- With a Homebrewed Python installation, tips from NPR news apps team: http://blog.apps.npr.org/2013/06/06/how-to-setup-a-developers-environment.html
- Hitchhiker's guide to Python (mac): http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/starting/install3/osx/#install3-osx
- https://hackercodex.com/guide/mac-development-configuration/
- https://hackercodex.com/guide/python-development-environment-on-mac-osx/
- python 2/3, virtuanlenv, virtualenvwrapper: http://www.marinamele.com/2014/07/install-python3-on-mac-os-x-and-use-virtualenv-and-virtualenvwrapper.html
- setting up virtualenvwrapper in you bash_profile: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23997403/installed-virtualenv-and-virtualenvwrapper-python-says-no-module-named-virtuale
- KyngChaos installers for geo: http://www.kyngchaos.com/
- Anaconda for data science: https://www.continuum.io/downloads
- GDAL tarballs for all releases are here: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/DownloadSource
- really detailed instructions for building GDAL and dependencies on a mac are here: https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/BuildingOnMac and here: http://www.kyngchaos.com/macosx/build/gdal (what is up with all that shiz in the config file?)
- virtualenv friendly versions of GDAL with some installation instructions: https://github.com/dezhin/pygdal
- pypi page for the pygdal: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygdal/
- installing GEOS, PROJ, GDAL/OGR into a python virtualenv on Mac OS X (this is 6 years old but it has super helpful comments about putting the geo-related frameworks on your path also the special thing you have to do with the gdal path): https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/6360/installing-geos-proj-gdal-ogr-into-a-python-virtualenv-on-mac-os-x/198596#198596
- Install GDAL python package in virtualenv on mac (This is the most recent answer I could find; looks promising): https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/198425/install-gdal-python-package-in-virtualenv-on-mac
- One of the comments shows what you need to put on your path -- export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Headers:$PATH-- before you pip install (or download) GDAL: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37700484/python-gdal-does-not-install-on-mac-osx-el-capitan
- Python package index (pypi) page for GDAL 2.1.3 has some helpful installation instructions: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/GDAL
- install gdal2 on your system with homebrew: https://www.karambelkar.info/2016/10/gdal-2-on-mac-with-homebrew/
- GDAL on OSX: VERY IMPORTANT FIND. Includes tips on how to find the gdal.pth file and how to copy it into your virtualenv. Also how to handle this in a dockerfile for deployment https://gist.github.com/whalesalad/e5143432f6b69dba3303d07ccb8d8d39
That moment you realize that the amazing Sean Gilles figured out how to do GIS-python on a mac in 2008
- See his comment here
- his blog post here: https://sgillies.net/2008/12/23/i-can-has-python-and-gis-environments.html
- and his old script here: https://github.com/sgillies/ichpage
- virtualenv on ubuntu with deprecated pip commands (but maybe still helpful): https://gist.github.com/cspanring/5680334
- another virtualenv on ubuntu recipe with deprecated pip commands: http://www.iup.uni-bremen.de/~hilboll/blog/2013/2013-10_installing-gdal-in-a-virtualenv.html
Setting up a geo developer environment on Linux
- Sara Safavi's tips for gdal installation on Ubuntu: http://www.sarasafavi.com/installing-gdalogr-on-ubuntu.html (Sara also teaches a getting started workshop for gdal, with installatin instructions for mac/windows/linux: http://slides.sarasafavi.com/gdal/)
- building gdal in a virtualenv: https://gist.github.com/cspanring/5680334
- CartoDB stack on Ubuntu: https://github.com/danseely/cartodb-install/blob/master/DEV-INSTALLATION.md
Other notes about setting up mac