#merge gpx files
gpsbabel -i gpx -f file1.gpx -f file2.gpx -o gpx -F merged.gpx
#attach GPX to photo get needed libs first
pip install gpxpy
brew install pyexiv2 exiftool
git clone https://github.com/mapillary/mapillary_tools.git
python geotag_from_gpx.py path/to/photos gpx_track.gpx timeoffset
#jhead to fix the timestamps on the files
brew install jhead
jhead -ft *.JPG
#make a movie
brew install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -f image2 -i geotag_%06d.JPG -r 25 -s 1280x960 ../movie.mp4
#clip the bottom 840px off of images
mogrify -verbose -format jpg -gravity south -chop 0x840 *.JPG
#flip the image
exiftool -Orientation=x -n *.jpg