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Created August 8, 2012 21:17
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Falling for Ruby: "Holy Crap!" Edition
Every day I use Ruby I see more and more why people become evangelists.
Take today: I was toying with evaluating different approaches to match two
data sources (API results and a giant local database), and I realized,
"wait! this is a job for yield!"
So I wrote a pleasant little module with a function that:
- Takes a block which attempts to match an API object to rows in the
- Returns a success rate (defined as the %age of 1-to-1 matches) as well
as a distribution (e.g., 20 results returned no match, and 40 returned 2
PS -- my first gist!
# Example usage
[2] pry(main)> MatchingExperiments.try_approach { |api_restaurant| Restaurant.find_all_by_phone(api_restaurant["phone_number"]).length }
=> {:success_rate=>0.63, :distribution=>{0=>91, 1=>163, 2=>5, 4=>1}}
# matching_experiments.rb
require 'json'
module MatchingExperiments
# This is my API sampled test data
APITESTDATA = JSON.parse("test_data_json_touse.txt","r").read)
def self.try_approach
counts =
APITESTDATA.each do |api_restaurant|
number_of_results = yield(api_restaurant)
if counts[number_of_results] != nil
counts[number_of_results] += 1
counts[number_of_results] = 1
success_rate = ( counts[1].to_f / counts.inject(0) { |sum,item| sum + item[1] } ).round(2)
return Hash[success_rate: success_rate, distribution: counts]
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hmmm... i see you went from... highly functional... to....



(draws various judgments on your nature)

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daguar commented Aug 25, 2012

Ruby values clarity and legibility, and I do too.

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