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Created September 19, 2019 17:33
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Because netCAT exists
/* Pings all of your available networks and tells your net that you're snitching
Author: Daddycocoaman */
import System
import System.Net.NetworkInformation
import System.Net
import System.Net.Sockets
import System.Text
def getBroadcastAddress(address as IPAddress, subnetMask as IPAddress) as IPAddress:
ipAddressBytes = address.GetAddressBytes()
subnetMaskBytes = subnetMask.GetAddressBytes()
broadcastAddress = array(byte, ipAddressBytes.Length)
for i in range(broadcastAddress.Length):
broadcastAddress[i] = (ipAddressBytes[i] | (subnetMaskBytes[i] ^ 255))
return IPAddress(broadcastAddress)
def goSnitch(addr as IPAddress):
ping = Ping()
ping.Send(addr, 1, BUFFER)
def main():
adapters = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
ips = []
for a in adapters:
ips.Extend([[ma.Address, ma.IPv4Mask] for ma in a.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses if ma.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork and not IPAddress.IsLoopback(ma.Address)])
broadAddrs = []
for ip in ips:
combo = ip cast List
goSnitch(getBroadcastAddress(combo[0], combo[1]))
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