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Created February 11, 2015 02:18
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Expand bash brace forms in Vim
" Barry Arthur, Feb 2015
" Expand a bash brace expression
let x = 'xorg-{,xinit,xfontsel,xset,xrdb,font-util{,s},server{,-utils,},utils,xmodmap,xwininfo}'
function! BashBracesToVimTree(string)
return eval('[' .
\ tr(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(a:string, "'", "''", 'g')
\ , '[^,{}]\+', "'&'", 'g')
\ , "'{", "',{", 'g')
\ , "{,", "{", 'g')
\ , '{}', '[]')
\ . ']')
function! ExpandTree(tree, ...)
let parent = a:0 ? a:1 : ''
let s = []
for elem in a:tree
if type(elem) == type([])
let prior = s[-1]
if parent == ''
call remove(s, -1)
call add(s, ExpandTree(elem, prior))
call add(s, parent . elem)
unlet elem
return join(s)
echo ExpandTree(BashBracesToVimTree(x))
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