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Created March 27, 2012 04:23
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Jess wiki ant simulator using modules
;; Module Ant Simulator
;; Modified slightly by Daniel Alberto Cañas
;; Based on Salient Ant Simulator
;; by Jason Morris
;; found at
;; An ant's priorities in order of importance
;; Threat (Enemy attacking)
;; Work (Gather food)
;; Chore (Take out garbage)
;; Useful variables
(defglobal ?*max* = 65536)
(defglobal ?*enemy-total* = 0)
(defglobal ?*survival-probability* = 0.5)
(defglobal ?*survival-limit* = 0.75)
(defquery all-ants
"Finds all ants."
(ant ?ant))
(defquery all-enemy-ants
"Finds all the enemy ants."
(enemy-ant ?enemy-ant))
(defquery all-predators
"Find number of predators."
(predator ?predator))
(defquery all-food-sources
"Finds all the food sorces available."
(food-source ?food-source))
(defquery all-garbage-sources
"Finds all the garbage sources available."
(garbage-source ?garbage-source))
;; Next, let's give our ant some behaviors
(deffunction gather-food (?food)
(retract ?food)
(printout t "Food item gathered OK" crlf))
(deffunction take-out-garbage (?item)
(retract ?item)
(printout t "Garbage emptied OK" crlf))
;; If he gets killed, then see if he was a hero to the colony
(deffunction check-hero-ant()
(if (>= ?*enemy-total* 5) then
(printout t "This ant was a hero!" crlf)))
(deffunction attack-ant (?ant)
(printout t "Attacking enemy ant..." crlf)
(bind ?survival-ratio (/ (random) ?*max*))
(if (>= ?*survival-probability* ?survival-ratio) then
(printout t "Enemy ant killed :-D " ?ant crlf)
;; Give credit for surviving
(bind ?*enemy-total* (+ ?*enemy-total* 1))
;; Account for increased experience up to a point
(if (< ?*survival-probability* ?*survival-limit*) then
(bind ?*survival-probability* (+ ?*survival-probability* 0.05)))
(retract ?ant) else
(printout t "Ant killed by enemy :-( " ?ant crlf)
;; Have nature disturb the environment in a few ways
(deffunction change-ant-environment()
(if (>= (/ (random) ?*max*) 0.25) then
(assert (food-source (gensym*))))
(if (>= (/ (random) ?*max*) 0.9) then
(assert (enemy-ant (gensym*)))
(printout t "Enemy Ant has appeared." crlf)))
;; We'll give a 50% chance of a predator appearing
(deffunction get-predator()
(if (>= (/ (random) ?*max*) 0.5) then
(assert (predator (gensym*))))
(printout t "A predator has appeared!" crlf)
;; Unfortunately, predators stir up food items, so
(assert (food-source (gensym*))))
;; We'll give a 50% chance of existing predator leaving
(deffunction remove-predator(?predator)
(if (>= (/ (random) ?*max*) 0.5) then
(retract ?predator)
(printout t "Predator has gone away." crlf)))
;; And 75% chance of being eaten
(deffunction is-ant-eaten()
(if (>= (/ (random) ?*max*) 0.25) then
(printout t "Arrg! Ant got eaten!" crlf)
(halt) else
(printout t "Ant avoided predator OK" crlf)))
;; A header
(deffunction print-banner()
(printout t "Module Ant Simulator" crlf)
(printout t "---------------------" crlf))
(deffunction debug()
(bind ?ants (count-query-results all-ants))
(bind ?enemy-ants (count-query-results all-enemy-ants))
(bind ?predators (count-query-results all-predators))
(bind ?food (count-query-results all-food-sources))
(bind ?garbage (count-query-results all-garbage-sources))
(printout t (get-focus-stack) " ")
(facts *)
(printout t ?ants " ants. " ?enemy-ants " enemy ants. " ?predators " predators. ")
(printout t ?food " food left. " ?garbage " garbage left." crlf))
;; Now we define what causes those behaviors to happen.
;; We can hypothesize that everything the ant does
;; influences its environment in some way.
(defrule food-attracts-ants
(exists (food-source ?))
(assert(ant (gensym*))))
(defrule ant-attracts-other-ants
(exists (ant ?))
; twice as many
(assert(enemy-ant (gensym*)))
(assert(ant (gensym*)))
(assert(ant (gensym*))))
;;(defmodule NO)
(defrule add-a-predator
(not (predator ?))
(defrule remove-a-predator
?p<- (predator ?)
(remove-predator ?p))
(defrule MAIN::ant-got-eaten
(predator ?)
(defrule MAIN::nothing-to-do
(not (food-source ?)) ; Nothing to eat
(not (garbage-source ?)) ; Nothing to clean
(not (enemy-ant ?)) ; Nothing to fight
(printout t "Ant survived simulation!" crlf)
(defmodule THREAT)
(defrule attack-enemy-ant
(declare (auto-focus TRUE))
?ant <-(enemy-ant ?)
(printout t "Enemy appeared... Will attack." crlf)
(attack-ant ?ant)
(defmodule WORK)
(defrule gather-food
?food <- (food-source ?)
(gather-food ?food)
(defmodule CHORE)
(defrule take-out-garbage
?item <-(garbage-source ?)
(take-out-garbage ?item)
;; Return to gathering food.
(defrule there-is-food
(exists (food-source ?))
(printout t "Still food silly." crlf)
(focus WORK))
;; Finally, let's give the ant some things to do
(deffacts ant-environment
(food-source 1)
(garbage-source 1)
(food-source 2)
(garbage-source 2)
(food-source 3)
(food-source 4)
(food-source 5)
;; Run our little ant world
;(watch focus)
(focus WORK CHORE)
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I changed the file ending to .lisp from .clp just for syntax highlighting purposes. Gist does not understand .clp and Jess/Clips is close enough to lisp to get some highlighting.

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