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Last active August 5, 2024 09:27
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Generate Google access token for service-account in Cloudflare workers environment
You can use the code below in Cloudfalre worker environment to generate a Google access token
for a service-account.
Run this code in a worker cron so you always have a fresh token in your KV that can be used by other workers.
The generated token here will be valid for 3600 seconds, but you can change that in your code.
The code assumes that you have a KV mapped to 'PROPERTIES' in you wrangler.toml file
You must create a service-user and assign to it the roles that you need in google console.
Then take the JSON that you get and paste it below
This code also assumes that you have your private key mapped to a variable `PRIVATE_KEY`
Note that currently `wrangler secret put PRIVATE_KEY` will not be able to save private keys because they are too long.
Instead, use Cloudflare dashboard UI to save this as an environemnt variable for your worker
import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
const ServiceAccountJson = {
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "project-id",
"private_key_id": "92c482736826384a88",
"private_key": PRIVATE_KEY,
"client_email": "[email protected]",
"client_id": "87263847628736478",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""
addEventListener('scheduled', event => {
//store it under whatever key that you want.
//Use the permission scope that you need for your access token
async function handleScheduled() {
await generateKey(ServiceAccountJson, 'GOOGLE_FIRESTORE_ACCESS_TOKEN', '')
async function generateKey(serviceAccount, property, aud) {
const now = new Date()
const NOW = Math.floor( now.getTime() / 1000);
const token = jwt.sign({
iss: serviceAccount.client_email,
sub: serviceAccount.client_email,
iat: NOW,
exp: NOW + 3600
algorithm: 'RS256',
keyid: serviceAccount.private_key_id
//store token in KV
await PROPERTIES.put(property, token)
console.log('generated token', property)
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danbars commented Aug 5, 2024

Since this code was written I actually moved to @tsndr/cloudflare-worker-jwt which seems to be well maintained and works really well for me in Cloudflare workers environment

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