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Created November 11, 2021 14:53
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'use strict';
const op = require('/MarkLogic/optic');
* relationIRIString the string representation of the predicate in a relationship triple
* The relationship triple must be of the form <leftIRI> <relationIRIPredicateString> <rightIRI> and there must
* be RDF triples relating each <iri> to the doc URI via <hasURI>.
* side1CTS - a cts.query that consntrains documents on the left of the overall join
function joinTwoWithQueries(relationIRIPredicateString, leftSideCts, rightSideCts) {
let joinSparql =
` SELECT ?joinURI1 ?joinURI2
?side1Item <${relationIRIPredicateString}> ?side2Item.
?side1Item <hasURI> ?joinURI1.
?side2Item <hasURI> ?joinURI2.} `
let uriJoinView = op.fromSPARQL(joinSparql)
let item1Plan = op.fromSearch(leftSideCts) // returns ['fragmentId', 'score', 'quality']
.select("FID1", op.col("fragmentId")))
.joinDocUri('URI1', op.fragmentIdCol('FID1'))
let item2Plan = op.fromSearch(rightSideCts)
.select("FID2", op.col("fragmentId")))
.joinDocUri('URI2', op.fragmentIdCol('FID2'))
let uriPairs =
.joinInner(item1Plan, op.on("joinURI1", "URI1"))
.joinInner(item2Plan, op.on("joinURI2", "URI2"))
.select([op.col("URI1"), op.col("URI2")])
return uriPairs
let claimCts = cts.jsonPropertyValueQuery("type", "medical")
let memberCts = cts.jsonPropertyValueQuery("given", "alfonse")
joinTwoWithQueries("isForMember", claimCts, memberCts)
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This function is intended to allow a simple join between two document types, with a separate constraining cts.query on each type. The join relies on a particular pattern of (minimal) RDF relating the graph IRIs for each entity with the document URIs.

The goal is to be able to minimally enrich documents with RDF (just three triples) and then easily join documents without getting into the specifics of Optic, using a simple function.

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