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still Catch it Up.

dai dai

still Catch it Up.
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dai / gh-api-dai.json
Created March 11, 2025 15:07
my github json
"login": "dai",
"id": 12391,
"node_id": "MDQ6VXNlcjEyMzkx",
"avatar_url": "",
"gravatar_id": "",
"url": "",
"html_url": "",
"followers_url": "",
"following_url": "{/other_user}",

Delayed Open Source Publication:



dai /
Last active October 5, 2024 13:35
latest acronym in 2024


英語 意味 補足
LFG いくぞおおお Let's fucking go の略
Giveaway プレゼント企画
WL (Whitelist) 優先者リスト、待遇者リスト
DYOR 自分で調べてね、自己責任でお願いしますね Do your own research の略
WAGMI 成功するぞおおお We are all gonna make it の略
Crypto 仮想通貨
dai /
Last active May 9, 2024 04:26
make a RegEx on the Web in 5 seconds
// Go to
// [Input form]
// 「a regex form on the web | Webで動作するRegExフォームをいますぐください」
// [devie (Chat AI)]
// 「Let us create a simple web form that uses a regex pattern to validate input! This form can be flexible; for example, validating an email address or any pattern you specify. If you have a specific regex pattern in mind, let me know!」
// Clickhereto view the webpage once the server has started andhereto view the code.
[nix-shell:]# rm -rf ~/daisuke && mkdir ~/daisuke && echo "from flask imporlask, request
dai / 6-logos-div.html
Last active May 7, 2024 05:10
<div class="animation-wrapper loaded ended">
<canvas id="may-event-canvas" height="290" width="260"></canvas>
<span class="visuallyhidden vo-subhead animated default hide-vo">
Curved paper in green, yellow, orange, and blue forms the Apple logo. Inside the logo, a creator’s hand holds an Apple Pencil positioned to draw. The tip is pressed into the bottom of the logo, springing forth lively splashes of orange and pink that ripple upward. The creator spins Apple Pencil between thumb and forefinger. A swirl of pink, orange, and white droplets follow the twirling motion, and the movement causes the paper to gently flutter. The stem of the Apple logo is a droplet of pink, blue, and purple that floats above. When a user holds the pointer over the logo, an animated eraser effect is initiated. As the user swipes, the content below it disappears as if a paintbrush is erasing the logo in a sweeping motion. When more than 50 percent of the logo is erased, the logo morphs into a new logo — there are six designed log
dai / Microsoft.Powershell_profile.ps1
Created March 5, 2024 02:28 — forked from Olwiba/Microsoft.Powershell_profile.ps1
Get-Json Property - Powershell ⚡
# catjp - Concatenate JSON property
# Made with 💖 - Olwiba
function Get-JsonProperty {
param (
dai / Japanese.json
Last active July 28, 2023 01:58
Japanese language for Windows Memory Cleaner 2.1
"Add": "追加",
"AlwaysOnTop": "常に前面表示",
"AutoOptimization": "自動最適化",
"AutoOptimizationInterval": "フリーメモリ解放の間隔 {0} 分",
"AutoUpdate": "自動更新",
"Close": "閉じる",
"CloseAfterOptimization": "最適化後に閉じる",
"CloseToTheNotificationArea": "閉じると通知領域に格納",
"DevelopedBy": "開発者",
dai / gist:da095ae56ff39bd78a5d8385a8022039
Created September 27, 2022 04:12
Crash file: C:\w2022\04\SumatraPDF\crashinfo\sumatrapdfcrash.txt
Exe: C:\w2022\04\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe 7.71 MB (8,081,368 Bytes)
Dll: C:\w2022\04\SumatraPDF\libmupdf.dll 13.01 MB (13,642,752 Bytes)
BuiltOn: 2022-09-25
Type: dll
Ver: 3.5.15249 pre-release 64-bit
Git: ab7bf7cb59b51b23a00c38062ad402799427c079 (
OS: Windows 10.19044 build 19044 64-bit
Number Of Processors: 4
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz
dai /
Created July 21, 2022 02:20 — forked from mrcrilly/
A better way of version controlling IAC

Semantic Versioning for IAC - iacver

When it comes to Infrastructure As Code, the software versioning system known as Semantic Versioning ( works from an API perspective but falls short elsewhere.

In short a semver is broken down into three "octets" and optional, additional information tagged to the end. Here are a few examples: v1.0.1, v3.1.1, v1.15.0-4. Each of these is a valid semver.

If we take the first example - v1.0.1 - and change the first octet, 1, to 2, we're saying the following:

There has been a change to this code and that change is not compatible with how you're using v1.0.1. The change is a breaking change. You should take care to introduce version v2.0.0 into your code or your environment.

dai / clink.lua
Last active April 12, 2022 05:44
lua module by clink fork (1.3.13) for cmder.