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Last active November 1, 2016 17:23
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Win Batch script for SHA256 signing an exe using a DigiCert cert
@echo off
:: Code-sign .exe file using signtool and installed DigiCert code-signing cert/key and CA
:: Larry Shaffer lshaffer at boundlessgeo dot com, Oct 2016
:: See usage at bottom of script
:: Requirements:
:: Need Win SDK 7.0 or higher
:: Need internet connection
:: Install signing cert/key bundle into Machine (all users) cert store
:: Install any intermediate CA into Machine cert store, as signtool will include it
:: Use /sm if code signing cert was imported to Machine (not My) cert store
:: SHA1 signature of cert MUST be uppercase
:: You can also use the DigiCert GUI-based utility
:: NOTE: the utility only does SHA1 signing of the exe, so not useful for Win 10+
:: signtool docs, circa 2016:
:: example signing using Machine cert store and sha256
:: signtool sign /sm /tr /td sha256 /fd sha256 ^
if not "x%3"=="x" (
echo Too many parameters
goto usage
if "x%2"=="x" (
echo Missing second parameter
goto usage
if "x%1"=="x" (
echo Missing first parameter
goto usage
:: note: check could fail for network drive
if not exist %2 (
echo Exe file not found
goto usage
for %%i in ("%2") do set EXEXT=%%~xi
if not "%EXEXT%" == ".exe" (
echo Extension not .exe
goto usage
:: set SDK bin path to short path version
for %%i in ("%PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin") do set SDK_BIN=%%~fsi
%SDK_BIN%\signtool.exe sign /sm /fd sha256 /sha1 %1 "%2"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
%SDK_BIN%\signtool.exe timestamp /tr /td sha256 "%2"
if errorlevel 1 goto error
goto end
echo usage:
echo code-sign-exe.bat certhash some.exe
echo certhash: signing cert SHA1 hash; must be UPPERCASE
echo some.exe: path of .exe to sign
exit /b 1
echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%
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