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Created May 18, 2013 05:54
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Save danabauer/5603394 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dasymetric mapping (areal interpolation) script by Torrin Hultgren. Based on research by Jeremy Mennis. More information at
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# By Torrin Hultgren and Jeremy Mennis
# For use with ArcGIS 9.2 - 2007
# Usage: VectDasy <PopFeatureClass> <PopFieldName> <AreaFieldName>
# <PopKeyName> <AncFeatureClass> <AncCatName> <PresetTable> <PresetField>
# <OutFeatureClass> <SelectMethod> <Percent> <SampleMin>
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import string, arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create()
# Load required toolboxes...
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolBox/Toolboxes/Data Management Tools.tbx")
gp.AddToolbox("C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Analysis Tools.tbx")
# Script arguments...
PopFeatureClass = gp.GetParameterAsText(0) # the name of the population feature class - this requires the full path
PopFieldName = gp.GetParameterAsText(1) # the field containing population counts
AreaFieldName = gp.GetParameterAsText(2) # the area field in the population layer
PopKeyName = gp.GetParameterAsText(3) # the field in the population layer that uniquely identifies all of the population polygons
AncFeatureClass = gp.GetParameterAsText(4) # the name of the ancillary layer - this requires the full path
AncCatName = gp.GetParameterAsText(5) # the name of the field in the Ancillary layer containing category information
OutWorkspace = gp.GetParameterAsText(6) # Output path
OutFeatureClass = gp.GetParameterAsText(7) # Output dataset name
PresetTable = gp.GetParameterAsText(11) # Table with ancillary categorys and preset values
PresetField = gp.GetParameterAsText(12) # Field in preset table with preset values - field with class values assumed to be the same as AncCatName
SelectMethod = gp.GetParameterAsText(9) # HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN=centroid method, CONTAINED_BY=wholly contained method, and PERCENT_AREA=percent area method
Percent = gp.GetParameterAsText(10) # optional parameter - percent value for percent area method - default = 0.95
SampleMin = gp.GetParameterAsText(8) # Minimum number of source units to ensure a representative sample - default = 2
## To run the script as a standalone, rather than from ArcToolbox,
## comment out the lines above, uncomment the following lines and set the arguments manually
##PopFeatureClass = "D:\\Dasymetric\\SampleData\\tracts_Clip.shp"
##PopFieldName = "TOTPOP"
##AreaFieldName = "Area"
##PopKeyName = "Unique"
##AncFeatureClass = "D:\\Dasymetric\\SampleData\\lc_2k.shp"
##AncCatName = "LC"
##PresetTable = "#"
##PresetField = "#"
##OutWorkspace = "D:/Dasymetric/SampleData/"
##OutFeatureClass = "test_out_centroid"
##SelectMethod = "HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN"
##Percent = "#"
##SampleMin = "5"
gp.Workspace = OutWorkspace
if gp.Describe(OutWorkspace).WorkspaceType == 'FileSystem':
TableSuffix = '.dbf'
TableSuffix = ''
# Make layers from the feature classes for selection purposes
def GetLayerName(FeatureClass):
return (FeatureClass[(FeatureClass.rfind('\\')+1):]).split(".")[0]
PopLayerName = GetLayerName(PopFeatureClass)
PopLayer = gp.MakeFeatureLayer(PopFeatureClass,PopLayerName + "_lyr")
AncLayerName = GetLayerName(AncFeatureClass)
AncLayer = gp.MakeFeatureLayer(AncFeatureClass,AncLayerName + "_lyr")
def NameCheck(Name):
j,OkName = 1,""
while not OkName:
tList = gp.ListTables(Name)
fList = gp.ListFeatureClasses(Name)
if tList.Next() or fList.Next():
Name = Name[:-2] + "_" + str(j)
OkName = Name
j = j + 1
return OkName
# AncDissolveName = NameCheck("AncDissolve")
# To ensure that no population is lost, make sure that only source units contained by the extent of the
# - ancillary dataset are used in the procedure
# Dissolve_management (in_features, out_feature_class, dissolve_field, statistics_fields, multi_part)
# AncDissolve = gp.Dissolve_management(AncFeatureClass, AncDissolveName)
# AncDLayer = gp.MakeFeatureLayer(AncDissolve, AncDissolveName + "_lyr")
# SelectLayerByLocation_management (in_layer, overlap_type, select_features, search_distance, selection_type)
# PopLayer = gp.SelectLayerByLocation(PopLayer, "CONTAINED_BY", AncDLayer, 0, "NEW_SELECTION")
# gp.Delete_management(AncDLayer)
# gp.Delete_management(AncDissolve)
# Process: Intersect...
# Intersect_analysis (in_features, out_feature_class, join_attributes, cluster_tolerance, output_type)
print "Performing Intersection..."
gp.AddMessage("Performing Intersection...")
OutLayerName = NameCheck(GetLayerName(OutFeatureClass))
OutFeatureClass = gp.Intersect_analysis(PopLayer + ";" + AncLayer, OutLayerName, "ALL", "", "INPUT")
# Create a population working table so that no changes to the source data are necessary
print "Creating a working table for calculations..."
gp.AddMessage("Creating a working table for calculations...")
PopWorkingTableName = NameCheck("PopWorkingTable")
# Frequency_analysis (in_table, out_table, frequency_fields, summary_fields)
PopWorkingTable = gp.Frequency_analysis(PopLayer, PopWorkingTableName + TableSuffix, PopKeyName + ";" + PopFieldName + ";" + AreaFieldName)
# Look up Field Properties
FieldTypeLookup = {"Integer":"LONG","String":"TEXT","Single":"FLOAT","Double":"DOUBLE","SmallInteger":"SHORT","Date":"DATE"}
Fields = gp.ListFields(AncFeatureClass, AncCatName)
Field = Fields.Next()
AncCatFType = Field.Type
FieldProps = [FieldTypeLookup[AncCatFType],Field.Length]
print "Adding fields to working table and calculating density..."
gp.AddMessage("Adding fields to working table and calculating density...")
# AddField_management (in_table, field_name, field_type, field_precision, field_scale, field_length, field_alias, field_is_nullable, field_is_required, field_domain)
for Field in ["DENSITY","POPAREA","PDENSITY"]:
gp.AddField_management(PopWorkingTable, Field, "DOUBLE")
gp.AddField_management(PopWorkingTable, "REPCAT", FieldProps[0], "", "", FieldProps[1])
# MakeTableView_management (in_table, out_view)
PopWTableView = gp.MakeTableView_management(PopWorkingTable, "PopWTableView")
gp.CalculateField_management(PopWTableView, "DENSITY", "[" + PopFieldName + "] / [" + AreaFieldName + "]")
# Get appropriate wrappers for fieldnames for queries - " " or [ ]
Wrp = {}
pFC, aFC, oFC = PopFeatureClass, AncFeatureClass, OutFeatureClass
for fc in [pFC, aFC, oFC]:
description = gp.Describe(fc)
if description.DataType == 'FeatureClass':
Wrp[fc], fL = ['[',']'], 255
Wrp[fc], fL = ['"','"'], 10 # If the output feature class is a shapefile, fieldnames will be truncated.
# Process: Add Field...
# Create a list of the fields to add
print "Adding fields to the output table..."
gp.AddMessage("Adding fields to the output table...")
gp.AddField_management(OutFeatureClass, Field, "DOUBLE")
# Process: gather unique IDs
# Gather unique ancillary IDs into a table
print "Collecting unique ancillary categories and building indices..."
gp.AddMessage("Collecting unique ancillary categories and building indices..")
AncCategoryTableName = NameCheck("AncCategoryTable")
AncCatTable = gp.Frequency_analysis(OutFeatureClass, AncCategoryTableName + TableSuffix, AncCatName[:fL])
# Gather the IDs from the table to a python list object - GetValues is a function defined below
def GetValues(Table, Field):
InList = []
if Table and Table <> "#":
FieldList = gp.ListFields(Table, Field)
FieldObj = FieldList.Next()
Rows = gp.SearchCursor(Table)
Row = Rows.Next()
if FieldObj.Type == "String":
while Row:
Row = Rows.Next()
while Row:
Row = Rows.Next()
Rows, Row, FieldList, FieldObj = None, None, None, None
return InList
InAncCatList = GetValues(AncCatTable, AncCatName)
OutAncCatList = InAncCatList
if AncCatFType == "String":
InAncCatList = ["'" + AncCat + "'" for AncCat in InAncCatList]
OutAncCatList = ['"' + AncCat + '"' for AncCat in OutAncCatList]
PopFeatureClass, PopLayerName, AncLayerName, AncDissolveName, FieldTypeLookup = None, None, None, None, None
Fields, description, fc, Field, AncCategoryTableName = None, None, None, None, None
# Create an index on both source unit ID and ancillary ID to speed processing
# AddIndex_management (in_table, fields, index_name, unique, ascending)
gp.AddIndex_management(OutFeatureClass, AncCatName[:fL], AncCatName + "_atx")
gp.AddIndex_management(OutFeatureClass, PopKeyName[:fL], PopKeyName + "_atx")
# Calculate area of all the intersected polygons
# - note that the units are determined by the linear unit of the dataset's spatial reference
# Calculate areas function adapted from ESRI Calculate Areas Python script
if Wrp[oFC][0] == '"':
print "Calculating area of intersected polygons..."
gp.AddMessage("Calculating area of intersected polygons...")
gp.AddField_management(OutFeatureClass, "NEWAREA", "DOUBLE")
pFields = gp.ListFields(OutFeatureClass)
pField = pFields.Next()
while pField:
sName = (pField.Name).upper()
sType = pField.Type
if sType == "Geometry":
sShapeField = sName
pField = pFields.Next()
pFields = None
pRows = gp.UpdateCursor(OutFeatureClass)
pRow = pRows.Next()
while pRow <> None:
pGeometry = pRow.GetValue(sShapeField)
sArea = pGeometry.Area
pRow = pRows.Next()
pRows = None
NewArea = "NEWAREA"
del pField, sName, sType, sShapeField, pRow, pGeometry, sArea
elif Wrp[oFC][0] == '[':
NewArea = "Shape_Area"
# Create dictionary object of ancillary classes and their preset densities, as well as list of classes preset to zero
UninhabList, UnsampledList = [], []
InPresetCatList = GetValues(PresetTable, AncCatName)
OutPresetCatList = InPresetCatList
if AncCatFType == "String":
InPresetCatList = ["'" + AncCat + "'" for AncCat in InPresetCatList]
OutPresetCatList = ['"' + AncCat + '"' for AncCat in OutPresetCatList]
PresetValList = GetValues(PresetTable, PresetField)
i = 0
for PresetCat in InPresetCatList:
if float(PresetValList[i]) == 0:
i = i + 1
i = None
# Make layer from the feature class for selection purposes
OutLayer = gp.MakeFeatureLayer(OutFeatureClass,OutLayerName + "_lyr")
# Create a summary table of the "populated" area of each population source unit
print "Creating summary table with the populated area of each source unit..."
gp.AddMessage("Creating summary table with the populated area of each source unit...")
# SelectLayerByAttribute_management (in_layer_or_view, selection_type, where_clause)
if UninhabList:
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", Wrp[oFC][0] + AncCatName[:fL] + Wrp[oFC][1] + " NOT IN (" + ", ".join(UninhabList) + ")")
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
InhabAreaTableName = NameCheck("InhabAreaTable")
# Statistics_analysis (in_table, out_table, statistics_fields, case_field)
InhabAreaTable = gp.Frequency_analysis(OutLayer, InhabAreaTableName + TableSuffix, PopKeyName[:fL], NewArea)
# AddJoin_management (in_layer_or_view, in_field, join_table, join_field, join_type)
gp.AddJoin_management(OutLayer, PopKeyName[:fL], InhabAreaTable, PopKeyName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
# CalculateField_management (in_table, field, expression)
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, OutLayerName + ".POPAREA", "[" + InhabAreaTableName + "." + NewArea + "]")
# RemoveJoin_management (in_layer_or_view, join_name)
gp.RemoveJoin_management(OutLayer, InhabAreaTableName)
# Do the same for the POPAREA field in the PopWorkingTable
gp.AddJoin_management(PopWTableView, PopKeyName[:fL], InhabAreaTable, PopKeyName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
gp.CalculateField_management(PopWTableView, PopWorkingTableName + ".POPAREA", "[" + InhabAreaTableName + "." + NewArea + "]")
gp.RemoveJoin_management(PopWTableView, InhabAreaTableName)
del InhabAreaTableName
# The default value for a number field is zero in a shapefile, but is null in a geodatabase
# These nulls cause problems in summary operations, so define a function to set them to zero.
def RemoveNulls(Table,Field,Wrp,OutFeatureClass):
Table = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(Table, "NEW_SELECTION", Wrp[oFC][0] + Field + Wrp[oFC][1] + " IS NULL")
if gp.GetCount_management(Table):
gp.CalculateField_management(Table, Field, "0")
# Select all non-zero population units (dividing by zero to get density is bad)
POPAREAWhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + "POPAREA" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " > 0"
PopWTableView = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(PopWTableView, "NEW_SELECTION", POPAREAWhereClause)
gp.CalculateField_management(PopWTableView, "PDENSITY", "[" + PopFieldName[:fL] + "] / [POPAREA]")
# Begin selection process...
print "Selecting representative source units..."
gp.AddMessage("Selecting representative source units...")
# The goal is to calculate "representative" population density values for each ancillary class
# - by selecting all population units that "represent" that ancillary class and summing population and area.
# - There are three methods for selecting "representative" units: Centroid, Wholly Contained, and Percent Area
if SelectMethod == "PERCENT_AREA":
# Percent area method
# ***We are assuming the same selection set here - only inhabited classes
PercentAreaTableName = NameCheck("PercentAreaTable")
Outlayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", POPAREAWhereClause)
# Frequency_analysis (in_table, out_table, frequency_fields, summary_fields)
PercentAreaTable = gp.Frequency_analysis(OutLayer, PercentAreaTableName + TableSuffix, PopKeyName[:fL] + ";" + AncCatName[:fL] + ";POPAREA", NewArea)
gp.AddField_management(PercentAreaTable, "Percent", "DOUBLE")
# CalculateField_management (in_table, field, expression)
gp.CalculateField_management(PercentAreaTable, "Percent", "[" + NewArea + "] / [POPAREA]")
for InAncCat, OutAncCat in zip(InAncCatList, OutAncCatList):
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + "Percent" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " >= " + Percent
WhereClause = WhereClause + " AND " + Wrp[oFC][0] + AncCatName[:fL] + Wrp[oFC][1] + " = " + InAncCat
PopSelSetName = NameCheck("PopSelSet")
# TableSelect_analysis (in_table, out_table, where_clause)
PopSelSet = gp.TableSelect_analysis(PercentAreaTable, PopSelSetName, WhereClause)
# GetCount_management (in_rows)
Count = gp.GetCount_management(PopSelSet)
print InAncCat + " has " + str(Count) + " representative source units."
gp.AddMessage(InAncCat + " has " + str(Count) + " representative source units.")
# If the selection set is not empty...
if Count >= long(SampleMin):
# AddJoin_management (in_layer_or_view, in_field, join_table, join_field, join_type)
gp.AddJoin_management(PopWTableView, PopKeyName[:fL], PopSelSet, PopKeyName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
# Designate these source units as representative of the current ancillary category by putting the category value in the REPCAT field
gp.CalculateField_management(PopWTableView, PopWorkingTableName + ".REPCAT", OutAncCat)
# RemoveJoin_management (in_layer_or_view, join_name)
gp.RemoveJoin_management(PopWTableView, PopSelSetName)
# Flag this class if it was insufficiently sampled and not preset
elif InAncCat not in InPresetCatList:
# End loop for this ancillary class...
else: # For Centroid or Wholly Contained Methods...
for InAncCat, OutAncCat in zip(InAncCatList, OutAncCatList):
WhereClause = Wrp[aFC][0] + AncCatName[:fL] + Wrp[aFC][1] + " = " + InAncCat
AncLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(AncLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", WhereClause)
# Select ancillary class polygons
if SelectMethod == "HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN": # Centroid Selection Method
PopLayer = gp.SelectLayerByLocation_management(PopLayer, SelectMethod, AncLayer, 0, "NEW_SELECTION")
elif SelectMethod == "CONTAINED_BY": # Wholly Contained Method
PopLayer = gp.SelectLayerByLocation_management(PopLayer, SelectMethod, AncLayer, 0, "NEW_SELECTION")
# GetCount_management (in_rows)
Count = gp.GetCount_management(PopLayer)
print InAncCat + " has " + str(Count) + " representative source units."
gp.AddMessage(InAncCat + " has " + str(Count) + " representative source units.")
# If the selection set is not empty...
if Count >= long(SampleMin):
PopSelSetName = NameCheck("PopSelSet")
# Create a new, temporary table containing the IDs of the selected source units
PopSelSet = gp.Frequency_analysis(PopLayer, PopSelSetName, PopKeyName)
# Join this table to the working table
gp.AddJoin_management(PopWTableView, PopKeyName[:fL], PopSelSet, PopKeyName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
# Designate these source units as representative of the current ancillary category by putting the category value in the REPCAT field
gp.CalculateField_management(PopWTableView, "REPCAT", OutAncCat)
# Remove the join and clean up the temporary table
gp.RemoveJoin_management(PopWTableView, PopSelSetName)
PopSelSetName = None
# Flag this class if it was insufficiently sampled and not preset
elif InAncCat not in InPresetCatList:
# End loop for this ancillary class...
# End divide over selection method...
AncFeatureClass, SelectMethod, Percent, SampleMin, PopLayer, InAncCatList = None, None, None, None, None, None
AncLayer, OutAncCatList, PopWorkingTableName, UninhabList, POPAREAWhereClause = None, None, None, None, None
# For each ancillary class (listed in the REPCAT field) calculate sum of population and area and statistics
# - (count, mean, min, max, stddev) of densities further analysis
print "Calculating statistics for selected classes..."
gp.AddMessage("Calculating statistics for selected classes...")
# Make sure there are representative classes.
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + "REPCAT" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " IS NOT NULL"
if AncCatFType == "String":
WhereClause = WhereClause + " AND " + Wrp[oFC][0] + "REPCAT" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " <> ''"
aPopWTableView = gp.MakeTableView_management(PopWorkingTable, "aPopWTableView", WhereClause)
AncDensTableName = NameCheck("SamplingSummaryTable")
if gp.GetCount_management(aPopWTableView):
# Statistics_analysis (in_table, out_table, statistics_fields, case_field)
AncDensTable = gp.Statistics_analysis(aPopWTableView, AncDensTableName + TableSuffix, PopFieldName[:fL] + " SUM; " + AreaFieldName[:fL] + " SUM; DENSITY MEAN; DENSITY MIN; DENSITY MAX; DENSITY STD; POPAREA SUM; PDENSITY MEAN; PDENSITY MIN; PDENSITY MAX; PDENSITY STD;" , "REPCAT")
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "CLASSDENS", "DOUBLE")
# Calculate an initial population estimate for each polygon in this class by multiplying the representative class densities by the polygon areas
gp.CalculateField_management(AncDensTable, "CLASSDENS", "[" + ("SUM_" + PopFieldName)[:fL] + "] / [" + "SUM_POPAREA"[:fL] + "]")
# Add a field that designates these classes as "Sampled"
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "METHOD", "TEXT", "", "", "7")
gp.CalculateField_management(AncDensTable, "METHOD", '"Sampled"')
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "PreDens", "DOUBLE")
# For all sampled classes that are not preset, calculate a population estimate for every intersected polygon by joining the AncDensTable and multiplying the class density by the polygon area.
print "Calculating first population estimate for sampled and preset classes..."
gp.AddMessage("Calculating first population estimate for sampled and preset classes...")
gp.AddJoin_management(OutLayer, AncCatName[:fL], AncDensTable, "REPCAT", "KEEP_COMMON")
if PresetTable and PresetTable <> "#":
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + OutLayerName + "." + AncCatName[:fL] + Wrp[oFC][1] + " NOT IN (" + ", ".join(InPresetCatList) + ")"
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", WhereClause)
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, OutLayerName + ".POPEST", "[" + OutLayerName + "." + NewArea + "] * [" + AncDensTableName + ".CLASSDENS]")
gp.RemoveJoin_management(OutLayer, AncDensTableName)
# CreateTable_management (out_path, out_name, template, config_keyword)
AncDensTable = CreateTable_management(OutWorkspace, AncDensTableName + TableSuffix)
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "REPCAT", FieldProps[0], "", "", FieldProps[1])
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "CLASSDENS", "DOUBLE")
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "METHOD", "TEXT", "", "", "7")
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable, "PreDens", "DOUBLE")
if PresetTable and PresetTable <> "#":
print "Adding preset values to the summary table..."
gp.AddMessage("Adding preset values to the summary table...")
# Now, for the preset classes, calculate a population estimate for every intersected polygon by joining the Preset Table and multiplying the preset density by the polygon area
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
gp.AddJoin_management(OutLayer, AncCatName[:fL], PresetTable, AncCatName, "KEEP_COMMON")
PresetTableName = GetLayerName(PresetTable)
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, "POPEST", "[" + OutLayerName + "." + NewArea + "] * [" + PresetTableName + "." + PresetField + "]")
# Add these preset values to the AncDensTable for comparison purposes.
i = 0
for InPresetCat in InPresetCatList:
AncDensTableView = gp.MakeTableView_management(AncDensTable, "AncDensTableView", Wrp[oFC][0] + "REPCAT" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " = " + InPresetCat)
Count = gp.GetCount_management(AncDensTableView)
if Count > 0:
gp.CalculateField_management(AncDensTableView, "PreDens", PresetValList[i])
gp.CalculateField_management(AncDensTableView, "METHOD", "'Preset'")
rows = gp.InsertCursor(AncDensTable)
row = rows.NewRow()
row.PreDens = PresetValList[i]
row.METHOD = "Preset"
row.REPCAT = OutPresetCatList[i]
row, rows = None, None
i = i + 1
OutPresetCatList, InPresetCatList, i = None, None, None
GetLayerName, AreaFieldName, PresetTable, PresetField = None, None, None, None
OutWorkspace, FieldProps, PresetValList, AncDensTableName = None, None, None, None
# Intelligent areal weighting for unsampled classes
# - for every source population unit sum the initial population estimates and compare
# - the result to the actual count for the unit. Distribute any residual population
# - among the remaining unsampled inhabited dasymetric polygons
print "Performing intelligent areal weighting for unsampled classes..."
gp.AddMessage("Performing intelligent areal weighting for unsampled classes...")
if UnsampledList:
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", Wrp[oFC][0] + AncCatName[:fL] + Wrp[oFC][1] + " IN (" + ", ".join(UnsampledList) + ")")
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, "REMAREA", "[" + NewArea + "]")
RemainderTableName = NameCheck("RemainderTable")
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "CLEAR_SELECTION") # To clear previous selection set
RemainderTable = gp.Frequency_analysis(OutLayer, RemainderTableName + TableSuffix, PopKeyName[:fL] + ";" + PopFieldName[:fL], "POPEST;REMAREA")
gp.AddField_management(RemainderTable, "POPDIFF", "DOUBLE")
gp.CalculateField_management(RemainderTable, "POPDIFF", "[" + PopFieldName[:fL] + "] - [POPEST]")
gp.AddJoin_management(OutLayer, PopKeyName[:fL], RemainderTable, PopKeyName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + RemainderTableName + ".POPDIFF" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " > 0"
WhereClause = WhereClause + " AND " + Wrp[oFC][0] + RemainderTableName + ".REMAREA" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " <> 0"
gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", WhereClause)
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, OutLayerName + ".POPEST", "[" + RemainderTableName + ".POPDIFF] * [" + OutLayerName + ".REMAREA] / [" + RemainderTableName + ".REMAREA]")
gp.RemoveJoin_management(OutLayer, RemainderTableName)
# Calculate population density values for these unsampled classes
# - for every unsampled ancillary class, sum total area and total population estimated using intelligent areal weighting. Calculate class representative density.
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + AncCatName[:fL] + Wrp[oFC][1] + " IN (" + ", ".join(UnsampledList) + ")"
WhereClause = WhereClause + " AND " + Wrp[oFC][0] + PopFieldName[:fL] + Wrp[oFC][1] + " <> 0"
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", WhereClause)
AncDensTable2Name = NameCheck("AncDensTable2")
AncDensTable2 = gp.Frequency_analysis(OutLayer, AncDensTable2Name + TableSuffix, AncCatName[:fL], "POPEST;POPAREA")
gp.AddField_management(AncDensTable2, "CLASSDENS", "DOUBLE")
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + "POPAREA" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " > 0"
AncDensTable2View = gp.MakeTableView_management(AncDensTable2, "AncDensTable2View", WhereClause)
gp.CalculateField_management(AncDensTable2View, "CLASSDENS", "[POPEST] / [POPAREA]")
gp.AddJoin_management(OutLayer, AncCatName[:fL], AncDensTable2, AncCatName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
# - Again recalculate population estimate field (POPEST) using new representative density for final stats analysis
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, OutLayerName + ".POPEST", "[" + OutLayerName + "." + NewArea + "] * [" + AncDensTable2Name + ".CLASSDENS]")
gp.RemoveJoin_management(OutLayer, AncDensTable2Name)
def GetNumVals(Table, Field):
InList = []
if Table:
Rows = gp.SearchCursor(Table)
Row = Rows.Next()
while Row:
Row = Rows.Next()
Rows, Row = None, None
return InList
# - Lastly, add these IAW values to the AncDensTable
IAWValList = GetNumVals(AncDensTable2, "CLASSDENS")
UnsampledList = GetNumVals(AncDensTable2, AncCatName)
for i in range(0, len(IAWValList)):
rows = gp.InsertCursor(AncDensTable)
row = rows.NewRow()
row.CLASSDENS = IAWValList[i]
row.METHOD = "IAW"
row.REPCAT = UnsampledList[i]
del row, rows
IAWValList, UnsampledList = None, None
# Perform final calculations to ensure pycnophylactic integrity
print "Performing final calculations to ensure pycnophylactic integrity..."
gp.AddMessage("Performing final calculations to ensure pycnophylactic integrity...")
# For each population source unit, sum the population estimates,
# - which do not necessarily sum to the actual population of the source,
# - and use the ratio of the estimates to the estimated total to distribute the actual total.
PopEstSumTableName = NameCheck("PopEstSumTable")
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "CLEAR_SELECTION") # To clear previous selection set
PopEstSumTable = gp.Frequency_analysis(OutLayer, PopEstSumTableName + TableSuffix, PopKeyName[:fL], "POPEST")
gp.AddJoin_management(OutLayer, PopKeyName[:fL], PopEstSumTable, PopKeyName[:fL], "KEEP_COMMON")
# The ratio of each dasymetric unit's population estimate to this sum is called the total fraction
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + PopEstSumTableName + ".POPEST" + Wrp[oFC][1] + " <> 0"
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", WhereClause)
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, "TOTALFRACT", "[" + OutLayerName + ".POPEST] / [" + PopEstSumTableName + ".POPEST]")
gp.RemoveJoin_management(OutLayer, PopEstSumTableName)
# The total fraction times the actual population is the true dasymetric estimate
# [NEWPOP] = [TOTALFRACT] * [source unit pop] = [source unit pop] * [POPEST] / PopEstSum
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, "NEWPOP", "[" + PopFieldName[:fL] + "] * [TOTALFRACT]")
# Calculate a final density value for statistical purposes
WhereClause = Wrp[oFC][0] + NewArea + Wrp[oFC][1] + " <> 0"
OutLayer = gp.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(OutLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", WhereClause)
gp.CalculateField_management(OutLayer, "NEWDENSITY", "[NEWPOP] / [" + NewArea + "]")
# Lastly create an official output statistics table
print "Creating a final summary table"
gp.AddMessage("Creating a final summary table")
FinalSummaryTableName = NameCheck("FinalSummaryTable")
gp.Statistics_analysis(OutFeatureClass, FinalSummaryTableName + TableSuffix, "NEWPOP SUM; NEWDENSITY MEAN; NEWDENSITY MIN; NEWDENSITY MAX; NEWDENSITY STD", AncCatName[:fL])
FinalSummaryTableName, NewArea, OutFeatureClass, WhereClause, PopFieldName = None, None, None, None, None
PopEstSumTableName, RemoveNulls, PresetTableName, OutLayerName, PopKeyName = None, None, None, None, None
RemainderTableName, AncCatName, PopFieldName, NameCheck, GetValues = None, None, None, None, None
Wrp, fL, pFC, aFC, oFC = None, None, None, None, None
del gp
except: # If an error occurred print the message to the screen
print gp.GetMessages(2)
del gp
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ghost commented Apr 18, 2017

Hi @danabauer might you be willing to chat with me about this next week? I'm at the Census Bureau and we're starting a new OSS project wherein something to this end would be really handy...

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