 2])>9) { // not sure if I need to use parseInt() for the value of row[numCols-1]
row[numCols-1] ='Clear';
Hope this works for you.
Just saw your file.
leftmost top cell is not Cell(1,1) so we need to reference backwards from numRows and numCols.
Oh alright, so what do you recommend? I have been researching for some options for a while and couldn't find any unfortunately.
Your shared file's script need some fine tuning. I get it now..
I made also some errors, forgetting I need to write to the cells instead of to the array "values" which is in memory only.
I note you have formulae in column R.
But once I find Ex in columns J to P, and need to change it to Clear, I will overwrite your formulae.
Did you mean you will change column R's formulae so that it will be set correctly to "Clear" or "Unclear" or do you want the script to do it?
Also will your spreadsheet always start in column C and at line 30? or will it be at A1? or do you expect automatic detection, and will you then always have the Ex and numbers on the column 8 to 14 from the leftmost column?
Did you mean you will change column R's formulae so that it will be set correctly to "Clear" or "Unclear" or do you want the script to do it?
I don't mind, whatever is easier for you.
Also will your spreadsheet always start in column C and at line 30? or will it be at A1? or do you expect automatic detection, and will you then always have the Ex and numbers on the column 8 to 14 from the leftmost column?
I'm intending on implementing the result script and formulas onto a whole another spreadsheet which will always start at Colum F but not at line 30. I'm guessing automatic detection would be better if possible. And yes, EX and numbers will always be from 8 to 14.
Thank you so much once again.
Have sent you a copy of your spreadsheet file with revised script that works for the tables of same size but starting at different positions.
Link here : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AARYUNgdRBE_67bT0bsGbOs1ULoA4I2BXGG8OrLynBo/edit?usp=sharing
I think the main hassle is trying to be familiar with referencing and writing to the spreadsheet cells using getRange().setValue as well as
initially copying all the spreadsheet data into the array "values" so that we can manipulate it (looping through can be using for loops or actually using forEach) in memory much faster, make the necessary conditional checks and then actually updating the cells with the correct values.
function deleteRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();
var values = rows.getValues();
var numCols = rows.getNumColumns();
var rowsDeleted = 0;
var strow = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < numRows ; i++) {
var row = values[i];
for (var j= numCols - 9; j < numCols - 2; j++) {
strow = i+1; // maximum strow is the start row of non empty cells
if (row.includes("EX")) {
row[numCols-1] ='Clear';
// need to write directly to cell, besides writing to array in memory
break; // jump out of j loop as one occurrence of EX is enough to have 'Clear' in the last columns
} else {
if(!row[(numCols-2)]=="") {
row[numCols-1] ='Unclear';
// need to write directly to cell, besides writing to array in memory
} // end of if else
} // end of loop j
if (row[numCols - 2]>9){
row[numCols-1] ='Clear';
// need to write directly to cell, besides writing to array in memory
} // end of loop i
// This loop is to clear the rows which have last column's value as "Unclear" or empty
for (var i = strow; i < numRows ; i++) {
var row = values[i];
if (row[numCols-1] == "Unclear" || row[numCols-1] == "") {
sheet.deleteRow((parseInt(i)+1) - rowsDeleted);
function onOpen(){
.addItem('Main', 'deleteRows')
Wow, it really does work. Thank you with that, Though, for some reason, It overrides the sum formula. Maybe its cause of numCols-1, I'm unsure. Could you check that out for me? I simply want it to override the "=IF(T36<10, "Unclear", "Clear")" formula if there is an EX in the row. But i guess it overrides the sum formula just next to it. Could you look into it? Thanks. Other than that, works just fine.
May be you show me your script? and the file.
If you used the one I sent you https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AARYUNgdRBE_67bT0bsGbOs1ULoA4I2BXGG8OrLynBo/edit?usp=sharing it should work for any number of rows of data, for the same number of columns, placed anywhere in the spreadsheet.
Ah, never mind man, I think It was me who made a mistake. It seems to be working perfectly fine for now. I really do appreciate your help and wish you an amazing day.
Same. Wishing you a good day!
It might be worth updating your script to explain (in a code comment) that this is method does not necessarily have good performance. Ideally you should delete rows in batches. For more information https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/support/best-practices or this example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73651127/speed-up-row-deletion-on-apps-script
i've been trying to make this condition work for the past hour, and i have used the debugger to see what exactly is stored in each variable (as you can see on the right) and they do match, but the condition is FALSE, and i do not get why.
can someone help? (i have never used google script or javascript before)
This is exactly what I was looking for. Had to finagle it for my own purposes, but I got it to work. I deleted a selection of columns within the target row based on whether the value of a certain cell was less than or equal to a certain number.
const deleteRows = async () => {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const rows = sheet.getDataRange();
const numRows = rows.getNumRows();
const values = rows.getValues();
let rowsCleared = 0; // This should be declared with 'let' to avoid a global variable
for (let i = 1; i < numRows; i++) {
// Start from index 1 to skip the header row
let row = values[i];
// Check if the value in column E (index 4) is <= 5
if (row[4] <= 5) {
// Wrap delete cells in a promise to make it async
await new Promise((resolve) => {
// Delete cells from columns A-J in the specific row
.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, 10)
.deleteCells(SpreadsheetApp.Dimension.ROWS); // i + 1 to convert index to row number
o, man thanks lemme try it out)