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Last active July 10, 2024 17:52
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Create & connect to a Windows host inferior Lisp process from Emacs on WSL with SLIME
(defun wsl-host-slime (&optional command)
"Start a Windows inferior Lisp process in WSL and connect to it with SLIME.
COMMAND is the external Lisp process, defaulting to SBCL.
Function assumes the target Lisp process has been configured to load
Quicklisp on startup."
(let ((buffer (ansi-term (getenv "SHELL") "wsl-host-inferior-lisp"))
(cmd (concat (or command "sbcl") ".exe")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(term-send-raw-string (format "%s" cmd))
(term-send-raw-string (kbd "RET"))
(while (not (string-match-p (upcase cmd) (buffer-string)))
(sit-for 1))
(term-send-raw-string (concat "
(ql:quickload :swank)
(let ((swank::*loopback-interface* (uiop:hostname)))
(swank:create-server :port 4006 :dont-close t))"
(kbd "RET")))
(while (not (string-match-p "Swank started at port" (buffer-string)))
(sit-for 1))
(let* ((netstat-output (shell-command-to-string "netstat.exe -ano"))
(ip (when (string-match (rx (zero-or-more blank)
(group (one-or-more (or digit ".")))
":4006" (or word-end blank))
(match-string 1 netstat-output))))
(slime-connect ip 4006)))))
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