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Created December 30, 2016 13:28
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#! /usr/bin/python
import dota2api
from dota2api.src.exceptions import APIError, APITimeoutError
import csv
from multiprocessing import Pool
import time
import sys
def getMatchInfo( api, matchId ):
for retries in range(3):
match = api.get_match_details(match_id=matchId)
except APIError as e:
print e.msg
raise APIError('Getting match ' + str(matchId) + ' Failed')
except Exception as e:
print sys.exc_info()
if retries == 2:
raise APIError('Getting match ' + str(matchId) + ' Failed')
if match['human_players'] != 10 or len(match['players']) != 10:
raise APIError('Bad number of players')
if 'radiant_win' not in match.viewkeys():
raise APIError('Match not completed')
matchRow = [0]*15
matchRow[0] = matchId
if match['radiant_win']: # eg True
matchRow[1] = 1
matchRow[1] = -1
matchRow[2] = match['cluster'] # eg 227 -> translates to Europe West?
matchRow[3] = match['game_mode_name'] # eg Captains Mode
matchRow[4] = match['lobby_name'] # eg Ranked
for i in range(10):
matchRow[5 + i] = match['players'][i]['hero_id'] # eg 5
return matchRow
def serialLoop( api, matchId, stopNum, writer ):
while stopNum > 0:
matchInfo = getMatchInfo( api, matchId )
stopNum -= 1
print "Got " + str(matchId) + ", Need " + str(stopNum) + " more"
except APIError as e:
print e.msg
matchId -= 1
def getMatchStar( args ):
match = getMatchInfo( args[0], args[1] )
print "Match " + str(args[1]) + " successful"
return match
except APIError as e:
print e.msg
return []
def parallelLoop( api, matchId, stopNum, writer ):
p = Pool(4)
matchList = ( [ (api, matchId - x ) for x in range(2*stopNum) ] )
for x in, matchList):
if len(x) != 0:
writer.writerow( x )
if __name__=="__main__":
api = dota2api.Initialise()
matchId = 2561608200
### matchSeqNum = 2242825642
stopNum = 100000
outFile = open('dotaMatch.out', 'a')
writer = csv.writer(outFile)
serialLoop( api, matchId, stopNum, writer )
#parallelLoop( api, matchId, stopNum, writer )
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where do you download the dota2api lib?

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Do you have the original data for this still?

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The output here is not equal your script. There are more than 100 columns. Is this correct?

can you expalin me how you did this

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