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Created September 20, 2012 18:12
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A more complete example of using GeoTools from clojure.
(ns geoloader.core
(:require [ :as io])
(:import [com.vividsolutions.jts.geom Point Coordinate MultiPolygon]
[ SimpleFeatureCollection SimpleFeatureIterator SimpleFeatureSource]
[ FileDataStore FileDataStoreFinder]
[org.geotools.geometry.jts JTSFactoryFinder]
[org.opengis.feature.simple SimpleFeature SimpleFeatureType]
[org.opengis.feature.type AttributeDescriptor AttributeType]))
(defn iteration-seq [iteration]
(reify java.util.Iterator
(hasNext [this] (.hasNext iteration))
(next [this] (.next iteration))
(remove [this] (.remove iteration)))))
(defn process-shape-file
(let [store (FileDataStoreFinder/getDataStore (io/file file))
featuresource (.getFeatureSource store)
featureseq (iteration-seq (.. featuresource (getFeatures) (features)))]
(fn [m feature]
(let [name (.getAttribute feature "NAME")
abbv (.getAttribute feature "ABBREV")
isoa2 (.getAttribute feature "ISO_A2")
isoa3 (.getAttribute feature "ISO_A3")
geom (.getAttribute feature "the_geom")]
(assoc m isoa2
{:name name :abbrev abbv :isoa2 isoa2 :isoa3 isoa3
:geom geom})
)) {} featureseq)))
(defn locate-point
"Given a map of shapes see (process-shape-file), locate the entry that
contains the given lat/long, optionally filtered by keys."
([shapes long lat] (locate-point shapes lat long nil))
([shapes long lat keys]
(let [locs (if keys (select-keys shapes keys) shapes)
point (.. JTSFactoryFinder (getGeometryFactory)
(createPoint (Coordinate. long lat)))
flocs (first
(filter (fn [x]
(let [geom (:geom (val x))]
(if (nil? geom) false (.contains geom point))))
(if flocs (val flocs)))))
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