The following steps detail how to connect over Remote Desktop from Linux Mint or Ubuntu to Windows 10 with an AzureAD username and password login account.
- In Windows 10, right-click This PC or My Computer and select Properties.
- Click Remote Settings.
- Check the option Allow remote connections to this computer.
- Uncheck the option Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication.
- Click OK.
- In Linux Mint, running Software Manager and install Remmina.
- Open a terminal and install the RDP plug-in with the following command:
sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp
- Run Remmina.
- Create a new connection using RDP.
- Enter your Server, Username (your AzureAD email address:
AzureAD\[email protected]
), Password, Domain: leave blank. - Select Color depth "True color (32 bpp)".
- Click the Advanced tab.
- For Security select TLS.
- Scroll down and check the option Ignore certificate.
- Connect.
- In the RDP session, you may see another login screen on the remote computer. Login using your username AzureAD\[email protected] and password.