Iogi is used to unmarshall the HTTP Request and create a instance of a class, and populate that instance using values from the request parameters.
For example, when using the aerogear-controller-demo and entering the color and model of the car, the following parameters will be passed in the HTTP POST as form data:
AeroGear Controller knows the type of the parameter for the target method, which it has gathered from the route configuration. By utilizing Iogi, it is very easy to create an instance of Car and populate its members color and brand:
LinkedList<Parameter> requestParameters = new LinkedList<Parameter>();
// populate the list with the request parameters/values
Target<?> target = Target.create(org.jboss.aerogear.controller.demo.model.Car.class, "car");
Car car = iogi.instantiate(target, requestParameters.toArray(new Parameter[]{}));
The actual code in AeroGear Controller does not look like this but hopefully this makes it easier to see what is going on.