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Created December 28, 2011 17:50
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Accessing Private Data
#include <iostream>
// This is a rewrite and analysis of the technique in this article:
// ------- Framework -------
// The little library required to work this magic
// Generate a static data member of type Tag::type in which to store
// the address of a private member. It is crucial that Tag does not
// depend on the /value/ of the the stored address in any way so that
// we can access it from ordinary code without directly touching
// private data.
template <class Tag>
struct stowed
static typename Tag::type value;
template <class Tag>
typename Tag::type stowed<Tag>::value;
// Generate a static data member whose constructor initializes
// stowed<Tag>::value. This type will only be named in an explicit
// instantiation, where it is legal to pass the address of a private
// member.
template <class Tag, typename Tag::type x>
struct stow_private
stow_private() { stowed<Tag>::value = x; }
static stow_private instance;
template <class Tag, typename Tag::type x>
stow_private<Tag,x> stow_private<Tag,x>::instance;
// ------- Usage -------
// A demonstration of how to use the library, with explanation
struct A
A() : x("proof!") {}
char const* x;
// A tag type for A::x. Each distinct private member you need to
// access should have its own tag. Each tag should contain a
// nested ::type that is the corresponding pointer-to-member type.
struct A_x { typedef char const*(A::*type); };
// Explicit instantiation; the only place where it is legal to pass
// the address of a private member. Generates the static ::instance
// that in turn initializes stowed<Tag>::value.
template class stow_private<A_x,&A::x>;
int main()
A a;
// Use the stowed private member pointer
std::cout << a.*stowed<A_x>::value << std::endl;
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dfrib commented Mar 9, 2024

@YunHsiao As of new C++20 rules (P0692R1) you can make this even more straightforward, using specialization instead of explicit instantiation definitions. See (companion article: A foliage of folly).

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YunHsiao commented Mar 12, 2024

@dfrib Great write up on the subject, plus your usage of auto non-type template arguments feature yields much simpler declaration!

Although I'm writing a code injector for different versions of Unreal Engine here so C++14 back compat is a must :(

But besides that, afaic it was a perfectly valid usage of this, which provided some really interesting leverages for us.

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