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Created May 8, 2018 06:58
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#include "DMXSerial.h"
Simple example of using the DMSSerial library in combination with EE's hardware configuration to provide 4 relay outputs that can be used to show game states.
This is using the Arduino relay board from:
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
void loop()
if (DMXSerial.noDataSince() > 1000L)
//No data for 1 second, disable our relays and flash our LED as a warning.
if ((millis() % 1000L) > 500) digitalWrite(13, LOW);
//digitalWrite(13, (millis() % 1000L) > 500);
//Disable all relays
digitalWrite(4, 0);
digitalWrite(5, 0);
digitalWrite(6, 0);
digitalWrite(7, 0);
//Write our first channel to the on board LED for debugging.
//Write channel 2 to 5 to our relays.
// - - - - -
// DMXSerial - A Arduino library for sending and receiving DMX using the builtin serial hardware port.
// DMXSerial.cpp: Library implementation file
// Copyright (c) 2011 by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
// Documentation and samples are available at
// 25.07.2011 creation of the DMXSerial library.
// 10.09.2011 fully control the serial hardware register
// without using the Arduino Serial (HardwareSerial) class to avoid ISR implementation conflicts.
// 01.12.2011 include file changed to work with the Arduino 1.0 environment
// 28.12.2011 unused variable DmxCount removed
// 10.05.2012 added method noDataSince to check how long no packet was received
// 04.06.2012: set UCSRnA = 0 to use normal speed operation
// 30.07.2012 corrected TX timings with UDRE and TX interrupts
// fixed bug in 512-channel RX
// 26.03.2013 #defines for the interrupt vector names
// auto-increase _dmxMaxChannel
// 15.05.2013 Arduino Leonard and Arduino MEGA compatibility
// 19.05.2013 ATmega8 compatibility (beta)
// 24.08.2013 Optimizations for speed and size.
// Removed some "volatile" annotations.
// - - - - -
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "DMXSerial.h"
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
// ----- Debugging -----
// to debug on an oscilloscope, enable this
#define DmxTriggerPin 4 // low spike at beginning of start byte
#define DmxISRPin 3 // low during interrupt service routines
// ----- Constants -----
// Define port & bit values for Hardware Serial Port.
// The library works unchanged with the Arduino 2009, UNO, MGEA 2560 and Leonardo boards.
// The Arduino MGEA 2560 boards use the serial port 0 on pins 0 an 1.
// The Arduino Leonardo will use serial port 1, also on pins 0 an 1. (on the 32u4 boards the first USART is USART1)
// This is consistent to the Layout of the Arduino DMX Shield
// For using the serial port 1 on a Arduino MEGA 2560 board, enable the following DMX_USE_PORT1 definition.
// #define DMX_USE_PORT1
#if !defined(DMX_USE_PORT1) && defined(USART_RXC_vect)
// These definitions are used on ATmega8 boards
#define UCSRnA UCSRA // Control and Status Register A
#define TXCn TXC // Transmit buffer clear
#define UCSRnB UCSRB // USART Control and Status Register B
#define RXCIEn RXCIE // Enable Receive Complete Interrupt
#define TXCIEn TXCIE // Enable Transmission Complete Interrupt
#define UDRIEn UDRIE // Enable Data Register Empty Interrupt
#define RXENn RXEN // Enable Receiving
#define TXENn TXEN // Enable Sending
#define UCSRnC UCSRC // Control and Status Register C
#define USBSn USBS // Stop bit select 0=1bit, 1=2bits
#define UCSZn0 UCSZ0 // Character size 00=5, 01=6, 10=7, 11=8 bits
#define UPMn0 UPM0 // Parity setting 00=N, 10=E, 11=O
#define UBRRnH UBRRH // USART Baud Rate Register High
#define UBRRnL UBRRL // USART Baud Rate Register Low
#define UDRn UDR // USART Data Register
#define UDREn UDRE // USART Data Ready
#define FEn FE // Frame Error
#define USARTn_RX_vect USART_RXC_vect // Interrupt Data received
#define USARTn_TX_vect USART_TXC_vect // Interrupt Data sent
#define USARTn_UDRE_vect USART_UDRE_vect // Interrupt Data Register empty
#elif !defined(DMX_USE_PORT1) && defined(USART_RX_vect)
// These definitions are used on ATmega168p and ATmega328p boards
// like the Arduino Diecimila, Duemilanove, 2009, Uno
#define UCSRnA UCSR0A
#define TXCn TXC0
#define UCSRnB UCSR0B
#define RXCIEn RXCIE0
#define TXCIEn TXCIE0
#define UDRIEn UDRIE0
#define RXENn RXEN0
#define TXENn TXEN0
#define UCSRnC UCSR0C
#define USBSn USBS0
#define UCSZn0 UCSZ00
#define UPMn0 UPM00
#define UBRRnH UBRR0H
#define UBRRnL UBRR0L
#define UDRn UDR0
#define UDREn UDRE0
#define FEn FE0
#define USARTn_RX_vect USART_RX_vect
#define USARTn_TX_vect USART_TX_vect
#define USARTn_UDRE_vect USART_UDRE_vect
#elif !defined(DMX_USE_PORT1) && defined(USART0_RX_vect)
// These definitions are used on ATmega1280 and ATmega2560 boards
// like the Arduino MEGA boards
#define UCSRnA UCSR0A
#define TXCn TXC0
#define UCSRnB UCSR0B
#define RXCIEn RXCIE0
#define TXCIEn TXCIE0
#define UDRIEn UDRIE0
#define RXENn RXEN0
#define TXENn TXEN0
#define UCSRnC UCSR0C
#define USBSn USBS0
#define UCSZn0 UCSZ00
#define UPMn0 UPM00
#define UBRRnH UBRR0H
#define UBRRnL UBRR0L
#define UDRn UDR0
#define UDREn UDRE0
#define FEn FE0
#define USARTn_RX_vect USART0_RX_vect
#define USARTn_TX_vect USART0_TX_vect
#define USARTn_UDRE_vect USART0_UDRE_vect
#elif defined(DMX_USE_PORT1) || defined(USART1_RX_vect)
// These definitions are used for using serial port 1
// on ATmega32U4 boards like Arduino Leonardo, Esplora
// You can use it on other boards with USART1 by enabling the DMX_USE_PORT1 port definition
#define UCSRnA UCSR1A
#define TXCn TXC1
#define UCSRnB UCSR1B
#define RXCIEn RXCIE1
#define TXCIEn TXCIE1
#define UDRIEn UDRIE1
#define RXENn RXEN1
#define TXENn TXEN1
#define UCSRnC UCSR1C
#define USBSn USBS1
#define UCSZn0 UCSZ10
#define UPMn0 UPM10
#define UBRRnH UBRR1H
#define UBRRnL UBRR1L
#define UDRn UDR1
#define UDREn UDRE1
#define FEn FE1
#define USARTn_RX_vect USART1_RX_vect
#define USARTn_TX_vect USART1_TX_vect
#define USARTn_UDRE_vect USART1_UDRE_vect
// formats for serial transmission
#define SERIAL_8N1 ((0<<USBSn) | (0<<UPMn0) | (3<<UCSZn0))
#define SERIAL_8N2 ((1<<USBSn) | (0<<UPMn0) | (3<<UCSZn0))
#define SERIAL_8E1 ((0<<USBSn) | (2<<UPMn0) | (3<<UCSZn0))
#define SERIAL_8E2 ((1<<USBSn) | (2<<UPMn0) | (3<<UCSZn0))
// the break timing is 10 bits (start + 8 data + parity) of this speed
// the mark-after-break is 1 bit of this speed plus approx 6 usec
// 100000 bit/sec is good: gives 100 usec break and 16 usec MAB
// 1990 spec says transmitter must send >= 92 usec break and >= 12 usec MAB
// receiver must accept 88 us break and 8 us MAB
#define BREAKSPEED 100000
#define DMXSPEED 250000
// ----- Enumerations -----
// State of receiving DMX Bytes
typedef enum {
} DMXReceivingState;
// ----- Macros -----
// calculate prescaler from baud rate and cpu clock rate at compile time
// nb implements rounding of ((clock / 16) / baud) - 1 per atmega datasheet
#define Calcprescale(B) ( ( (((F_CPU)/8)/(B)) - 1 ) / 2 )
// ----- DMXSerial Private variables -----
// These variables are not class members because they have to be reached by the interrupt implementations.
// don't use these variable from outside, use the appropriate methods.
DMXMode _dmxMode; // Mode of Operation
uint8_t _dmxRecvState; // Current State of receiving DMX Bytes
int _dmxChannel; // the next channel byte to be sent.
volatile unsigned int _dmxMaxChannel = 32; // the last channel used for sending (1..32).
volatile unsigned long _dmxLastPacket = 0; // the last time (using the millis function) a packet was received.
volatile unsigned long _dmxLastData = 0; // the last time (using the millis function) a data byte was received.
bool _dmxUpdated = true; // is set to true when new data arrived.
dmxUpdateFunction _dmxOnUpdateFunc = NULL;
// Array of DMX values (raw).
// Entry 0 will never be used for DMX data but will store the startbyte (0 for DMX mode).
uint8_t _dmxData[DMXSERIAL_MAX+1];
// This pointer will point to the next byte in _dmxData;
uint8_t *_dmxDataPtr;
// This pointer will point to the last byte in _dmxData;
uint8_t *_dmxDataLastPtr;
// Create a single class instance. Multiple class instances (multiple simultaneous DMX ports) are not supported.
DMXSerialClass DMXSerial;
// ----- forwards -----
void _DMXSerialBaud(uint16_t baud_setting, uint8_t format);
void _DMXSerialWriteByte(uint8_t data);
// ----- Class implementation -----
// (Re)Initialize the specified mode.
// The mode parameter should be a value from enum DMXMode.
void DMXSerialClass::init (int mode)
pinMode(DmxTriggerPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DmxISRPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize global variables
_dmxMode = DMXNone;
_dmxRecvState= IDLE; // initial state
_dmxChannel = 0;
_dmxDataPtr = _dmxData;
_dmxLastPacket = millis(); // remember current (relative) time in msecs.
_dmxLastData = millis();
// initialize the DMX buffer
// memset(_dmxData, 0, sizeof(_dmxData));
for (int n = 0; n < DMXSERIAL_MAX+1; n++)
_dmxData[n] = 0;
// now start
_dmxMode = (DMXMode)mode;
if (_dmxMode == DMXController) {
// Setup external mode signal
pinMode(DmxModePin, OUTPUT); // enables pin 2 for output to control data direction
digitalWrite(DmxModePin, DmxModeOut); // data Out direction
// Setup Hardware
// Enable transmitter and interrupt
UCSRnB = (1<<TXENn) | (1<<TXCIEn);
// Start sending a BREAK and loop (forever) in UDRE ISR
_DMXSerialBaud(Calcprescale(BREAKSPEED), BREAKFORMAT);
_dmxMaxChannel = 32; // The default in Controller mode is sending 32 channels.
} else if (_dmxMode == DMXReceiver) {
// Setup external mode signal
pinMode(DmxModePin, OUTPUT); // enables pin 2 for output to control data direction
digitalWrite(DmxModePin, DmxModeIn); // data in direction
// Setup Hardware
// Enable receiver and Receive interrupt
UCSRnB = (1<<RXENn) | (1<<RXCIEn);
_DMXSerialBaud(Calcprescale(DMXSPEED), DMXFORMAT); // Enable serial reception with a 250k rate
_dmxMaxChannel = DMXSERIAL_MAX; // The default in Receiver mode is reading all possible 512 channels.
_dmxDataLastPtr = _dmxData + _dmxMaxChannel;
} else {
// Enable receiver and transmitter and interrupts
// UCSRnB = (1<<RXENn) | (1<<TXENn) | (1<<RXCIEn) | (1<<UDRIEn);
} // if
} // init()
// Set the maximum used channel.
// This method can be called any time before or after the init() method.
void DMXSerialClass::maxChannel(int channel)
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
if (channel > DMXSERIAL_MAX) channel = DMXSERIAL_MAX;
_dmxMaxChannel = channel;
_dmxDataLastPtr = _dmxData + channel;
} // maxChannel
// Read the current value of a channel.
uint8_t DMXSerialClass::read(int channel)
// adjust parameter
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
if (channel > DMXSERIAL_MAX) channel = DMXSERIAL_MAX;
// read value from buffer
} // read()
// Write the value into the channel.
// The value is just stored in the sending buffer and will be picked up
// by the DMX sending interrupt routine.
void DMXSerialClass::write(int channel, uint8_t value)
// adjust parameters
if (channel < 1) channel = 1;
if (channel > DMXSERIAL_MAX) channel = DMXSERIAL_MAX;
if (value < 0) value = 0;
if (value > 255) value = 255;
// store value for later sending
_dmxData[channel] = value;
// Make sure we transmit enough channels for the ones used
if (channel > _dmxMaxChannel) {
_dmxMaxChannel = channel;
_dmxDataLastPtr = _dmxData + _dmxMaxChannel;
} // if
} // write()
// Return the DMX buffer of unsave direct but faster access
uint8_t *DMXSerialClass::getBuffer()
} // getBuffer()
// Calculate how long no data packet was received
unsigned long DMXSerialClass::noDataSince()
unsigned long now = millis();
return(now - _dmxLastPacket);
} // noDataSince()
// save function for the onUpdate callback
void DMXSerialClass::attachOnUpdate(dmxUpdateFunction newFunction)
_dmxOnUpdateFunc = newFunction;
} // attachOnUpdate
bool DMXSerialClass::dataUpdated()
void DMXSerialClass::resetUpdated()
_dmxUpdated = false;
// Terminate operation
void DMXSerialClass::term(void)
// Disable all USART Features, including Interrupts
UCSRnB = 0;
} // term()
// ----- internal functions and interrupt implementations -----
// Initialize the Hardware serial port with the given baud rate
// using 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits for data
// and 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit for the break
void _DMXSerialBaud(uint16_t baud_setting, uint8_t format)
// assign the baud_setting to the USART Baud Rate Register
UCSRnA = 0; // 04.06.2012: use normal speed operation
UBRRnH = baud_setting >> 8;
UBRRnL = baud_setting;
// 2 stop bits and 8 bit character size, no parity
UCSRnC = format;
} // _DMXSerialBaud
// send the next byte after current byte was sent completely.
void _DMXSerialWriteByte(uint8_t data)
// putting data into buffer sends the data
UDRn = data;
} // _DMXSerialWrite
// This Interrupt Service Routine is called when a byte or frame error was received.
// In DMXController mode this interrupt is disabled and will not occur.
// In DMXReceiver mode when a byte was received it is stored to the dmxData buffer.
uint8_t USARTstate = UCSRnA; // get state before data!
uint8_t DmxByte = UDRn; // get data
uint8_t DmxState = _dmxRecvState; //just load once from SRAM to increase speed
digitalWrite(DmxISRPin, LOW);
unsigned long now = millis();
if (!(USARTstate & (1<<FEn)))
if (now - _dmxLastData > 10)
//No data for 10 milliseconds. Assume we have a start of a new packet.
DmxState = _dmxRecvState = BREAK; // break condition detected.
_dmxDataPtr = _dmxData;
_dmxLastData = now;
if (USARTstate & (1<<FEn)) { //check for break
_dmxRecvState = BREAK; // break condition detected.
// _dmxChannel = 0; // The next data byte is the start byte
_dmxDataPtr = _dmxData;
} else if (DmxState == BREAK) {
if (DmxByte == 0) {
// normal DMX start code (0) detected
digitalWrite(DmxTriggerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(DmxTriggerPin, HIGH);
_dmxRecvState = DATA;
_dmxLastPacket = now; // remember current (relative) time in msecs.
// _dmxChannel++; // start with channel # 1
} else {
// This might be a RDM or customer DMX command -> not implemented so wait for next BREAK !
_dmxRecvState = IDLE;
} // if
} else if (DmxState == DATA) {
// check for new data
if (*_dmxDataPtr != DmxByte) {
_dmxUpdated = true;
// store data
*_dmxDataPtr = DmxByte; //_dmxData[_dmxChannel] = DmxByte; store received data into dmx data buffer.
} // if
if (_dmxDataPtr == _dmxDataLastPtr) { // all channels received.
_dmxRecvState = IDLE; // wait for next break
if ((_dmxUpdated) && (_dmxOnUpdateFunc))
_dmxUpdated = false;
} // if
// _dmxChannel++;
} // if
digitalWrite(DmxISRPin, HIGH);
} // ISR(USARTn_RX_vect)
// Interrupt service routines that are called when the actual byte was sent.
// When changing speed (for sending break and sending start code) we use TX finished interrupt
// which occurs shortly after the last stop bit is sent
// When staying at the same speed (sending data bytes) we use data register empty interrupt
// which occurs shortly after the start bit of the *previous* byte
// When sending a DMX sequence it just takes the next channel byte and sends it out.
// In DMXController mode when the buffer was sent completely the DMX sequence will resent, starting with a BREAK pattern.
// In DMXReceiver mode this interrupt is disabled and will not occur.
digitalWrite(DmxISRPin, LOW);
if ((_dmxMode == DMXController) && (_dmxChannel == -1)) {
// this interrupt occurs after the stop bits of the last data byte
// start sending a BREAK and loop forever in ISR
_DMXSerialBaud(Calcprescale(BREAKSPEED), BREAKFORMAT);
_dmxChannel = 0;
} else if (_dmxChannel == 0) {
// this interrupt occurs after the stop bits of the break byte
// now back to DMX speed: 250000baud
_DMXSerialBaud(Calcprescale(DMXSPEED), DMXFORMAT);
// take next interrupt when data register empty (early)
UCSRnB = (1<<TXENn) | (1<<UDRIEn);
// write start code
_dmxChannel = 1;
digitalWrite(DmxTriggerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(DmxTriggerPin, HIGH);
} // if
digitalWrite(DmxISRPin, HIGH);
} // ISR(USARTn_TX_vect)
// this interrupt occurs after the start bit of the previous data byte
digitalWrite(DmxISRPin, LOW);
if (_dmxChannel > _dmxMaxChannel) {
_dmxChannel = -1; // this series is done. Next time: restart with break.
// get interrupt after this byte is actually transmitted
UCSRnB = (1<<TXENn) | (1<<TXCIEn);
} // if
digitalWrite(DmxISRPin, HIGH);
} // ISR(USARTn_UDRE_vect)
// The End
// - - - - -
// DMXSerial - A Arduino library for sending and receiving DMX using the builtin serial hardware port.
// DMXSerial.h: Library header file
// Copyright (c) 2011-2014 by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
// Documentation and samples are available at
// 25.07.2011 creation of the DMXSerial library.
// 01.12.2011 include file changed to work with the Arduino 1.0 environment
// 10.05.2012 added method noDataSince to check how long no packet was received
// 12.07.2014 added update flag
// Until here the maxChannel feature only was used in DMXController mode.
// Now it enables triggering the onUpdate function in DMX receiver mode.
// See the WebSite for more information.
// - - - - -
#ifndef DmxSerial_h
#define DmxSerial_h
#include <avr/io.h>
// ----- Constants -----
#define DMXSERIAL_MAX 512 // max. number of supported DMX data channels
#define DmxModePin 2 // Arduino pin 2 for controlling the data direction
#define DmxModeOut HIGH // set the level to HIGH for outgoing data direction
#define DmxModeIn LOW // set the level to LOW for incomming data direction
// ----- Enumerations -----
// Mode of Operation
typedef enum {
DMXNone, // unspecified
DMXController, // always sending
DMXReceiver // always listening
} DMXMode;
// ----- Library Class -----
extern "C" {
typedef void (*dmxUpdateFunction)(void);
class DMXSerialClass
// Initialize for specific mode.
void init (int mode);
// Set the maximum used channel for DMXController mode.
void maxChannel (int channel);
// Read the last known value of a channel.
uint8_t read (int channel);
// Write a new value of a channel.
void write (int channel, uint8_t value);
uint8_t *getBuffer();
// Calculate how long no data packet was received
unsigned long noDataSince();
// attach function that will be called when new data was received.
void attachOnUpdate(dmxUpdateFunction newFunction);
// Calculate how long no data backet was received
bool dataUpdated();
void resetUpdated();
// Terminate operation.
void term (void);
// Not used.
// all private information is in the global _dmxXXX variables for speed and code size optimization.
// See DMXSerial.cpp.
// Use the DMXSerial library through the DMXSerial object.
// There is only one DMX port supported and DMXSerial is a static object.
extern DMXSerialClass DMXSerial;
### Hardware definition. Defines which hardware device should be used to output data on.
## See for details.
# Amount of channels in this hardware device. 512 per default when not defined.
channels = 512
## DMX512SerialDevice
# This device can be used to talk to most cheap USB2DMX hardware.
# It also works directly on the Arduino driver from: directly without extra hardware. Allowing for a cheap DIY setup.
device = DMX512SerialDevice
# Port to use for the DMX512SerialDevice. Can be a pseudo name to auto-detect the proper serial port number, a COMx name on windows. Or /dev/xxx name under linux.
# Arduino Mega 2560 with an ATMega8U2 is idenfied with \Device\USBSER@@@ on windows.
port = \Device\USBSER@@@
#port = COM0
#port = ttyACM0
#device = VirtualOutputDevice
#virtual_types = G,R,W,W
### Channel definitions.
# The channel definitions map 1 or more channel numbers to a name. The names are used in the rest of the configuration to map events to channels.
# This allows you to easy re-map DMX channel numbers when you change your DMX setup without a need to modify the whole file.
# You can map multiple channel numbers to a single name. This allows you to controll RGB lights.
Debug = 1
RedWarning = 2
SmokeGenerator = 3
FlashLight = 4
### State definitions
# Always glow our debug LED to check if we are connected to the hardware.
condition = Always
target = Debug
effect = glow
min_value = 0.0
max_value = 1.0
time = 3.0
# When our shields are up, turn on our red warning light
condition = ShieldsUp
target = RedWarning
value = 1.0
# When we have less then 50% hull, run the smoke generator for 30 seconds every 5 minutes
condition = Hull < 50
target = SmokeGenerator
effect = blink
on_time = 30.0
off_time = 270.0
### Event definitions
# Flash the flash light output for 0.2 seconds on hull damage
trigger = < Hull
target = FlashLight
runtime = 0.2
value = 1.0
# Also flash when we jump
trigger = > Jumped
target = FlashLight
runtime = 0.2
value = 1.0
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