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Created September 10, 2020 12:32
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${font sans-serif:bold:size=11}$alignc $nodename - $sysname $kernel
${font sans-serif:normal:size=10}Uptime: $color $uptime Freq: $freq_g GHz
${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}HARDWARE${hr 2}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}${execi 1000 grep model /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d : -f2 | tail -1 | sed 's/\s//'}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}${color 0066ff}${cpugraph cpu1}
${color white}CPU: ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}Tctl: ${execi 1 /usr/bin/sensors | grep Tctl|cut -d+ -f2} ${alignr}Fan: ${execi 1 /usr/bin/sensors | grep fan2|cut -d ":" -f2|cut -d "R" -f1|xargs}RPM
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}SysFan1: ${execi 1 /usr/bin/sensors | grep fan3|cut -d ":" -f2|cut -d "R" -f1|xargs}RPM ${alignr} SysFan3: ${execi 1 /usr/bin/sensors | grep fan5|cut -d ":" -f2|cut -d "R" -f1|xargs}RPM
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}RAM $alignc $mem / $memmax $alignr $memperc%
${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}DISK${hr 2}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}/ $alignc ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} $alignr ${fs_used_perc /}%
${fs_bar /}
${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}NETWORK${hr 2}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}Local IPs:${alignr}External IP:
${execi 1000 ip a | grep inet | grep -vw lo | grep -v inet6 | cut -d \/ -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9\.]*//g'} ${alignr}${execi 1000 wget -q -O-; echo}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}Down: ${downspeed enp34s0} ${alignr}Up: ${upspeed enp34s0}
${color lightgreen}${downspeedgraph enp34s0 80,130 } ${color FF4500}${alignr}${upspeedgraph enp34s0 80,130 }
$color${font sans-serif:bold:size=10}TOP${hr 2}
${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}Name $alignr PID CPU% MEM%${font sans-serif:normal:size=8}
${top name 1} $alignr ${top pid 1} ${top cpu 1}% ${top mem 1}%
${top name 2} $alignr ${top pid 2} ${top cpu 2}% ${top mem 2}%
${top name 3} $alignr ${top pid 3} ${top cpu 3}% ${top mem 3}%
${top name 4} $alignr ${top pid 4} ${top cpu 4}% ${top mem 4}%
${top name 5} $alignr ${top pid 5} ${top cpu 5}% ${top mem 5}%
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