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kylemcdonald /
Last active July 10, 2022 04:22
How to view a video on Parler.

How to view a video on Parler

Let's say you have a video ID, like wfy02V209EwU taken from this map

The link for the video kiBnNejo0JW0 is at Notice that the link is: followed by the first two characters of the video ID, then /, then the next two characters, another /, and the video ID.

But if you click on this, you will get an error.

This is because the Parler video servers are still running (as of January 12) but the Domain Name System (DNS) is not running.

kylemcdonald / Collect Parler Metadata.ipynb
Last active June 27, 2024 04:09
Collect video URLs and GPS data for Parler videos.
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mikhailov-work / turbo_colormap.c
Created August 15, 2019 23:04
Turbo Colormap Look-up Table
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Author: Anton Mikhailov
// The look-up tables contains 256 entries. Each entry is a an sRGB triplet.
float turbo_srgb_floats[256][3] = {{0.18995,0.07176,0.23217},{0.19483,0.08339,0.26149},{0.19956,0.09498,0.29024},{0.20415,0.10652,0.31844},{0.20860,0.11802,0.34607},{0.21291,0.12947,0.37314},{0.21708,0.14087,0.39964},{0.22111,0.15223,0.42558},{0.22500,0.16354,0.45096},{0.22875,0.17481,0.47578},{0.23236,0.18603,0.50004},{0.23582,0.19720,0.52373},{0.23915,0.20833,0.54686},{0.24234,0.21941,0.56942},{0.24539,0.23044,0.59142},{0.24830,0.24143,0.61286},{0.25107,0.25237,0.63374},{0.25369,0.26327,0.65406},{0.25618,0.27412,0.67381},{0.25853,0.28492,0.69300},{0.26074,0.29568,0.71162},{0.26280,0.30639,0.72968},{0.26473,0.31706,0.74718},{0.26652,0.32768,0.76412},{0.26816,0.33825,0.78050},{0.26967,0.34878,0.79631},{0.27103,0.35926,0.81156},{0.27226,0.36970,0.82624},{0.27334,0.38008,0.84037},{0.27429,0.39043,0.85393},{0.27509,0.40072,0.86692},{0.2757
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
# smooth values from point a to point b.
STEPS = 100
pt_a = np.random.normal(size=(512))
kylemcdonald / ofMatrix4x4-vs-glm.cpp
Created March 30, 2018 18:48
ofMatrix4x4 compared to glm::mat4.
#include "ofMain.h"
int main() {
// both initialize to identity matrix
cout << glm::mat4() << endl;
cout << ofMatrix4x4() << endl;
// both row-major (translation stored in mat[3][0,1,2])
glm::mat4 glmMat;
glmMat = glm::translate(glmMat, glm::vec3(1,2,3));
Brainiarc7 /
Last active October 11, 2024 18:43
Some snippets you can quickly adapt for use with FFmpeg and GNU Parallel for use for standard tasks.

Useful Examples of ffmpeg and GNU parallel on the command-line:

Transcoding FLAC music to Opus:

ffmpeg is a highly useful application for converting music and videos. However, audio transcoding is limited to a a single core. If you have a large FLAC archive and you wanted to compress it into the efficient Opus codec, it would take forever with the fastest processor to complete, unless you were to take advantage of all cores in your CPU.

parallel 'ffmpeg -v 0 -i "{}" -c:a libopus -b:a 128k "{.}.opus"' ::: $(find -type f -name '*.flac')

Transcoding Videos to VP9:

ofZach / gist:e602efb4fbd43858aa01aff6d015ef32
Last active September 15, 2020 15:22
how to make an openframeworks dylib
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genekogan /
Last active September 21, 2024 10:33
instructions for generating a style transfer animation from a video

Instructions for making a Neural-Style movie

The following instructions are for creating your own animations using the style transfer technique described by Gatys, Ecker, and Bethge, and implemented by Justin Johnson. To see an example of such an animation, see this video of Alice in Wonderland re-styled by 17 paintings.

Setting up the environment

The easiest way to set up the environment is to simply load Samim's a pre-built snap or use another cloud service like Amazon EC2. Unfortunately the g2.2xlarge GPU instances cost $0.99 per hour, and depending on parameters selected, it may take 10-15 minutes to produce a 512px-wide image, so it can cost $2-3 to generate 1 sec of video at 12fps.

If you do load the

protrolium /
Last active March 18, 2025 11:08
ffmpeg guide


Converting Audio into Different Formats / Sample Rates

Minimal example: transcode from MP3 to WMA:
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wma

You can get the list of supported formats with:
ffmpeg -formats

You can get the list of installed codecs with: