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Last active May 11, 2020 12:50
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Temporary file and folder support for Files (
public extension Folder {
/// Create a new uniquely-named file within this folder.
/// - Parameter prefix: (optional) prefix to add the temporary file name
/// - Parameter fileExtension: (optional) file extension (without the `.`) to use for the created file
/// - Parameter contents: (optional) the data to write to the file
/// - throws: `WriteError` if a new file couldn't be created.
func createTemporaryFile(prefix: String? = nil, fileExtension: String? = nil, contents: Data? = nil) throws -> File {
var tempFilename = ""
if let prefix = prefix {
tempFilename += prefix + "_"
tempFilename += ProcessInfo.processInfo.globallyUniqueString
if let fileExtension = fileExtension {
tempFilename += "." + fileExtension
return try self.createFile(at: tempFilename, contents: contents)
/// Create a new uniquely-named folder within this folder.
/// - Parameter prefix: (optional) prefix to add the temporary folder name
/// - throws: `WriteError` if a new folder couldn't be created.
func createTemporarySubfolder(prefix: String? = nil) throws -> Folder {
var tempFolderName = ""
if let prefix = prefix {
tempFolderName += prefix + "_"
tempFolderName += ProcessInfo.processInfo.globallyUniqueString
return try self.createSubfolder(named: tempFolderName)
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